"It is sometimes said that toleration
should be refused to the intolerant.
In practice this would destroy it...
The only remedy for dogmatism and lies
is toleration and the greatest possible
liberty of expression."
Joyce Cary
Power in Men, 1939
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Reader comments about this quote:
Unfortunately, this is largely fallacious, despite how true we might wish it to be. Repeated lies often convince many that the false statements are true. While a certain degree of toleration is in order for a wide variety of opinion, to tolerate indoctrination of lies, lies intended to undermine a society or a community, or to slander persons and bring about their demise or injury, should not be tolerated.
 -- David L Rosenthal     
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    Good point David.
     -- Mike, Mount Holly, NC     
    There is Yin/Yang in this quote. For me, this quote is like a breath of fresh air.
     -- me again     
    Hey David, Real eyes realize real lies. Need I say anymore?
     -- me again     
    The first half of the quote is an absolute. The conclusion thereof is almost never true. "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." (Lenin) The remedy here stated is how the majority of America's liberty was lost. The greatest possible liberty of expression is dwindling (we now have free speach zones around poiticians, etc.). Any review of history proves Cary's remedy inaccurate.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Toleration is not the same as acceptance and non-response. When lies are put forth, they should be met with the truth not ignored. However, that does not mean that you don't tolerate the lier. King George would lock all he disagrees with up with no right to a trial 'cuase he sees them as being traitors just by having a different view... he is intolerant. A real leader would tolerate the differing view and its expression, and would counter with expression of his own view while showing tolerance for the differing view. This quote is right on... and those who do not see this are more than likely in agreement with the intolerance and totalitarian views of King George.
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US     
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    There are a whole host of untruths that we believe in during our lives. The process of Life is an awakening to what is really true -- if we are willing. I'm in agreement with Me Again and Reston.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    The process of life culminates where it must in every case, which in no way justifies the the criminally abusive manipulation exercised by power groups through the use of lies. Need I say more?
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
    Toleration alone of dogmatism(s) and lies such as is/are socialism (communism / collectivism) and/or fascism only breeds intolerance (including that of expression). Once implemented, compelled compliance, theft of the labors fruit, victimless crimes, license, denial of competing religions expressed in public, torture as an interrogation technique, loss of habeas corpus, etc. etc. etc. become the accepted norm and such intolerance (abuse) will not be done away by the greatest possible liberty of expression (even if it had not been limited). Liberty, truth (he who forgets history is doomed to re-live it) and natural/common law must be in the mix for toleration to have a chance of realization.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Anonymous from Reston had an excellent definition of toleration but as to agreeing with the most current malignant tyrant, Anonymous' rants are more the talk of a talker (liberal) refusing to walk the walk. It is the Anonymouses of the world that the King Georges count on to get away with their treacherous tyranny. King George has even made a special play box from which all the friends of Anonymous can rant, far from King George's view.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Largely fallacious? That's like being a little pregnant, a woman either is or isn't. False is false.
     -- Joe, Rochester, MI     
    Scratch largely...replace it with ususally...feel better? Good. It is usually fallacious, sometimes not, depending on the context and circumstances.
     -- David L Rosenthal     
    There was a famous statement: "Let a thousand flowers bloom. Let a thousand thoughts contend." What happened there ?
     -- John Shuttleworth, New York City     
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    Toleration Or Tolerance - ENGLISH FORUMS
    www.englishforums.com › Forums › alt.usage.english
    Nov 24, 2003 · The difference is that "tolerance" is the action or process of exhibiting the referenced attitude; "toleration" is the result of that action or process.
    My apologies. Footnote.
     -- John Shuttleworth, New York City     
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    I disagree with Anonymous and say that toleration DOES mean the same as acceptance and non-response to many people, and the quote can be misleading. Edmund Burke said it best, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” And someone else said, "Not all ideas are created equal."
     -- Durham, Birmingham,AL     
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     -- jim k, austin      
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