"All truth passes through 3 stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer
(1788-1860) German philosopher
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Sometimes, not always. The same can be said of lies, philosophies, etc. - sometimes, not always.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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     -- jim k, austin      
    I like this quote, it goes with the three laws of communication: "Tell 'em what you are going to tell 'em, tell 'em, and tell 'em that you told 'em". I can think of two instances to prove Schopenhauer. Reagan and Bush apposed the Brady Bill for a long time maybe six years or so. When Bill Clinton signed it they well yeah it is just common sense and Reagan added something to the effect that Californina had already had a similar state law. (Bill Clinton remarked how they had opposed it while they were in the People's House and he was the only Prez who had the balls to do something about it, when he could.) The Brady Bill it would seem went through a few more than three stages of revelation before being passed but I hope you see my point. Bush II and his hangers-on have RIDICULED and OPPOSED the thesis of climate change and is slowly passing through the stage of eureka or SELF-EVIDENCE.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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     -- RobertSRQ     
    Funny! Only Waffler would use this quote to further his own political beliefs. I have no doubt that science will (and currently does) disprove the Apocalyptic predictions of Algore, Inc. In the 70s Time and Newsweek hailed the coming Ice Age to last for possibly thousands of years -- isn't anyone happy now that mankind has stopped it? ;-) Junk science never lasts -- the truth always remains. Is pollution bad? YES. Is there 'climate change'? Duh. Is the Earth warming? Yes -- ever since the last Ice Age -- when it stops, then you can worry. Can man change the weather? Let's hope not!! As far as I can tell, globalists are not trying to save human lives -- they are trying to reduce them -- quickly and by whatever means possible. Such arrogance is ridiculed, opposed and will ultimately be shown to be self-evident BS. Algore has made MILLIONS of dollars from this presentation -- and he uses more energy in a single month than most of us use in 5 years. If that isn't deserving of ridicule, I don't know what is. Algore is not Galileo -- he isn't even trained in meteorology nor has he ANY degrees in scientific study. His arrogance and hypocrisy are self-evident. Truth is not decided by popularity -- that is why it is relatively unknown.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Archer I did not promote any politcal beliefs, I only pointed out two examples of creeping or apparently creeping truths whcih attest to what the quote is saying. You on the other hand, you on the other hand leave us flabergasted with your politcal harangue.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    According to Archer the popularity of an idea directly correlates to it being a lie. Truth directly correlates to its degree of obscurity. Thus ultimate truth is ensconced in Archer himself. His argument or discussion flies in the face of the advancing light doctrine and of the slow but progressive enlightenmnet that Schopenhauer is espousing. Archers philosophy of the truth being relatively unknown is the hypocrisy and arrogance of the know it all dictator.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    My hairs are raised along my spine. Its visceral. Looking at it from political prism, right now here in AK everybody is tad upset with media and lower 48 politics because all the fuss about Ted. Soon enough, people will be furiously opposing any kind of validation of the truth, then when the historians will look back, they will see and say, "oh of course, its quiet evident, bridge to no where, GIVE ME A BREAK!?!?!?"
     -- RKA, Wasilla, AK     
    The most repeated lie is that government spends money. Why should they spend money when everyone will risk their lives for credit and the Fed said that their system "works only with credit?" WHY will no one accept my offer of 100 pounds of money for just describing the money that government spends? Credit exists only in the mind. They must control the minds of most to work all of us with credit. Don't most berlieve the lie that government spends money? www.morpix.biz/dc
     -- Anonymous     
    More applicable to lies I would say.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
    The thesis of climate change is just that. It is unnecessary. Climate has been changing as long as there has been one. It will continue to change regardless of what we do to try to control it. The process of the three steps with climate change hysteria has been: 1. accepted as truth. Then 2. Opposed. Now 3. Ridiculed. The inventor of the model that started the whole hubbub has concluded that the model does not apply. He has been searching for a correlation between the model he created and our atmospheric conditions and has come to the conclusion that there is nothing going on. Global warming's inventor is now one of your Global warming deniers. Only the fools and idiots are still clinging to the broken theory. Face it giving up on a theory that you have devised is very hard to do and many of the original advocates are doing just that. The warming trend that was thought to be happening has been in reverse since 1998. In spite of the fact that 2 of the stations contributing data have been shut down by the Russians. These were 2 of the lowest average temps that were being put into the data and no compensation was done to the model to take into account for the missing data skewing the result. Even when a few so called scientists were caught having moved the temperature probes to roof tops next to AC exhausts to try to skew the data upwards it didn't help keep the temps up. The only science left is the science of propaganda.
     -- warren, olathe     
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    We should alter Mr Schopenhauer's formula and skip the first and second stages and allow the truth to be accepted more evidentially.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Climate change is not fact or science.  It is politics. When the left grabs on to a theory they think can be twisted into a political football they make it impossible to make a reasoned and informed argument because those that swallow the propaganda can no longer reason.  It is a perfect example how the left works.  A few years ago, when man made climate changed was debunked, the research centers were caught in fraudulent acts trying to support the propaganda. The last debate that I know of happened in England.  Audience belief in it was at 76%.  After the global warming debaters were destroyed in the debate, the audience polled at 35% belief in it.  Instantly the left declared that the debate was now over, global warming was no longer a theory but now a fact. Al Gore declared it was time to start working on ways to punish deniers for their refusing accept ''the facts".
     -- warren, cook ne     
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    Climate Change is the global boogey-(straw)man to rally the world against as a common enemy.  It is Political Science 101.  The goal is world submission, totalitarianism by any other name.

    The Western cartels of medicine, law, and academia support the monopoly of the fiat banking system that effectively rules the world.  They have simply printed up the money to bankrupt the greedy politicians in governments, then lease back the world after having confiscated it to pay the unpayable debt foisted upon them.

    Then, since the rulers own everything and EVERYONE, those that fight back are the first to be euthanized, followed by all those that cost the government more than they contribute in labor to the State  or have lots of property to seize.

    Those that do not study history are doomed to repeat it.  If Freedom in America falls, the world falls with it.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Yes, the truth is relatively unknown because propaganda is broadcasted 24/7/365, and then the useful idiots (I'm looking at you Waffler) push the lie on all who question it.  It is not the government we have to resist, it's the social justice warriors waging war against the truth and anyone who departs from the party line.  Programming the masses to hate anyone who disagrees with their 'solutions.'

    The plandemic is a perfect example  the unvaxxed are the most discriminated people than any other class.  They are effectively Jews in Nazi Germany and treated similarly. 

    The fascistic Left wish the opposition DEAD.  They have NO TOLERANCE for anyone that isn't a blind follower of their religion worshipping Power.

    I do believe they will reap what they sow and will inherit the wind  let's just not let them take the whole world down with them...
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Because you are still in Stage 1 ... and loving every minute of it.  ;-)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Mr Archer, lovely to make contact with you once again. I don't know what you are referring too in your latest post, but whatever. Mr Archer, I would like to get your response to my comment about our national debt. I would like to say it is the Socialist's desire, notion, dream, vision to pay every cent of the United States debt of 31 trillion plus dollars back in full to it's creditors. My question is, do you see any honorable intent in the assertion?
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Additionally Mr Archer is there anything we could say positive about the Socialist if he has this goal of paying the the nation debt back in full  no matter how outlandish it may be? Would you agree this is a good intention at the very least?
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     

    I would be honored to answer your question, Fred.  While paying off the debt is a worthy intention, it would be fiscally and physically impossible to do so as the money supply itself is 'loaned' into existence.  Those dollar bills being printed are IOU's, not money.  SO you can't pay off IOU's with more IOU's... you are merely transferring the debt (which is the current system by design).

    A central bank that prints money out of nothing and loans it into circulation is a foundational pillar of communism and by extension socialism.  It is completely unconstitutional, and executed under a perpetual state of emergency in the US since 1934 when all the REAL money (not debt) was confiscated by the private Federal Reserve banks as collateral for the Federal Reserve Notes to be used in lieu of cash (gold/silver). 

    In truth, the US government was bankrupted and put into receivership with the Fed.  The US could have simply defaulted on its debt and started over (it was only a few million dollars back then).  Instead the debt has been put onto the People forever and exponentially so.  

    It is lip service only to say that you want to pay off the debt but borrow 5 trillion dollars for entitlement programs.

    Very simply, socialism absolutely requires a central bank that can create money out of nothing and require all to use it.  Gold has literally been made illegal to use as money.  

    And a republican form of government absolutely may not.

    Every single dollar in your, my, and Bill Gates' pockets has been borrowed into circulation, and someone, somewhere is paying interest on these notes.  We are all using debt instruments as currency — guaranteeing perpetual debt forever.  This is not capitalism, it IS socialism (whether communistic or fascistic).

    So the Socialist's desire to pay off the debt is lip service only.  If the debt were to be paid, it would take all the money in the world, and we would still owe more — and there would be NO MONEY for anyone, except the central banks which already lay claim to EVERYTHING anyway.

    Socialism is based upon empty promises that can never be fulfilled — and it's not from a lack of trying.

    Get rid of the funny money cartel, and the world will collapse into war.  And unless the survivors remember what brought them to such degradation, they will be enslaved again.

    Fred, which do you want more, Freedom or Institutionalism?

     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Mr Archer, I don't think you understand or stand by the sponsorship or responsibilities of reason. The products and services we deliver are of very little value. If we can improve the value of our products and services, the Gross Domestic product will reach astronomical proportions and the Gross Domestic Production will be way above the 31 trillion debt obstacle. Say we raise the GDP to 100 or 200 trillion annually don't you think we could start paying down the debt. The GDP is the key. This component can, with the correct supervision can be raised to incredibly high levels. The GDP can be raised tremendously under enlightened management. I want pay this debt and release the mentally ill conventional individual from their brain prison.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     

    Fred, I don't think YOU understand — all the money in circulation is borrowed.  If you have a dollar in your pocket, you are holding an IOU for a dollar.  Exchanging real labor and capital for debt-bearing script is the enslavement of the people.  With a fiat money system, all you can ever do is pass the debt obligation to someone else.

    So all those 31 trillion dollars that the US has 'borrowed' are being used as the nation's currency in the form of US dollars.  When debts are repaid, the dollars are un-minted — i.e. destroyed, eliminated, erased, no more.  With this system, money is created when it is borrowed (i.e. credit) and is destroyed when the principal is paid back.  However, not enough money is created to pay the interest, so that needs to be borrowed, too, at interest.  And that interest cannot be paid unless more money is borrowed and on and on ...

    THAT is the insanity of which you speak.  And socialism cannot ever work without this system — it is its very foundation.

    All we really need is a currency that cannot be manipulated to conduct business.  Gold and silver are the only lawful money, and issuing credit is in fact the right to contract, and we do not need government or banks to issue our own credit — that's what our signature means on a mortgage — you are issuing a promise to pay, certified by the bank.  Your promise creates the money, and fulfilling your promise tears up the note.

    Everybody is trying to get in on the racket now that the cat is out of the bag.  Credit cards, crypto, NFTs, phone cards, Apple cards, digital currency.  All nothing but promises to pay.  As long as those making the promises keep them, all will be well.  Credit should be earned by those that keep their promises.

    The money supply IS the national debt — that's how this system works.  We rent our money supply from the banks that create it out of nothing more than our promise to pay it back with interest, even if we have to keep borrowing more forever.

    I assume the mentally ill of which you speak are the people that have allowed this system to enslave them.  We have been duped.  Is that clearer now?

     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Mr Archer, I don't have the whole situation appraised at this point. But I do know a symptom of mental illness that you display most profound is a no win, no solution, we are all going die complete fools scenario. There is a reasonable solution and instilling an honest day's wage for an day's effort is the right path.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mr Archer, I believe of what you write is clearly diversion. The typical individual knows nothing of responsible behavior, earnings, honest effort. Let us try an honest day's wage for an honest day's effort and then discuss money supply.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mr Archer my observations observe a mentally ill creature employed in every capacity trying to present the our environmental world something wholly different than it appears. The whole employed personnel of the planet earth are mentally ill creatures trying to misrepresent what is real and me, the lone healthy, who is trying to present what is real.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Sillik, your analogy here is like saying we don't need to speak of farms, dairies and ranches because we can go to the honest grocer to get all the food we need or want. SO, if the narrative is focused on an "honest day's wage for an honest day's effort". Contrary to a socialist's perception — a wage deals with "money supply" (exchange for value). Is it honest for the laborer to work a full day's effort without being compensated with a specie of value equal to or contracted for as a medium of exchange with an assessable value (such as by weights and measures?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    It is somewhat necessary to be compensated properly for the labor preformed. But Mr Mike Norwalk we are trying to in final analysis trying to break away from the wage slavery relationship. Mr Mike, Norwalk we are trying to reach a relationship of trust and responsibility. The individuals who control the resources have lost their humanity. The producer is trying to demonstrate the true human qualities and educate the world, not only to higher production, but also higher human development. The wage/labor is primitive, but the producer can take us to a higher dimensional levels of, not only production, but also higher dimensional levels of humanity.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mr Mike Norwalk, there is a step by step transition developmental stages we much reach and attain so we can finally leave the primitive retarding wage/labor relationship. It would be, in my opinion, rewarding for all, to draw the controllers of resources into the production process as soon as possible.  I believe that everyone truly wants to be a productive person and with Humanity rejuvenated among the controllers this can be reestablished. This is the Socialistic formula.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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    Sillik, the socialistic formula you reference is contrary to nature's law. When my business was manufacturing, all the laborers knew they were there by contract, not as an employee but rather, as an independent contractor. Even the insurance was set up under that auspices. Individual sovereigns is NOT a socialistic formula.

    The current economic system is based purely on debt. If "EVERY" FRN (federal reserve note) borrowed was returned to the lender, there would be NO FRNs left. ZERO economy. Another problem with the system is interest charged. If every borrowed FRN is returned, there are NO FRNs left to pay the interest.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    I agree Mr Mike Norwalk, the Socialist does not put his faith in the sovereign arrangement. We trust in the human spirit of community and social bonding. We know when the defecation hits the fan the human spirit will take hold of the situation and the essence of humanity will provide the occasion of crises with the true guide of social responsibility. Self-realization and selfless awareness will take it's place and the human being will rise to unprecedented proportions to overcome any threat.  I personally have to admit, at this point, I don't know much about the operations of the federal reserve note. I do believe, however, all good effort will be properly compensated and that an enlightened people of United States of America could and will pay every penny of of that 31 trillion plus dollars back to it's creditors.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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    And Mr Mike Norwalk you might heard of old adage we have in America. It goes like this: the difficult takes some time, the impossible a little longer.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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    Trust in the human spirit is a sovereign arrangement; anything else is a mental illness' illusion and lie. Socialism as you describe it, is the theocratic enslavement which can be said, is: - the defecation that has / is / will hit the fan. The essence of humanity / the spirit of the noble being exists with inalienable rights in liberty at nature's law — socialism is a demonic despotism describing a most heinous antithesis to such. Through history's MANY applications of socialism, it has been proven over and over again that your religious perception is contradictory to reality, truth and life's actuality.

    An enlightened people can only find the Federal Reserve fiscally contrary to law and abolish it BECAUSE, as it was set up and implemented, it is impossible to pay back — no matter the good intentions or intent.

     -- Mike, Norwalk     

    Sillik, here is a thought to consider. Where did the Federal Reserve get the specie of value (called dollars) to loan out (represented by physical bills {notes representing debt}, electronic representations or other ledger sheet legal fictions)? The worthless specie of debt once represented a medium of exchange with value (gold and silver coin — such require(d) labor; i.e., mining, refining, minting, transportation, etc.). Then, your god (government), under threat, duress and other despotic weaponization of compulsion changed the mind set of individuals so as to accept NON-substantive notes instead of money. Any amount of FRNs that are now existing as debt and owing is a lie — EVERY FRN (dollar) in circulation (recognized or otherwise) is due and owning.

    Sillik, a question for you. How is the NON-substantive FRN (created out of nothing) worth the same that the Parties of society (sentient beings, legal persons, etc. — producers and non-producers) have worked for, slaved for and created services and products with? The pay back is extremely anti-law, un-fair, and NOT equal.

     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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