"The Communists could succeed if we ever let ourselves be lulled into thinking that they are no longer dangerous to us externally and internally. They would be victorious if we were ever duped by their own nationals or by foolish Americans -- if we were ever duped into believing that they are not aggressive, atheist socialist imperialists. They have proved they never sleep. They have never permanently retreated, and what seems at a particular time to be a cessation of their forward movement or a change in their designs is nothing more than a tactical maneuver on another front."
Kenneth D. Wells
President of Valley Forge Freedoms Foundation
BYU Speech, 30 Apr. 1962, in Speeches, 1962, p. 5
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Reader comments about this quote:
Funny how we refuse, in the name of political correctness, to update this to the threat from Radical Islamists. T. S. E. was right, it's going to be a wimper; a very long and painfull wimper.
 -- J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT     
    JB - I almost entirely agree with you. There are a few of us who have had the wisdom to learn from history and others - and by the observations of what is happening today. It is so blatantly in our face that it has given me hope that I had almost given up any possible salvation of our Republic. Chins up! LG
     -- L. Gordon, Prescott, Az     
    As an update, I don't know if Obomunist, czars and stars can be called pure communists with their personal penchant for fascism, progressivism, radical Islam (not any relationship to a godly religion but rather a bowing to politically applied tyranny) and the like but, other than that, it has to be rated 5 stars
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Think bigger. Islam is now a tool to break down Americanism. It is designed to keep you in fear and spend "your" money to fight a perpetual war. If our government was on "our" side they would stop letting these folks who want us all dead into the country. Break Americans economically, sell out American Industry to foreign powers, disarm Americans, let illegal aliens live on welfare...anyone else starting to see the big picture?
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    While our patriotic volunteer military forces are on the other side of the world indefinitely, we are left with an ever growing police state copying the very tactics of totalitarian governments like fascist Germany and communist Russia. The citizens of those countries cheered for the policies that eventually led to their own servitude as murderers of their fellow man in order to keep their own lives. But don't worry, folks, Americans are much smarter, and it can't happen here ....(gulp)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Communism, facism, or caring socialism under the guise of democracy, call it what you want it makes no difference. America aint seen nothin' yet. As long as good men do nothing. L Gordon, hear hear! Chins up. J Carlton, you are definitely on the right track there as the things they want you to fear keep adding up.
     -- Anon     
    It was interesting how the news media tried to convince us that the Ft. Hood shooting was just some soldier who went off his rocker instead of a dedicated Muslim terrorist. Why on earth would the military allow a Muslim into the army is a mystery to me.
     -- jim k, austin     
    Wonder what guys that wrote this stuff in 1962 think now. I guess this guy thinks that the fall of the Berlin wall was a planned tactical or strategic manuever of the Politburo and that the Politburo now has us all right where they want us. I always feel so sad when I see folk lost into schizophrenia and paranoia. Jim K you so openly show your lack of understanding of the country I am sure you do actually love. We have a thing here Jim called "FREEDOM OF RELIGION". Your statement about a Muslim in the Army is an outrageous attack on a basic fundamental American freedom. Do you actually realize that you are on a site dedicated to Liberty? Pretty soon you will propose a religious test for public office which is also unconstitutional. You may agree with these quotes, that our enemies are within our own country, but examine your views to be sure that you are not among them.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, stuff it, freedom of religion my ass. Then you tell me why people are afraid of saying merry CHRISTMAS now days. Shops won't put up ANY religious meaning decorations for fear of being sued and at the very least offending a potential customer. Maybe we should all start chanting merry winter festival? What of the offended Christian who's day has become everything except what it started out as which is a day to remember WHERE we got our ideals of individual freedom from which in case you have forgotten, are the natural laws of our creator that a wise man called JESUS pointed out to us. Does any of this offend you Wafler? I hope so because to be honest, I am sick and tired of those like you who keep telling me to be nice to any and all who are raping our country of its heritage all for the power hunger of an elite who are in fact psychopaths who have the masses thinking they know what is best for the world and all who live in it. They keep saying it and things get worse. The worse it gets the more the "unthinkers" (your favorite people) seek answers from these psychopaths and the iron fist closes more tightly. If I don't know you, and you don't have a clue what is the right choice for me then you tell me, how in hell does an elite minority of power hungry psychopaths have any clue whatsoever of what is best for me or for anybody else for that matter? Tell me Waffler, where does that stunning ability come from? This I do know, there are many choices in life I would have made for my own LEGAL and MORAL betterment but because of some LAW that removes that FREE CHOICE from the realm of my life, I either like it or lump it according to these mighty masterly rulers who are supposed to be my servants to begin with! Like I've said before, America aint seen nothing yet.
     -- Anon     
    Freedom of religion does not include the right to murder people of other religions. As usual Waffler misses the point entirely and asserts some hysterical diatribe almost as though Hillary wrote it herself.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Hear Hear Anon....and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Anon my Christmas card which I ordered yesterday says Merry Christmas on the front of it. I have no problem and enjoy saying Merry Christmas to others. Other individuals and businesse are free to say anything they wish. I personal feel some folk of a less active religious bent prefer to say Happy Holidays. Some folk get choked on the word Christ mas and Christ. That is their religious freedom to be secular if they desire to be. I agree with J that murder is not allowed. Our country is being tested on the issue of Freedom of Religon, I agree 100% but if we win the wars by violating our fundamental beliefs that all persons are to be treated equal witout regard to religon, what have we gained. I also agree with Jim from Austin that persons of Muslim persuasion are sometimes conflicted and can be dangerous. But as one guy told the Major who flipped, "Muslims are fighting Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan and who knows where else so what is wrong with Americans helping Muslims to fight Muslims". It is radical Muslims we need to worry about not all Muslims. This is deep and heavy stuff and we have to be careful here.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler it is obvious that our "victory" over communism only sets us up for ultimate defeat. We are now under attack from within and ignore it because we think we are now safe. We elect the very people that we used to fight as the enemy. Now we praise the ones we used to fear. This quote was visionary.
     -- warren, olathe     
    Worse than communists are the bankers, lawyers, judges and journalists who enforce the ten planks of Marx's Communist Manifesto which have superseded the Bill of Rights with the first 3 planks being real estate, income and inheritance taxes, all illusions when the Federal Reserve said bank deposits are "merely" book entries and plank No. 5 saddled us with the Federal Reserve. If the people running the National Chamber of Commerce were Christians or just patriotic, they would tell local members what you just read here. The following link contains no advertizing and deserves wide circulation: www,morpix.biz/x4
     -- Anonymous     
    Waffler, you are great at avoiding points of issue as it was others I was speaking of and not yourself. Anonymous, What the international elite are is a combination of methods all the evil types of government that have existed in the past used in a novel way. This is a first time world event where the control of EVERY government in the world is at stake. Theirs is a withches brew of all the old methods of enslavement used in such a way as never before seen on this earth because it wasn't possible until now. Since it is a world system I have no argument with calling it "the system of the beast" because it is one centrallized (and becoming more so everyday) hub that is pulling the centralization strings ever tauter.
     -- Anon     
    J Carlton, thank you and the same Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. May the freedom and love Jesus spoke of once again garner strength and steadfastness in you and your loved ones intellect and hearts leading to a greater understanding of the Creators love for all his creation as our forefathers were once on that 'path' to understanding. Too bad we let ourselves (for the most part) be led from it but in the end things have a way of working out for the good. It's truly said that every cloud has a silver lining.
     -- Anon     
    Anon it is your judgemental attitude towards others that is an offense to American freedom. People are to often speaking of or to "others" rather than to real people and rather than having real anecdotal evidence. As for me, you and Calrton we say Merry Christmas, what "others" say is their free business. So don't you stop being a busybody and leave the so called "others" alone.As far as the communist witch hunt it reminds me of a line in a Vietnam movie. One infantryman says to another, "I love Charlie (Vietcong) if it were not for him we would not have anything to shoot at." Pointing out "communists" or would be communists gives you something to do rather than doing real good or real work or taking care of your own business.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    If wars were financed with taxes, there would be no wars. How do we know that wars are not financed with taxes? We cannot pay taxes with dollar bills that the IRS (Imaginary Revenue Scum) said "are not dollars" or with credit. The Fed said their system "works only with credit" that would keep its value "if there were fewer people bidding against each other."--booklet, Keeping Our Money Healthy, Library of Congress Catalog No, 60-14368 Rev, Jan, 1979 Taxes cannot be paid with anything less than silver coins and such coins were removed from banks in 1968. For more info, see: www.morpix.biz/x4 Marxs 10 planks have superseded the Bill of Rights. The first 3 planks are the illusions called real estate tax, income tax an inheritance tax. See the other ten at" morpix.biz/x15
     -- Anonymous     
    Waffler, my how you defend communism. Leave them alone? That's what i've wanted for myself and my family for a very long time and have asked nicely even in a nice polite courtroom setting and when nicely crushed, (with a smile on the government faces), I learned my lesson well. Our government, better yet, your government is out to not let anyone have control of their lives back as nature and nature's god has deemed it to be. Leave them alone? The question is will these arrogant elite ever leave me and others who know of what I speak alone? Nice just doesn't cut it anymore.
     -- Anon     
    Proof of this quote can be seen in the current democratic party.  The list of democrats running for president reminds me of the Keystone Cops except not so funny. God help us if one of those screwballs should ever be elected.
     -- jim k, Austin     
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