"As government regulations grow slowly, we become used to the harness. Habit is a powerful force, and we no longer feel as intensely as we once would have [the] constriction of our liberties that would have been utterly intolerable a mere half century ago."
Judge Robert Bork
(1927- ) Circuit Judge for US Court of Appeals
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The frog's warming pot is boiling and we're still in the soup.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Name one. Under Carter deregulation occurred widely. Created mayhem but alas expansion of and cost reduction in the airline industry. Good or bad who knows. I would have preferred staying on the ground and in the train. Lack regulation in the S&L Industry led to the Keating Five scandal that included John McCain. Can anyone remember the Wall Street fiasco. Again Mike name a constriction of your liberty that your parents or grandparents would be shocked to live under.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Almost since Hamilton we have been slowly and in small ways capitulating to minor infractions on our feedoms and liberties "for the common good". As a result we now have a Democracy, not a Republic and people are not citizens they are inventory. The law is is no longer Justice but merely the force behind legalized plunder. Take out the trash in November so as to disempower the Kenyan.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    The game never changes and right now we're in the picking up momentum side that can be seen and heard because people and thankfully I receive what I need when I need it.
     -- Anon     
    Bork said it exactly right. What a shame that he is not being confirmed to the Supreme Court instead of the Obama rubber stamp, boot licking Kagan.
     -- jim k, Austin,Tx     
    The statemongers hope no one notices. Yet the fact remains that DC has accrued too much power, and too much of the national income. So I'm all right, Jack! Cordially...
     -- Rick, Washington, DC     
    Bork had the best qualifications when he was nominated for the Supreme Court, but Ted Kennedy broke the agreed on senate rules to stop him. This was a loss to us all.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    Waffler, besides the exponential expanding of compelled compliance, licenses, victimless crimes, larceny with impunity, and the de-industrialization of this land, one example is the Patriot Act where, one of my children and an attorney friend were held (on 2 separate occasions in 2 separate States, in 2 different parts of the country) and questioned, without 1 (ONE) charge every being raised, by multiple federal agencies, only to be let go because, lucky enough, they had the good sense to call some one as they were being pulled over, OR no one would have known where they were to raise a big enough stink to get them out. Both were finally released with my child losing the vehicle. Waffler, is to name but just one. How about the elimination of Habeas Corpus for just one? How about the president having a hit list just for one? How about the FBI's ability to write its own warrants just for one? How about the nationalization of businesses just for one? How about the Fed suing a State for enforcing its own statutes (because the Fed only selectively enforces what the despot in office wants) just for one? How about no policing power in any jurisdiction being responsible or liable to 'We The People just for one?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    My grandparents would have thought you were delusional if I told them I couldn't burn trash in a barrel. They would have thought I was insane if I told them they had to get permission from the government to use water out of their own well. If I told them they couldn't use their land for any purpose within 500 feet of a stream, they would have looked at me like I was from another planet. There is no end to regulation of the smallest use of your own property. If you want to know how regulation has choked each and every one of us, just read the federal register. Look at the administrative authority of EPA, OSHA, BATF, HUD, DOE, the other DOE, and on and on ad nauseum. I'm surprised they haven't run out of letters for the regulatory alphabet soup.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
    Waffler, how about the Warren Court legislating a new nation with inherent right in toto aloof from 'We The People' just for one. The list of just one example(s) would take up pages and pages. This blog is not the stage to express all the 'just one' constrictions of my liberty that my parents or grandparents would be shocked to live under
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    The Patriot Act has served to protect us and has traced a lot of terroist money. Again like all of the right wing fund raisers folk always complain about "they" want our guns etcetera. Because the so called conservatives have no leadership and no agenda they have nothing left to do but to attack folk who are trying to make this a better world. The only freedoms I know of that have been restricted are the freedoms to pollute, the freedom to deny people in a same sex relationship the right to live free and unfettered lives, the freedom to deny people the right to vote or to drink out of a public water fountain or eat in a restaurant or sleep in a hotel. Now if this is what Bork is referring to, then yes I agree with him. Most of the people I know would not like to return to those old "freedoms" of the past. I suugest but am not positive that it is generally people towards the left that got rid of those old bad freedoms and people on the right who hated to see them go.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Not only is Waffler used to the harness, apparently he loves it. How about the purchasing power of the dollar since 1975? 95% depreciation. How about the War on Drugs that justifies being searched everywhere we go, arrests without warrant, unconstitutional expansion of federal government jurisdiction over ALL the states and People? See, Waffler, this quote is about you because you are unaware of the losses in freedom -- you have been brainwashed into thinking the State is God. All of your arguments for fascism are the same arguments the Catholics made to justify their own oppressive acts. Statism is the new religion because man gets to play God and the power is intoxicating. To be in awe of power for power's sake is an ignorance that keeps the con going. The bureacrats in Washington agree that there is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits them from doing anything -- that isn't the loss of ONE freedom, that is the loss of them all!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Waffler, 2 others besides myself here named multiple 'one(s)'. I'm sure everyone that reads your post wants to write their on list of 'naming one'. Archer's last line summed it up. You write of governmental abuses in defense of some sort of religious ideology. an eyebrows dipped in the middle, hmm? I gave an example of the Patriot Act and you defended it for WHAT? "Those who would sacrifice liberty for security, deserve neither." comes to mind. But again, that's just another 'one' example.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    In other news a 7 year old child learns about government regulation...."Portland Lemonade Stand Runs Into Health Inspectors, Needs $120 License To Operate." "...Julie was careful about making the lemonade, cleaning her hands with hand sanitizer, using a scoop for the bagged ice and keeping everything covered when it wasn't in use, Fife said. After 20 minutes, a "lady with a clipboard" came over and asked for their license. When Fife explained they didn't have one, the woman told them they would need to leave or possibly face a $500 fine. That's when business really picked up -- and two inspectors came back, Fife said. Julie started crying, while her mother packed up and others confronted the inspectors." See here.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
    Ken, really funny, maybe Wafflers parents or grandparents would not be shocked at the criminality of some socially deviant law breaking 7 year old girl with a lemon-aide stand, mine would have been. (-; that's a great 'name one' ;-)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    For more than a century loud, obnoxious "progressives" have been trying to shackle us through regulation. Normal people don't like confrontation, so little by little, they get away with it until we live in an absurd world where lemonade stands can draw the same fine as driving drunk. Now that's progress!
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
    Archer is the perennial victim, down and out all of the time. There are 1,011 billionaires in the world 40% of them in the US. Ask them about the worthless dollar Archer. They are not in awe of governmental power. They do their own thing and make money. You Archer have a psychologicla disorder of some kind of your own making. The world is a friendly place to do business and make money, government has helped to made it so. On a clear day get out (of your cave) and look around you and you may just find out who you are, and carpe diem. Quit being a professional victim.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    It's a great place to do business unless you're a little girl with a lemonade stand.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
    Every dollar in Bill Gates' bank account is a dollar owed. The wealthy are merely those holding the most debt. In fact the super rich are those that are holding the debts of entire nations -- and the 'dividends' are immense. There is nothing wrong with making an honest buck, but when there are a coterie of men who can print up whatever amount of 'money' they want to 'lend' and then collect interest on it, well, my friend that is usury of the highest order -- it is a crime against humanity -- it is the debasement of the currency and is punishable by death in America. What price freedom, Waffler? I know you could care less -- everything you spout is to 'help' us, because you must think we are very lost souls. The thing is, we don't want your help and the debt that comes with it. We want the freedom to live without your permission or your promises. I deal in reality, Waffler, not empty rhetoric about a 'better world.' That is the con used on the weak-minded and the cowardly. They got you young, my friend, and I guess you ain't learning any new tricks. Ignorance is bliss, eh, Waffler?
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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