"The fundamental principle is this:
No matter how worthwhile an end may be,
if there is no constitutional authority to pursue it,
then the federal government must step aside and
leave the matter to the states or to private parties.
The president and Congress can proceed only from
constitutional authority, not from good intentions alone.
If Congress thinks it necessary to expand its powers,
the Framers crafted an amendment process for that purpose.
But too often, rather than follow that process,
Congress has disregarded the limits set by the Constitution and
gutted our frontline defense against overweening federal government."
Robert A. Levy
(1941- ) Chairman of Cato Institute, author, lawyer
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Reader comments about this quote:
The Constitution is really not hard to understand; it's simplicity is perhaps it's own demise. Men, frightened by the emotional hype and rhetoric of the day, would rather find a thousand complicated solutions to rule and control than the one simple solution which the Constiution easily affords.
 -- Logan, Memphis, TN     
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    And unfortunately, even as great as Congresses violations have been, they pale in the shadow of those of King George...
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US     
    Possibly the only weak point here is that the judicial, and executive are expanding equally in tyranny.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    This is a true quote and the Truth is on the side of the 21st Century American Patriot. Now,how do we go about righting the wrong that has been done to Our beloved Constitution? If corrupt men/women are in the seats of Government, how do we restore our beloved Constitution and Bill of Rights if not through Ammendments that those corrupt leaders most certainly won't ratify? I'm not sure what the answer is yet, but I am willing to be part of the solution.
     -- 21st Century American, Your Town,USA.     
    Most of the so-called laws Congress writes every year are merely commercial regulations that were to be applied to incorporated entities only. The jurisdiction of the common law has been usurped by commercial and military law thus subjecting us to all the mountains of statutes that do not apply to free citizens. The People are to blame, not Bush, Congress or the Courts -- we are to blame because we have given up our minds and our labors to the State and look to the government to solve all our problems. Few people in this world have the courage to stand on their own two feet.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Archer, you're absolutely right. It is 'We The People', the individual sovereigns that have chosen to allow tyranny, as long as the dole feeds the ego (ends justifying the means). Those that love freedom greater than wealth are but the few who have the courage to stand on their own two feet.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    My...how far we have come. CO did a wonderful 10th Amendment resolution a number of years ago. Funny--at this point, it is quite difficult for me to begin to compare the constitutional abuses of George Bush with those of the Supreme Court. Funny too...though Mr. Anon. in Reston complains a lot about GW being a dictator or abuses of power, etc...he never seems to get down to specifics of what these abuses are...maybe Waco and Ruby Ridge are preferable. And of course, typically, he never offers one alternative to the issues...particular Terrorism in our midst. Mr. Anon. in Retson, VA--just one solution. Let everyone know your thoughts rather than just your rants. Just one proposed solution to dealing with terrorists please...just one itsy bitsy suggestion...
     -- MIchael , Houston, TX     
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    When people spend as much time participating in a genuine reformation process, as they do watching television, perhaps there will come a genuine reform. Most people are not willing to risk opposition to power.
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
    I seriously doubt that the Constitution allows Obama to take over the American auto industry, or a thousand other things our out of control government does and has done. And this includes Repubs and Dems alike.
     -- jim k, austin     
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    If only more Americans read and contemplated the Constitution we may find ourselves in control of this country. These comments are from serious students of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Charters unequaled in the history of man and recently more attacked than the Holy Bible. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of our country.
     -- Richard Pate, Niceville, FL     
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    The quote is absolutely true and we have a Supreme Court to oversee that the Constitution is never stepped on or over. Thank God that this is so. Thus his statement is superfluous and unnecessary. Consider the source Chairman of the Cato Institute. He is being paid to say this. Ruby Ridge and Waco were self-inflicted suicide and mass murder. The primary participant at Ruby Ridge has recanted his actions at Ruby Ridge and his unlawful defiance of competent authorities. Koresh was hell bent on murdering his flock.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    That's because people fear people when it is themselves and their own inactions they should fear more and the consequences of doing nothing. They believe doing nothing will keep the wolves at bay which it will as long as the wolf is happy with the slaves performance. They just don't understand a life in total economic slavery which leads to total physical and mental slavery shy of the ball and chain, but even that is the wolf's option. Fear is as natural as any of our other emotions, faculties, abilities etc. i.e. rights. Like all of them, if we as individuals don't control our fear, somebody else will. It's called fear mongering. Fear is not knowing truth. Learning the truth of anything is the reason we are here and when a particular truth strikes fear in one's self causing the instinctual urge to run and hide or at least ignore it because it's not an immediate threat to life, the most common response is to do one or the other. This is an unwise move in 99% of situations causing fear depending on the circumstances faced. I believe the truth sets me free and that ANY truth uncovered, even if it scares the hell out of me leads to a greater truth and it is the faith I have that there is an ultimate truth where one will discover the whole truth and nothing, and I stress nothing at all, but the truth, that quells my fears as the more truth discovered the more convinced that ultimate truth is there waiting to be uncovered. I find the means to overcome fear in the next truth the scary one leads me to. In retrospect, it turns out, just as when we were children, once the truth of the bogeyman in the closet is KNOWN, the fear of it disappears. These people who seek to rule the world and in the process destroying America are just men. The fear they instill is based on lies and they are empowered by lies. When lies cover up truth fear in the form of anxiety appears because truth is not known. This can and does create other mental/physical problems with the ripple effect of both the lie being accepted and the truth covered up. The lies must be exposed first. Once that happens nature's laws will take their rightful course in the nature of man to survive successfully and peacefully together. Mankind really are in the majority good people at heart, it's just that the bad won't allow them to be good and a lot of them are being bad thinking they're being good. All from lack of knowledge or that which causes fear. Works for me! The ultimate one truth is there for us to find if we seek it. Everyone suffers from fears, everyone or most have the ability to control it like other emotions. One just needs to know what causes it. How the individual deals with it to control it is a method they should discover on their own, but I believe this method regarding the truth can work for anybody.
     -- Anon     
    Waff, are you totally nuts. There is not one shred of evidence that David Koresh was bent on "murdering his flock". Janet "the horrible" Reno should have been tried for mass murder in the Waco case.
     -- jim k, austin     
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    The common man has ever been susceptible to being enslaved by any number of tried and true techniques. As long as we try to live off another's labors, a hierarchical ruling class will emerge and with such immense power will come immense abuses of power. Why we keep calling our government 'national' instead of 'federal' is example enough that the folks in Washington DC have assumed rule over the states and all the people. Nothing could be further from the founders minds when the Consitution was adopted.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    My error. My last post was in respnse to David Rosenthal's comment---"Most people are not willing to risk opposition to power."
     -- Anon     
    Anon the best thing I have read from you "Mankind really are in the majority good people at heart". Generally all I hear on this site is a fear of majorities a disdain of the word people in favor of a love for the word individual. I am considered by many friends and acquaintances of being one of the most individualistic persons they know. My fiance said this morning that people well be jealous or resentful of us because we are doing whatever we want to do. I am personally within the means available to me pretty free spirited, That being said I am not so naive to believe that I exist in the community or the world alone. My views,interests and concerns about the world in which I live comes together with all others to form the people. Those who are so fearful of their individuality because they have not really expericed it can also not be very comfortable being "with the people".
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, your last comment has nothing to do with the quote and can be summed up by simply, "well, my life is good, so everything must be OK, some people just like to complain..." I do not think anyone is jealous of Waffler because he 'can do whatever he wants to do' - I think we would just rather he let others do what they would want to do without his or his company's authorization or taking a piece of the action. I think most free-spirited folks would shoot higher than Waffler's sights. He is as about as free spirited as as a snapper in the comfort of his school -- how daring indeed.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    E Archer---I agree. I am a good person at heart as long as nobody tries to force me to be good. By laws or any other means.
     -- Anon     
    Waff, Ditto to you, except the agree part.
     -- Anon     
    What are you talking about Waffler? You are all for legislative good intentions. Cost be damned. Full speed ahead with wasteful spending. All you ever need is a politician’s "good intentions" and you are all for it. Yet you say you agree with this quote. You think that the Constitution allows anything you want it to yet you say you agree with this quote. Your drivel never ends.
     -- warren, olathe     
    You need to be a little more subtle of a thinker Warren. The Constitution is what ever the people want it to be via the amendment process. Where did you get the notion about legislative good intentions, you are probably right, do you know of legislation based on bad intentions. Fundamentally I am against borrowing and spending, I am for responsible people, and responsible government. You are a smart ass Archer you do not even know me. I gave a direct quote from my fiance, I would let you argue or pick a fight with her if I had any glimmer of respect for you and your mentality. I presented experiential information from my life and you made a stupid remark contradicting it without any evidence. You have also presented yourself on this site as a liar concerning Jefferson's comments about national finances. Your ignorance I am certain will never cease.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    If the average citizen has no difficulty after seriously reading & comprehending the Constitution, why is it that men with law degrees cannot? Therein lies the problem; lawyers who are schooled in 'mischeviousness' & finding ulterior ways of twisting truth & with fancy words convincing average citizens that they are not educated enough to fully understand. Thus, some citizens oblige them, after slyly insulting their common sense.
     -- Rhonda, WV     
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    Waff, you might want to do more thorough updated research on Waco. After the Feds murdered men, women & children, they finally admitted they found NO evidence of what they first reported through the news media. There NEVER was any PROOF of anything wrong. Feds & irresponsible journalists 'jumped' on a story ....again, without doing their job of 'investigating and PROVING truthfulness in reporting before spreading lies & half-truths. They are ALL guilty of what happened to those people. Their blood is on THEIR hands.
     -- Rhonda, WV     
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