"No one ever heard of the truth being enforced by law.
When the secular is called in to sustain an idea,
whether new or old, it is always a bad idea,
and not infrequently it is downright idiotic."
H. L. Mencken
(1880-1956) American Journalist, Editor, Essayist, Linguist, Lexicographer, and Critic
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Blustering vomit.
 -- David L. Rosenthal     
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    The 'Secular Theocracy' that has been legislated the 'Nation Establishment of Religion' by the Supreme Court proves this quote. The idiotic has been called on to sustain victimless crimes, compelled compliance, and otherwise immoral rule.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US      
    Right on target as usual. It certainly applies to all the sex and marriage laws on the books today. Prohibition, segregation, and the Patriot Act are all prime examples.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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     -- Joe, Rochester, MI      
    Yeah, like the Earth orbiting the Sun and vaccines preventing smallpox.
     -- anonymous     
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    An example of this marvelous quote is the feeble attempt at legislating the proper attitude people should have toward each other as in part 2 of the Civil Rights Act. Part 1 is removing of Jim Crow laws; something that was the fault of the government to begin with. Part 2 however, forces people to admit all minorities --gays for example-- to whatever service their firm provides. This is the only behavior they can control with police. That superficial solution, however, allows the more important source of prejudice to thrive: mutual hate. Being rude, or just providing bad service to the minority allows the hated to have reason to hate back.
     -- Walter Clark, Fullerton     
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    Oh, I forgot to vote on this. It is one of the best quotes of all time. --I think.
     -- Walter Clark, Fullerton     
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     -- jim k, austin tx      
    Seeking after that which good is, taught from childhood, tempers the conscience to obey itself. The lack of, or contempt for the law of goodness, is the path of unjust laws upon the books, to condone perverted behavior among the people. Bringing about the fall of decent behavior, and the condoning of bad behavior. Rewarding bad behavior, has brought about the demoralizing of the people. Watching a safe place turn into a city of perverts, preying upon the decent and just. Just as foreign transplants , newbe's, sell crack pipes by the elementary schools. Why ? Because of the lack of conscience for the sake of the dollar. This done in the courts. By those that pass unjust judgment, claiming to be blind, when they have eyes in their head.
     -- Ron w13, Or     
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    anonymous WHAT ? ? ? OK, It is "true" the earth is orbiting the sun. Does that truth stand on its own or does it take corporeal man to first legislate it so and then, enforce the legislation to make it true? It is true, certain vaccines sometimes prevent smallpox (on its face as a stand alone comment, not addressing side effects) Does that truth stand on its own or does it take corporeal man to first legislate it so and then, enforce the legislation to make it true? When the secular is called in to sustain an idea, whether new or old, it is always a bad idea. By way of example: secular making the religious sacrament of marriage illegal without its (secular) privilege to break such illegality. Now, that is downright idiotic.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Any idea that is not rooted in Reality, which is Truth, is foredoomed to be revealed to be false, the idiotic best efforts of deluded Fallen Man to the contrary.
     -- Patrick Henry, Red Hill     
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    Rather reminds me of phony Pope Francis, when he admonishes his proletariat sheeple that everyone must accept the globalists' NWO doctrines, else be branded by RCC as "coprophags" for seeing otherwise.

    When RCC compares Truthers to coprophags -- YOU KNOW the secular is FAILING in its satanic edicts.
     -- Mark W., Aurora, CO     
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