"Today's Democratic Party knows our children's education is not complete unless they learn good values. We applaud the efforts of the Clinton-Gore Administration to promote character education in our schools. Teaching good values, strong character, and the responsibilities of citizenship must be an essential part of American education."
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Unbelievable. I could just throw up on my boots.
 -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    They should have ended this quote with a comma and added , and don't worry if they can't read their own diploma.
     -- jim k, austin,tx     
    When so many parents are teaching hate as a family value it is good to know that the state is there to take up the slack and show our youth that there is another path.
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US     
    I absolutely agree that "our children's education is not complete unless they learn good values". What I disagree with is, that which is contrary to the God of Nature's law(s),is called essential. Clinton-Gore Administrators promoted slavery as responsibilities of citizenship.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    How can they be taught 'good values' when there is no longer "God" in the schools?? What a joke - the Democrats will say anything to get elected and they do.
     -- Kim, Las Animas     
    Great quote. Among the values to be taught are the family vaues of living within ones means, staying out of burdensome debt, and good financail management. The hypocritical Republicans mouth the words "family values" all of the time but have run the Feds into 10 or is it 11 trillion dollars of debt.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    Kim I have commented on putting God into schools with a fascist approach early. I don't believe God is honored by hitting our kids over the head with it. Us adults in my experience as a rule do not pray together at work or play (I did practice that however in a hospital I worked at). Why do we seek to manipulate our children in this way? I suggest it is because we can make them do whatever we want them to do right or wrong, at least until they get old enough to rebel and stop praying together just like we did.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    You don't need religion to learn the benefits of honor, courage, and compassion. It is laughable to consider Clinton a role model for character and values. Gore was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and grew up in 5 star hotels -- hardly an example to follow. The socialists have focused on state education for rewriting history to glorify state-sanctioned everything. It is merely to teach us to be obedient to and dependent upon external authority. We are never allowed to grow up. American Education today is merely social engineering.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Archer no one I know particularly the kids that walk by my home on their way to school think that they are attending "state" education. Now I know in your twisted mind you will think that this is part of the conspiracy set up by some Wizard of Oz guy somewhere that is pulling all of these strings on us. But we elect our school boards here and we know and love are teachers here etcetera as do people all over this land (well maybe not where you come from) and we pay to get these kids up to speed so they can partake in modern life as it has come to be here. Now you should go back and read your Pol Pot and figure out how you can destroy all of this and send us back to some kind of jungle. Clinton is looked at around the world in the same way he was once addressed by Robin Williams. Robin Williams said, "You Sir are a humanitarian." As far as Al Gore is concerned I can not think of a greater paragon of erudition, honor and courage. Both of these men excelled in scholarship (Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar) and are the proof of the ability of our system of education to produce great results.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    One more example of the endless stream of crap from the Clintons. What they put forth as values are the last thing that the youth should be taught.
     -- WARREN, OLATHE     
    Waffler, ignorance is not a virtue. Of course kids attending public schools do not think of them as 'state' or 'government' schools -- why would they, that is not what they are taught. Your command of the English language ain't that great either, Waffler -- "Us adults" is not first-person plural nor is "we love are teachers" correct. You got robbed of your time and potential intelligence and have become the perfect stooge to act in collusion with socialism. Truth is not up for vote by school boards or whomever -- facts do not change merely by ignoring them. You constantly refer to 'authorities' as the justification for your brand of statism. American children are indeed dumber than their Canadian and British counterparts (unfortunately, Canadian and British schools do not rear their students in republican civics -- but then again, neither do today's American schools, either). It is due to school boards that schools began teaching Ebonics. 'I be, you be, we be, gimme dat, gimme dis' -- who in their right mind would propose such an idea and who would implement it?! I am quite tired of your rhetoric that I need church and state to guide me for my own good. 'But Clinton is great -- Robin Williams called him a humanitarian' -- what the hell does that have to do with anything?! Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar -- Do you even know who Cecil Rhodes was? I would prefer our representatives received an education in American Common Law rather than in British Imperialism. For goodness sake, think for yourself for a change and turn off the TV -- it isn't called a boob tube for nothing. Read some books. Global Warming? Duh, the globe has been warming since the last Ice Age -- when it stops warming, that's when you ought to worry. We cannot even predict tomorrow's weather much less the next century. Yes, the globe is getting warmer, yes, the snow on Mt. Fuji is melting -- but this has happened many, many times. You should understand that the critics of the Global Warming scare are not so concerned with the globe getting warmer but what political agendas are being promoted as 'solutions.' I have read that actually the last 5 years have been getting colder and that the primary cause of global warming and cooling is -- surprise, surprise -- the SUN! A true scientist never stops questioning -- just like a seeker of truth. You are not a scientist, Waffler, so why you would simply goosestep with the rest is an indication of your lack of capacity to reason.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    You never went to college Archer according to what you have said. I believe you have been educated by your world wide travels. You are kind of like a jail house lawyer but in the field of politics. An educated man has respect for knowledge and for knowledgeable authority. You call anything that is organized "statism". . From your writings Archer I perceive a haughty self important individual that has not studied and is jealous of those who have such as your Ivy League friends. But I have had a great day conversing with y'all. Warren has called me a "smart guy". Archer a man did a study close to a hundred years ago and theorized that the use of carbon fuels in the industrial age would cause major climate change on this earth. Time is proving him correct, that is all. The issue is will the human race use its brain or will it act just like animals. We have been at similar impasses many times and generally have failed to make simple common adjustments, not because some did not know the facts (substance) but because it was impossible to explain (form) the substance to the great unwashed masses (thats you Archer). Thus the human race almost wiped out deer, elk etcetera. Did wipe out a great population of birds in Florida (for the millinery trade) etcetera. My only concern is that people acting like you and Warren and others for base political reasons that only you all can know, can like the people of the past, stand idly by and watch these things happen. It is irresponsible I tell you, ignorant, irresponsible and terribly uneducated of you.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    Pull on your kneepads and crawl under my desk, little girl. I have some morals to teach you.
     -- Anonymous     
    So, eh, global warming (as caused by CO2 emissions) is not necessarily "absolute" science-- there ARE legitimate claims against the hypothesis: http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.Blogs&ContentRecord_id=f80a6386-802a-23ad-40c8-3c63dc2d02cb What is there to gain politically from global warming? Besides the fact that it has turned into a billion dollar industry, the repercussions of the global warming hype and/or scare can serve to unite a global networking system of globalist alliances (politics). It would be nice to assume that treatise, alliances, laws, and bills only contained exactly what was purported; however, this simply isn't true. Politicians constantly throw in irrelevant clauses into unsuspecting bills to obtain other ends -- this is merely politics, everyone does it. Global warming as a science is irrelevant, because as a science it will either live or die with time and evidence; however, once you get politics involved into the mix, you have an entirely different story. If global warming (as caused by co2 emissions and not solar activity) wanted to stay a scientific endeavor, I'd have no problem supporting it as evidence came forward; however, a monster has been created with global warming above and beyond what science can legitimately make of it. Do-gooder politicians (with legitimate good intentions) often take hold of such an idea, as they find a new tool by which they can pass what they think are necessary legislations in other fields. For instance, many globalist (one world/one government) supporters have taken hold of global warming, not because it's what they are passionate about, but because they can use global warming to push their other agendas. This is simple politics, and has already been discussed at length in Universities all over America. This is not a conspiracy-- there is nothing evil in this-- merely politics, it happens all the time. I happen to disagree with these politicians, but not on a moral stance, but because I disagree with globalism in general.
     -- Logan, Memphis, TN     
     -- Anonymous     
    Bill had such wonderful values and certainly set a great example for our children. Please note: there is a great amount of sarcasm here.
     -- jim k, austin tx     
    We prepare the boys to go to war and the girls to cheer for them.
     -- MAL, 32957     
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