"This world is the prison of the believers
and the paradise of the unbelievers."
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Reader comments about this quote:
Just going to show that Islam is as negitive as Christianity... both telling us how horrible our current existance is and holding out vague promices of future bliss in some metaphysical non-existance that follows our current physical existance...
 -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US     
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    It's almost as if liberty-tree quotes is trying to downplay the meaning of Christmas and the season by dragging eastern and islamic quotes into the mix. Poor taste, really.
     -- Anonymous, Atlanta     
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    "If not for "The Believers" this world could be a Paradise."
     -- J.S., Akron     
    As a strong atheist, I completely agree but probably not it the way this "prophet" meant it.
     -- Philip, Toronto, On      
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    The believers make this world a prison for all from time-to-time. I'd like to thank God for my rifle!
     -- Bob, Eugene, OR     
    Kudos to Bob! I would, however, probably thank Remington and Winchester et. al.. Oh, BTW, a comment for 'Anonymous, Atlanta': Just exactly WHO ... brought Christmas into the discussion of THIS proverb? - WHO? And what on earth would Christmas have to do with this quote or any other Islamic quote or proverb anyway? It strikes me that this is the pot trying desperately to find a kettle, any kettle, even anything a blind person might mistake for a kettle at 20 yards, to call black. GREAT TASTE on display again!
     -- Terry Berg, Occidental, CA     
    I have chosen to rate this quote at five stars because it shows clearly the negitive nature of believing in the unreal. Where those with faith driven philosophies can never be truely happy with life and put their hope in death, those of us who have no faith but live by what is provable and face life's chalenges as adventurers thriving on these chalenges and reveling in each conquest and finding happiness the personal growth realized there in.
     -- Brian D. Pickett, Tampa, Florida     
    Agree that this is "poor taste" - with "Anon..from Atlanta", but it does not have anything to do with Christmas, or any other regilious holiday (Hanukkah). I just think it's a poor attempt at downtrodding another's beliefs. This world is NOT "the paradise of unbelievers", its a world of people who care - and those are the beleivers! However, "Terry", "Anonymous, Atlanta" wasn't attempting to "call the pot on the kettle black"; its just an opinion, and to each their own.
     -- C Ann C, Coventry     
    Dear "Ann C, Coventry"; the phrase is "the pot calling the kettle black" and the proverb no more attempts to 'trod on' anybody's beliefs than does any utterance in the PROMOTION of one's philosophy (like, for instance, 'the spreading of the good word'). Let's hope that we're not advocating Christianity to the EXCLUSION and censorship of other views. Are we?
     -- Terry Berg, Occidental, CA     
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    Now, now, it's just a Proverb... It's amazing; from the comments alone a book could be written. Paradise comes from non-attachment...
     -- Robert, Sarasota     
     -- Joe, Rochester, MI      
    This proverb tells Muslims to be Humble and patient and not to be greedy in this world, not be jealous of others and to completely submit to the Will of Allah. For indeed for this good behavior, one will have to suppress their desires but in the hereafter it will be all rewarded tremendously. Peace
     -- Salman, Tallahassee     
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    I agree with Salman, Tallahassee. It is unfair to judge anything (even a quote) without having the background of the context. I encourage everyone to read more about Islam & Read the Quran. If you are sincere, it will feel like God is talking to you in the Quran. Suggestion of website if you may (http://www.islaam.com/Section.aspx?id=1) Peace everyone.
     -- Furqan, Karachi     
    Here are TEN COMMANDMENTS THAT CAN BE OBSERVED IN THE QURAN "Say: 'Come close, I will recite what your Lord has forbidden you: i. Do not associate anything with Him; ii. And [show] kindness towards both [your] parents. iii. Do not kill your children because of poverty; We shall provide for you as well as for them. iv. Do no indulge in shocking acts which you may practice either openly or keep in secret. v. Do not kill any person whom God has forbidden, except through [due process of] law. He has instructed you in this so that you may use your reason. vi. Do not approach an orphan's estate before he comes of age, except to improve it. vii. Grant full measure and weight in all fairness. We do not assign any person to do more than he can cope with. viii. Whenever you speak, be just even though it concerns a close relative. ix. Fulfill God's agreement. Thus has He instructed you so that you may bear it in mind. x. This is My straight Road, so follow it and do not follow [other] paths which will separate you from His path. Thus has He instructed you so that you may do your duty." - Qur'an [6: 151-153]
     -- Your Friend, Close to you     
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    Well, the Quran appears to be another work (akin to the Bible, the Talmud, the Vedas, etc.) promoting generally sensible conventions in a person's approach to living a life well in a society. It's a shame that not one of these traditions is immune to the exploitations and perversions of emotion by those of extreme temperament, little thought and base motivations. Each of these traditions has had its dark times and each is tempted to point the finger at the others in blanket knee-jerk fashion when other outlets for personal or national dissatisfaction are absent. Equally problematic is the human propensity to 'read into' any text things that simply aren't there and then to 'believe' them. The suspension of critical thinking in deference to belief always signals the death-knell of good sense. There are no exceptions - especially for those who 'believe' otherwise and are, thereby, the proof of the pudding.
     -- Terry Berg, Occidental, CA     
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    What is wrong with you people? You actually have the guts to judge a religion you know "zilch" about? Do you know Islam well enough to judge it. Have you spent time a muslim's house. Visited a mosque? Understood the Quran? You find hate in your hearts and judge a whole religion based on the mistakes of individuals. Islam is a religion based on peace and righteousness, and if its followers don't follow their deen the way they should- Islam isn't at fault--they are. Don't judge the religion, judge the persons at fault. You label us as terrorists when you yourselfs aren't perfect. Are muslim men alone, the only "species" that beat their wives. Are they not also humans that make mistakes. Should muslims not be respected just like all others are. People spend so much time remorsing about Jews and Holocausts..and the two world trade centres..because NON MUSLIMS die when your focus should be elsewhere. So get real, and face the facts. Islam still remains a growing religion...and your useless opinions aren't going to change that. It would be wise for you to atleast RESPECT the religion- noones asking you to follow it.
     -- PROUD BELIEVER, Nepean,Ontario     
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    Who ever made this proverb of Islam should honestly find something better to do with thier life. This person is most likely ashamed about his/her own religion and tries to label other religions such as Islam as a world of prisoners. If so, then why is Islam growing dramatically everyday. Jews, Christians, Catholics are converting to Islam each day and you can't do anything about it. Do you people honestly think that if you post you're comments that you are going to stop people from being Muslim? No you're not because you people mean nothing to Muslims. NOTHING! And who ever claims that they "were" Muslim but converted to Judaism or any other religion is a liar who is trying to make Islam look bad because he/she is bored with his/her own pathetic lives. So people who have something against Islam or Muslim people in general, ask you're self..." what do Muslim people think of me when I show hatred towards people who follow religion because they believe it is the right path?" No one really cares about you're thoughts or beliefs since you care so little about another ones belief.
     -- REPRESENTING, Ottawa     
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    Yes I agree with the proverb...you all will agree if you believe and know in detail about the life after death...which is the real destination of a person who takes birth here just togo through a test.....
     -- Ifthiquar, Kasaragod     
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    Yes I agree with the proverb...you all will agree if you believe and know in detail about the life after death...which is the real destination of a person who takes birth here just togo through a test.....
     -- Ifthiquar, Kasaragod     
    Allah knows what's best, we have no right to be prejudiced about certain quotes or religions, we have no right to judge a religion because of a few wrongdoings of some of the followers, before we look at other people and their mistakes we should always look at ourselves first and realise whether or not we have the right to talk, whether we are in the right/wrong. i think if everyone minded their own business then there would be no conflict in the world, at the end of the day we all came into the world naked so we are all equal, we are all going to the grave alone, so we are all equal, who are we to judge each other. only Allah (subhana-watha-ala) has the right to create, destroy, play god and most inportantly judge. at the end of the day when we die all we take with us is our good and bad deeds!
     -- qasim, london     
     -- Anonymous      
    "This world is the prison of the believers and the paradise of the unbelievers." let me explain this quote to you guys... unbelievers believe that there is no world after this life. They think this is the real deal and therefore have love for a temporary world. Believers, do know that this world is nothing compared to paradise and therefore you should have no love for it. The real reward of life will be coming in paradise... i hope i showed some people that this is not a bad quote and that people shouldnt be thinking alway negative...all beacuse its an islamic proverb...
     -- here to help.     
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    well, i agree with this proverb its clear as water
     -- abbad, algers     
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     -- Anonymous     
    ::.."And indeed we have distroyed the likes of you, but is there anyone who will take lesson?" Holy Quran..::
     -- david     
    it s quiet abvious dosnet need all that contestation i just want a make it clear for people who r saying prejudices about islam & about our prophet (peace be upon him )you are ignorant & disregard this fact if you dont know anything about islam keep ur month shut instead of missjudging this s a web might be useful(www.sultan.org)
     -- wise gl, morocco     
    Good quote and read the comment from the person, from nepean ontario, he/she is right.
     -- Mr. A, Wonderland     
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    Excellent, so true.
     -- Dany, Lebanon     
     -- Anonymous      
    Great and right proverb..Islam and muslims are Great
     -- Reem, Egypt     
    Alhumdullah...it is...because usually the good suffer...but it it is a hidden mercy
     -- zarhad, to     
    its the fact
     -- Anonymous, hyderabad     
    They never believe a single thing about Islam, never even bother trying to understand, yet they come up with the wildest assumption...what a joker! Dont need to be a nuclear scientists to understand that proverb.
     -- Rehal, Seria     
    that is a hadith of the prophet
     -- Waseem Farooq, srinagar     
     -- zahira, leicester     
    Allahu Akbar..
     -- Shah, Melaka, MY     
    i am with it .. this proverb is right
     -- mohamed, tunisie     
     -- Anonymous      
    Allah, is the only truth
     -- Von, USA     
     -- Anonymous      
     -- Anonymous      
    LOL SO much discussion on this page. Good quote, but I believe Islam has A LOT more to offer than what is presented here...
     -- Anonymous     
    As with most things in spiritual islam you are not supposed to take it literally but search for a deeper meaning inside it, Islam teaches people to be accepting of every form of life, please do not be biased by the perversion of political islam that seems to persist in todays media.
     -- Anonymous, portsmouth     
     -- <(^.^)>, <(^.^)>      
    interesting quote because it relates to heaven and stuff liked it a lil
     -- Anonymous     
    In general it's true and it's clear. no need to go down deep.
     -- fariz, pinas     
    Non believers are always scared to die and can't digest the truth, they always wants the easy life, so they won't believe no matter what, but the light of Allah cannot be extinguished, they themselves are so frustrated of how they live, they have no light inside them, so won't believe, but if they want to they can make a red flower yellow with their tongues, but Islam is protected by Allah from these lies and it will remain protected till the end of time. The proverb is clear and so true, people just can't face the truth.
     -- Suhaila, maldives     
    Islam the religion of peace. I liked Ann Coulters qoute about Islam much better.
     -- Jim     
    This quote is as simple as saying, "Ignorance is bliss."
     -- Greg, West Palm     
    I agree with this hadith. Infact each and every word of Prophet MOHD peace be upon HIM is true
     -- Amer, Hyderabad     
    I think the quote is right, logical.... Non-believers tend to enjoy life more, enjoy the things that would be seen as sinful to the believer.... But, whether what believers believe it true, non-believers are gutted because they just lost a chance and gone to hell, where as believers will have a never ending life of bliss whether you choose to believe or disagree or whatever is not my business, i don't care less! just in case you think i do...by the way
     -- Ala, Devon     
    I am a muslim. This quote is beautiful if only someone took a moment to reflect..Allah is saying here that this world is a 'prison' for the believer..because..a believer can never shirk his duty. He has a responsibility to look after people, care for his children, look after his health, speak with sense, commit good deeds and keep his society from disintegrating. A believer cannot just walk away and let poverty, disease, etc take over the world, he HAS to care about the rest of humanity. So yes, it is logical.
     -- Faatimah, London     
    Marvelous quote, please my friends, blessings and peace be upon you.
     -- Justin, New York     
    really deep and though-provoking quote.thank you to the people who are in denial of their Creator...just ask yourself this question:How did i come on this earth..and what am I doing here?..everything in life has a purpose and a creator..example the computer your typing on has been created by a creator right now look around you and see for yourself that everything has a purpose... please visit this website for more light into your existence...you owe it to your own conscience..what do you have to lose?.. http://www.islamtomorrow.com/yusuf.asp http://www.ediscoverislam.com/ http://www.islamtomorrow.com/yusuf.asp
     -- pearl of Islam, london     
     -- omar, australia      
    This Quote tells us that this world is the prison of the believers when we compared with their life after death which will be in Paradise, even if the believer is the most happiest human ever lived. And this world is the paradise of the disbeliever when we compared with their life after death which will be in the Hell, even if the disbeliever is the most miserable human everlived.
     -- a muslim     
     -- uhuth ahmed, saudi      
    i do believe in it because i am a muslim and i know my prophet never lied.
     -- arshia, mumbai     
     -- KOSOVO Muslim, Vushtrri     
    This life is a test and what's amzing and the best thing about it is that there is a better life to come
     -- umm Khaloud     
     -- a muslim brother, Vengurla     
    Agree with Salman and Furqan..Don't start criticizing without knowing the real meaning and context. It has a good message. AllahuAkbar.
     -- Anonymous, AbuDahbi     
     -- Anonymous      
    Greatly said...i am starting fo feel more and more like a prisoner!!!
     -- Marian, Croatia     
    i do believe, cause am muslim and i know a muslim person can never lied, as our quran said.
     -- kadro jama, denver     
    It is really true, look at the people who r having fun aroung how miserable r. this life is just an exam to know who is going to search for the truth or not. the life is really shot and the unbelievers would regret their lifes after they die they will be oh God just give me another chance but it is going to be too late because your soul is already been taken and there is no return . it is like a final exam at school if u did bad, u can get back and take the exam again. life is really short , just open your eyes and will see the truth then u ll see that happiness is in islam which means submission to God will. u \know that the word justice will come one day and u ll be oh my God i didnt know but God Gives U a brain . Allah give us a brain and we have to know that every person is looking for their own interest when he ask u for some but God loves you and wants you to submitt to him so i can have a good life in life and afterlife. the quote describes the reality in our world. u see that even the richest person in the world when he dies , he does take anything with him besides what good he has done in this life. so open your eyes before its too late because now u r 20 years old tomorrow ull be 60 years n u feel that life is nothing n we feel that everyday just if u submit God will u know that there is a good life waiting for u in teh afterlife . another thing,u all work for life which means that we have to work hard to get a better life so how about after life, so u think that ull be excluded from the control and the law. i hope u understand my message and God will guide u to the right path.
     -- salma, new york     
    dis is purely based on todays world bcoz muslim they knew what is gud and wht is wrong but still they do it welcome to new modern world
     -- Anonymous     
     -- Anonymous      
    i think it is clear and white if u accept positively allah will gudie u to the rhigt way that is islamebut here is what is prison is to limmite your self from dirction of setan and submet to the right dirction that is islame .....may allah guide us all,,
     -- kedir, addis ababa     
     -- Amna, Australia     
    its a right proverb.they dont now any thing about islam and Quran so they hat us for nothing.
     -- houssein, congo     
    It is really true, look at the people who r having fun aroung how miserable r. this life is just an exam to know who is going to search for the truth or not. the life is really shot and the unbelievers would regret their lifes after they die they will be oh God just give me another chance but it is going to be too late because your soul is already been taken and there is no return . it is like a final exam at school if u did bad, u can get back and take the exam again. life is really short , just open your eyes and will see the truth then u ll see that happiness is in islam which means submission to God will. u \know that the word justice will come one day and u ll be oh my God i didnt know but God Gives U a brain . Allah give us a brain and we have to know that every person is looking for their own interest when he ask u for some but God loves you and wants you to submitt to him so i can have a good life in life and afterlife. the quote describes the reality in our world. u see that even the richest person in the world when he dies , he does take anything with him besides what good he has done in this life. so open your eyes before its too late because now u r 20 years old tomorrow ull be 60 years n u feel that life is nothing n we feel that everyday just if u submit God will u know that there is a good life waiting for u in teh afterlife . another thing,u all work for life which means that we have to work hard to get a better life so how about after life, so u think that ull be excluded from the control and the law. i hope u understand my message and God will guide u to the right path. AGREE WITH SALMA
     -- Hannnan, Australia     
    Prophet Muhammad - “God is One, and liketh unity.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Prophet Muhammad - “Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Prophet Muhammad - “That man is nearest to God, who pardoneth, when he had in his power him who would have injured him.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Prophet Muhammad - “The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Prophet Muhammad - “The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Prophet Muhammad - “Be in the world like a traveller, or like a passer on, and reckon yourself as of the dead.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Prophet Muhammad - “This world is a prison for the Faithful, but a Paradise for unbelievers.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Prophet Muhammad - “The love of the world is the root of all evil.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Prophet Muhammad - “The rights of women are sacred. See that women are maintained in the rights assigned to them.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Prophet Muhammad - “God enjoins you to treat women well, for they are your mothers, daughters, aunts.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Prophet Muhammad - “Shall I not point out to you the best of virtues? It is your doing good to your daughter when she is returned to you having been divorced by her husband.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever doeth good to girls, it will be a curtain to him from hell-fire.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Prophet Muhammad - “Women are the twin halves of men.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. Prophet Muhammad - “A Muslim must not hate his wife; and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with another that is good.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Prophet Muhammad - “Admonish your wives with kindness.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Prophet Muhammad - “Verily, a man hath performed prayers, fasts, charity, pilgrimage and all other good works; but he will not be rewarded except by the proportion of his understanding.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Prophet Muhammad - “It is not a sixth or a tenth of a man's devotion which is acceptable to God, but only such portions thereof as he offereth with understanding and true devotional spirit.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. Prophet Muhammad - “Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. Prophet Muhammad - “It is not worthy of a speaker of truth to curse people.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. Prophet Muhammad - “Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. Prophet Muhammad - “Can anyone walk through water without wetting his feet? The companions replied, 'No;' Muhammad said, 'Such is the condition of those of the world; they are not safe from sins.'” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. Prophet Muhammad - “Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two works better than those.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. Prophet Muhammad - “Feed the hungry and visit a sick person, and free the captive, if he be unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. Prophet Muhammad - “Wealth, properly employed, is a blessing; and a man may lawfully endeavor to increase it by honest means.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever desireth the world and its riches, in a lawful manner, in order to withold himself from begging, and for a livelihood for his family, and for being kind to his neighbor, will come to God with his face bright as the full moon on the fourteenth night of the lunar month.”
     -- Hannnan, Australia     
     -- Anonymous      
     -- gk, nyc      
    to the non-believers out there who see this as a very negetive comment, the thing is, muslims believe this world is a test. There are a lot of temptations and bad influences around you and to pass the test, you have to choose the right path. Basically, if you are good you go to heaven, if not, hell. there is more to this, but that is the basic outline, its not that we dont love life, its that atachment to it will mean we stop preparing ourselves for the hereafter.
     -- mimi, new zealand     
     -- raaz, doha      
    whoever reads coran to understand islam will find the scientific proof and wonderful truth. So pepare and work for your life as if you are living forever and prepare for the hereafter as if you will die tomorrow.
     -- Nourelfirdaws, Meknes morocco     
    Islam is d only true religion by god....... Others are mandatory....
     -- shinas, Ernakulam     
    Islaam is the solution, proud being a Muslim for i never criticized ane religion and respected all keeping firm to my beliefs, i would advice Muslims to stay away from this sort of conflicts. InshaAllah truth will be revealed at the end that is going to be another beginning
     -- fatima bucha     
    "This world is the prison of the believers and the paradise of the unbelievers." very nice quote (hathis/traditions of prophet) this simply means you don't have to be sad no matter how hardly conditions you fine your self and to be content with that which Allah has given you since the rewords is in the hereafter. Wallahu a allam
     -- Abu Fadima, jos/plateau state Nigeria     
    I totally agree !islam is the true saviour for the people of this world and I want to ask a question to those athiests out ther.you don't believe in Allah let alone a God ,how were you created and please don't say the apes!cause if u did were did the apes come from? Dust? So please allah has all the answers ok read the quraan you would be amazed at how scientific our quraan is!please this quote is absolutely lovely!
     -- sofiah, durban, south africa     
    just to make it clear for others, what is meant by prison is that even though believers would get all what they want there are still what is missing, they will miss something.. it is just to be in the near of their creator ... but it does not mean that they do not have to enjoy their life in the best way as the prophet himself had .. he was smiling, laughing playing with kids ... running with his wife to see who could be faster and so on..
     -- Moh, Duisburg     
    awesome proverb
     -- maliha, hyd     
    best proverb in the whole universe
     -- shakeb ahmed, gulbarga,india     
    Its so easy to understand, u don't need to get phd to conceive that, Just simple is that when you born you start to die, so what we waiting for just make fun in this life and never know when the death is coming to get you. Thats why this we ignore this proverb and try our hard to live in the life of illusion. but on other hand we feel, think, know, than act on it after that we achieve it. tell me what after that. try another task. never ending. but stop think don't know when we go away every thing will undone. At last i would advice first myself and than you to be realistic not get away from truth. other wise truth will get us. no matter where ever we go.
     -- Anonymous     
    very good proverb of islamic
     -- fortesa, kosovo     
    I need to say some thing for every one every thing is in the QOURAN.we muslims must do the best things what we should to do .Every muslim should try to explain islam to the western media .westernpeopele didnot understand islam they need to read more about muslims .Islam is solution for everything .islam is unity.islam is justice.
     -- osman, addis abeba     
    Yes Your right Osman!!. I request all brothers and sisters to read the Holy Qur'an and understand its meaning in your own language. Since we muslims must read Qur'an with meaning so that we can understand what Allah says. we born as muslms, we live as muslims but does not try to know its meaning in our own language till the death-bed. If not try then this is purely biggest mistake what we are doing. Pls pls pls start reading though we recite in Arabic language. Allah Hum sab ko maghfirath farmaye.. Ameen!! - Khaid khan, chennai
     -- Anonymous, chennai     
    There is so much depth and truth in this quote, people can only understand it if they are open-minded. It means that a believer has many duties in this life, so many burdens and issues in this less-than-perfect world which he is constantly trying to combat. This is due to the Islamic principles which ensure he acts righteously for the benefit of humanity. However, non-believers do not always feel the same amount of responsibility and are often too busy with the enjoyment of their luxuries - thus it is a paradise for them because they are oblivious to the hurt and suffering of others.
     -- traveller, London     
    Incredible proverb!
     -- Anonymous     
    am proude 2 muslim lady!
     -- fethia bedru, haromaayaa     
    the world (dunnya) is made for us, but we are made for the world here-after (akhiraat). May Allah (Exalted is He) grant us the ability to understand the depth of this religion and to be among the rightly guided. Allah (Exalted is He) gives wisdom to whomever He wills. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: O Allah, let us see the Truth as true, and enable us to follow it. Let us see falsehood as false, and enable us to avoid it. - Islam is the way of life.
     -- Anonymous, malaysia     
    I am Muslim and that is why I live my life with dignity and respect for the world around me, all of you Christians on here who bash Islam after only knowing the filth and inaccurate propaganda spread by the Republican media only confirm the concept that many Christians of today have strayed from Jesus' (peace be upon him) original teachings of love for your neighbor. If you knew anything about the real Islam you would understand that the extremists you see on TV are going against the teachings of the Quran and of the Prophet Mohammed, and are thus barley hanging on to the fringes of Islam, instead they preach their own version of Islam to promote their own political agendas. These people do not represent the veiws and ideals of the 1 billion Muslims around the world by any stretch of the imagination.
     -- Monodeus, Minneapolis     
     -- Anonymous      
    all you said are true
     -- mohamed sharif, burkina faso     
    masha allah this proverb is simple and true. people of non believers if u not agree wit this proverb pls stay silent dnt hurt others by destroying their thoughts..may allah forgive us nd bring peace in our futures. ahmeen
     -- faiz jahan, chennai     
    Our life in Islam! Our wisdom in the Qur'an! Our strength lies in Iman, Alhamdulillah we are Muslims!
     -- Islomjon, Regar     
    Obey Allah and Allah will reward you.
     -- asma, hargisa     
    ALLAH ,put inorder our worldly afairs 4 its our source of livelihood,put in order our hearafter 4 its our ultimate destination. ameen
     -- shamim, kenya     
    Do not betray the one who betrays you. /Islamic proverb/
     -- Nuro, Oromia     
     -- idriss, new york      
    Islam is a straightforward judge which need understanding and knowledge of it.Get the knowledge of it and understand the world.
     -- Allamah Ali Mele, Maiduguri,Nigeria     
    islam is peace,evry one join it.!
     -- tewfik jemal, adisabeba ethiopia     
    Suras Al-Maed,Verse 8:O you who believe ! Be upright for Allah , bearers of witness with justice , and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably ,that is nearer to piety,and be careful of(your duty to )Allah surely Allah; is Aware of what you do.
     -- Adam Abdurahman, Chicago     
    This quote is wide open to inerpretation therefore not worthy of a rating. Who's belief's in what, are we talking about?
    In Islam? not for me thanks...too violent.
    In Catholicism? Been there done that, finished with it.
    I'll maintain my contact with my God on my own terms, and His.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    But am sure you have not read the,the holy Quran ,if you had then you will understand the meaning of that quote,needs no rating,...
     -- Adam Abdurahman, Chicago     
    when one begins to understand and realize the greatest reward in this life as well as the hereafter the quote will become apparent to them. but for those who have not I pray to The One and Only true
    God to guide them to the The straight Way.
     -- BENN, Samoa     
    Absolutely true. We are living in stranger world.
     -- Lidkhan, Moyale,eth     
    this is one of d clearest proofs abt Islam..jst by reading dis proverb with ur Brain....not wit ur Dung...as av seen some of believers in fiction doing...pls dnt blindly critisise Islam.. Knw it first! Ol else die a disbliever and suffer eternal punishment in hell..dats Just it...4 d world hav ever been enemy of righteus ppl..no wonder som ppl hav d nerves 2 speak evil Of Islam...THINK
     -- Anonymous, bauchi     
    Wow, looks like this quote has become popular with Muslims.  As a 'proverb' it certainly rings true for me, as I find it equally applicable to any zealot's religious dogma.  Christianity and Judaism also view the current incarnation as temporal.  Maybe it isn't a prison but I have heard a preacher refer to life as 'reform school.'  We are free, but not free from the consequences  those that live with that consciousness are then indeed 'bound' to temper their lusts for blood and power.  

    The quote is deep, philosophical and worthy of consideration.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Not quite sure how to rate this. Its really sad and dark if the belief referenced here is that of or in Allah. I have a belief as a joint heir with Christ of joy, here and beyond. Non-believers in Christ are left to their own devices as concerns prison and paradise.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
    Prisoners of hope, and the salvation in this life, and that which is to come, afforded to us, through His shed blood have brought Liberty and Freedom from oppression and death. Zech 9:9 thru 12. This long before islam was ever a thought in the mind of man.
    Gala 5:1 STAND FAST therefore in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with th yoke of bondage. kjb 
     -- Ronw13, OR     
    When you ask a child a question they always seem to respond with the same vague pointless conclusion as this Islamic proverb. 
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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