"In terms of altering sociological patterns, free speech, rather than being the enemy, is a long-tested and worthy ally. To deny free speech in order to engineer social changes in the name of accomplishing a greater good for one sector of our society erodes the freedoms of all."
Sarah Evans Barker
Judge, U. S. District Court
Decision overturning Indianapolis Pornography Ordinance, 19 November 1984
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Reader comments about this quote:
 -- lllloooolllloooll, Anapolis      
I hope she feels the same way about this case: http://cms.ibj.com/ASPXPages/6iframes/FrontEndArticlesDetailPage.aspx?ArticleID=35344&NoFrame=1
 -- Barr Eppley, Indianapolis     
    Over all, this would get a 5 stars from me but, way too much word salad and too much explanation needed. The denial of free speech or even such bias from the 6 o'clock news has been extremely instrumental in eroding the freedoms of all.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Good quote and.understanding that all forms of speech must be free and the expression of same sacred and without unjust penalty.
     -- S Tolo, New York     
    Pelosi and her gang would love to see the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" imposed so as to shut down conservative talk radio. Libs love freedom of speech as long as you are free to agree with them.
     -- jim k, austin     
    I love free speech but I hate liars. Like Rush and Ahmadinejad!
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Sounds like an excuse for forcing people to listen to propaganda...
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Yes, isn't there some law that prohibits lairs. Oh yes, there is one of the Ten Commandments that prohibits bearing false witness. This has to be inferred in the Constitution when talking about free speech. Then we could get rid of liars like Rush Limpbaugh.
     -- Juggs, Corrales     
    Juggs, a question. I haven't heard Rush for a long, long time. Can you give me a few examples of his libelous, or otherwise lying statements?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Well, for one he mis-characterizes "liberals" with his broad and categorical statements about what "Liberals" want. Do you ever watch the "liberal" television station MSNBS, Racheal Maddow often likes to quote "Rush". Rush doesn't get a minute of my time, and never did as it didn't take me long to get the gist of his blame game, hate mongering. Why they let the bigot back on after it became public he was abusing drugs was far beyond me when he bashed any non-straight far right line. His own wives were on welfare because he didn't pay them enough to support his family. All the right wingers love to ditch their wives and go for a newer model, as he did also. But Rush hated anyone on the public dole, etc. Merciless puppet mouth of right, he is.
     -- Juggs, Corrales     
    Juggs and Waff, please name one outright lie that Rush has made. As to Mis -characterizing liberals, he's way to nice to liberals.
     -- jim k, austin     
    Hey, Juggs, how about judging people by their OWN words instead of making broad statements about the people on this site with whom you disagree. Rush hardly represents my views nor do I need his agreement. Obviously Juggs and Waffler listen to Rush -- I don't, it sounds like liberals do though -- how else could they know what he is saying? Speak for yourself -- there are plenty of smart people on this site, you might learn something. Just because someone isn't a Democrat/Liberal doesn't make them a Republican/Conservative -- neither barely represents the ideals of Liberty, Independence, Responsibility, Integrity, Compassion, or Intelligence. The non-Democrat non-Republicans are the silent majority of this country -- and we will not live lives of quiet desperation for much longer -- for the most part we are OK with your left vs. right bickering, but when you throw the nation away for political gain, you are bound to fail. As Henry Brooks Adams said, "Politics is the systematic organization of hatreds," and that explains a party man perfectly.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Juggs, with your too broad, and categorical statements about what Racheal said about Rush, you forgot to give me a single libelous statement or lie Rush said. Hate mongering over his personal life, the drugs he took, his treatment of wives, etc. doesn't address any of the lies he's made. I take it, by your definition of right wing attributes, you must be a merciless puppet mouth of the right.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    I find it a shame our country has turned to only see 2 sides of a coin . Its the 3rd side that nobody pays attention to , that made this country ....Libertarian
     -- Bob Wagner, Cincinnati     
    The news reported this evening that Rush said that Obama was going to change the law to run for a third term. How is that one? I don't write the statements down and I am sorry I cannot back up my claim, but I will stand behind it. And I am not going to listen to him to list them. Sorry. Mike, why would you think I was part of the right? No way, no how. There is no absolute categorical identification for any of us. I have libertarian ideals, and am a democrat with left ideals, and some socialistic ideals. There is far too much power and money in the hands of the few, and the poor and low income, now increasingly middle income people are struggling for no real cause of their own. People are born into wealth, become wealthy at others expense by taking advantage of naive or powerless people, and a few are in the right place at the right time. The majority are struggling yet working their elbows to the bone. One poll said that people looked up to people with money and didn't care how they got it, if they cheated someone to get rich they were admired for being clever. Our capitalism has just gone too far toward corporate power, and we are brainwashed every minute of every day. No I basically find Republicans very smug and passionless people.
     -- Juggs, Corrales     
    I agree with Jim K in Austin. And by the way, if the so-called "Hate Crimes" legislation passes (as if the other crimes are "Love Crimes" for crying out loud), then pastors can be tried for "HATE SPEACH" just for reading out of a Bible the parts that don't agree with the politically correct, "it's illegal to offend me" crowd. On a side note, I happen to be from Laramie, Wyoming, where all of this "hate crimes" nonsense got started. I PERSONALLY KNEW the mother of the guy who killed Matthew Shepherd. She was divorced, (so there was a broken home), and then she died at a young age due to the negligence of her doctor after she had surgery. Her teenage son, completely lost and distraught, turned to drugs and alcohol, and then came into a ton of money from the malpractice suit. He was a completely messed up person after his mom died, and the money only escalated things and made him worse. His murdering of Matthew Shepherd had NOTHING TO DO WITH MATTHEW BEING GAY!! But the media and Hollywood jumped all over it, everyone bought the lie, and very soon it is going to be illegal not only for Christian pastors to preach ALL of the Bible within the walls of their own churches, but it will be the same for those in other religions which also say that homosexual behavior is wrong -- like Jews and Muslims. (Although will they be persecuted for it like the Christians are? I doubt it, because it wouldn't be 'politically correct!') Defining crimes and prosocuting people for their OPINIONS rather than strictly for their ACTIONS is no different than the Orwellian "thought police" in "1984." Welcome to the future, everybody! Oh - and here's the icing on the cake: This bill includes "sexual orientation" as part of the protected classes of people, BUT they refused to include a list of specific sexual orientations. The American Psychiatric Association defines more than 30 different sexual orientations -- including PEDOPHILES -- so they will now be a part of a protected class. Some wise Congressperson tried to add an amendment to the bill to exclude pedophiles from this special protection, BUT THE DEMOCRATS VOTED IT DOWN!!! So now a parent who goes ballistic on someone because they molested their child will not only be charged with assault, but with a HATE CRIME which carries heavier penalties!! Would someone please give me a break?! By the way, if you agree with me that this legislation is a mistake, I implore you to take 5 minutes to call your senators and tell them to oppose S. 909 - the Hate Crimes bill. It is the END of free speach and the free practice of religion in this country. The number for the US Capitol is 202-224-3121. It has already passed the house, and Obama has promised to sign it into LAW.
     -- Adriana, San Diego     
    A man named Ezra Levant has written a book on the Canadian Human Rights Commission is using its powers to censor and control the media, church's and the public in general by way of bringing charges in a quasi-judicial (kangaroo) court. The book is called "Shakedown". Check it out, he's got it nailed. The HRC's of the world have become "inquisitions".
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Juggs, thanks, you need to comment and give your opinion more often. Its obvious we're not going to agree on much but its great to get all sides. Adriana, great post
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Juggs, Rush DID NOT say that Obama was going to change the law to allow for a third term. He said that it was a possibility and referred to FDR who did get additional terms. I suggest that you listen to Rush instead of relying on what the government controlled media says what he says.
     -- jim k, austin     
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