"If it be asked,
What is the most sacred duty and
the greatest source of our security in a Republic?
The answer would be,
An inviolable respect for the Constitution and Laws."
Alexander Hamilton
(1757-1804) American statesman, Secretary of the Treasury
Essay in the American Daily Advertiser, August 28, 1794
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This is T shirt printable material.Then send one to each member of the House,Senate,Executive and Judiciary Branches of Government for each person to wear and honor.Alexander Hamilton was a great man.He would be in shock if he walked the streets of America today.For Many reasons.
 -- KS , Somewhere,USA     
    Congress obviously has no respect for the Constitution, but they must respect laws ... they keep writing more of them.
     -- Joe, Rochester, MI     
    An underlying premise of Constitutional jurisprudence was that only Nature's God could create laws. It was man's duty to study natural law(s) and then define such by statute for the good of the sovereign. (not control man's lives through carnal logic and related endless rules) That being the case, very little legislation, or a modification thereof was needed. The definition of 'law', 'law maker', and the finite limitations of the Constitution have taken on whole new meanings since the founders set forth the principles of liberty.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    The founding fathers had nothing to do with "natural law". That is pure propaganda. Natural law is a form of moral code that changes with the popular opinion about morality. Moral law is governed by the nature of human beings. The belief of our founders was that the nature of man was evil.(biblical view) The founding fathers made a constitution that can change with the changing needs of society but considered morality a constant defined by God. To have morality be arbitrary is equivalent to having no morality at all.
     -- Warren Giese, Olathe     
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    Being derived from Nature's God, the law of nature i.e., natural law, was considered an absolute, such as certain fiscal laws, science, the evil of a democracy, etc.; sort of a he who forgets history is doomed to relive it. And the neocon fascists and liberal socialists allegation that the Constitution is a living document, changing to the needs of society so they may progress their peccant agendas is more idiotic and immoral than this blog offers opportunity to address. To have the Constitution changeable or arbitrary is equivalent to having no Constitution at all.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Nothing in this world should be sacred except compassion and kindness towards your fellow man - nothing is absolute - not in this world anyway. As Einstein said "the only constant factor in the Universe is CHANGE" - Though I do agree with you all that the Constitution should not be messed with and that any change should go through incredible steps/hurdles/courts and possibly an International Court on Ethics (E perhaps you could be its President)
     -- Robert, Sarasota     
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    A republic is a nation of laws not of men. The rulebook by which our government is granted power from the sovereigns (the People) MUST be observed or else those exercising that power will eventually usurp the power of the People. Pretty simple. As far as Natural Law goes, LOL, well, gravity is non-negotiable along with many other natural laws -- it is our job of course to discover them -- thankfully we cannot change them -- so for all you climate change collectivists, leave our weather system alone, you don't know what you are doing! ;-)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Natural law has nothing to do with nature. The term natural law comes from Aleister Crowley. It is totally arbitrary. Morality is defined by personal preference. It was the philosophy of Stalin and Hitler. Crowley thought that if he worked hard enough to please his pagan gods he would be rewarded by being made the anti Christ. He died very disappointed.
     -- Warren, Olathe     
    It requires more than respect of law and Constitution to secure a Republic, it takes a vigilant citizenry to make sure the political "elites" respect it too.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
    "The moral or natural law was given by the Sovereign of the universe to all mankind; with them it was co-equal, and with them it will be co-existent. Being founded by infinite wisdom and goodness on essential right, which never varies, it can require no amendment or alteration." (John Jay, 1745-1829, the U.S.'s first Supreme Court Justice)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    The greatness of Hamilton cannot be dismissed. However, he was not in the least a moralitest or an idealist like many other of America's founding fathers. Hamilton was a strict realist, who emphasized on realpolitik more anything else. His inspiration in molding the United States came from the fiscal-military state of Britain. He hoped to make the U.S. a power nation at par with those in Europe and sought to do so by the same means they did.
     -- Michael, Pensacola     
     -- Michael, (Edit of the above)     
    I have to wonder why Hamilton could say something so important and meaningful, and then turn around and spearhead the advent of central banking in America? He was obviously duplicitous in nature, and for some reason I smile a little whenever I think of Aaron Burr shooting him dead. He had it coming.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    The natural law the founders refer to is that of free will, thus the natural state of man is that of liberty. To remove him for liberty is to move him from his natural state, thus violating the natural law.
     -- Damon F, Ft Wayne     
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