"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country.
A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit.
Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation,
therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.
We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely
controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world.
No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by
conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by
the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
Woodrow Wilson
(1856-1924) 28th US President
Attributed. In reference to signing the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Most likely a compilation of 2 quotes from his book The New Freedom, 1916. No source found for "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country."
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Reader comments about this quote:
Said one of the greatest socialist presidents the United States has ever known... The slippery slope is easily detected. Good quote.
 -- Logan, Memphis, TN     
     -- Anonymous      
    Yet he foolishly did nothing to try and reverse the corruption he created. Truly the beginning of the downfall of the United States.
     -- Joe, Rochester, MI     
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    too bad he did not realize this while as governor of New Jersey he was the point man in lobbying in support of the National Banking Act; his leadership was invaluable to the banking trust in misleading the Amercian people in 1913...
     -- al, washington dc     
    When the time comes, the people will burn the banks, if not the bankers, and who will stop them?
     -- David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood, FL     
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    Please note that "in reference to signing the Federal Reserve Act in 1913" is disingenuously given as a "source." Although this suppositious quotation makes the rounds of the Net, I have been unable to locate its source.
     -- Anonymous, Newport     
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     -- anonymous      
    If you do not understand what this quote is about look at the research at this website: http://www.themoneymasters.com
     -- Anonymous     
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    Yes, everyone of all political persuasions should view the film 'The Money Masters.' It not only explains the profound context for this quote by Wilson, but closely related quotes by Jefferson, Madison, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, and many other leaders who woke up to the mega crime syndicate that the banker-controllers are the heart of.
     -- Anonymous     
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    This quote is real, I've seen parts of this speach on video, even David Letterman played a clip of it. Sounds like someone found Christ or Something before his death and wanted to make it right somehow. To little to late if you ask me. Buy gold and silver, its real.
     -- Anonymous     
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     -- Anonymous      
    Vote Ron Paul!
     -- Louise     
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    Forget Money Masters...watch the file Zeitgeist at http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com to see where this quote fits in the overall agenda of the ruling elite.
     -- Mohenjo     
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    Forget the zeitgeist bullshit. 90% of that stuff is impossible to find credible sources for. One of their biggest points that they base the whole "there is no jesus" crap comes directly from the "fact" that he was born on december 25. Guess what, he wasn't actually born on Dec 25, that's just the day that was chosen for Christians. The actual date is still unknown although many scholars believe it to be sometime in spring or summer. Their main objective uses a point that is simply invalid. It also pulls the ideas from "loose change" about conspiracy theories from 911. Hmm, too bad "loose change" has been debunked by so many sources and people in fields who actually know what they are talking about (unlike the idiot teenagers) including popular mechanics. Don't believe me? Try reading the other side of the story loosechangeguide.com For godsake, the world definitely has its problems, but after watching Zeitgeist bulshit, I felt like I had finished watching some sci-fi movie. Even their website admits that their sources are difficult to find (but claims it's because everyone everwhere are biased in their methods)...
     -- eric     
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    Hey, Mohenjo, thanks for the link to Zeitgeist. It is no bullshit, that is for sure. Contrary to the comments of 'eric' above, most of this information is well-sourced in numerous books, tapes, and videos. (There is nothig about 'loose change' in the whole thing so I am not sure what 'eric' is talking about.) A very nice compilation of world history -- certainly challenging to those that have much invested in 'the lie'. It is time Americans woke up -- the revolution is now.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    anyone seeking a source for the quote, try the Woodrow Wilson Presidential library website. Pretty good source.
     -- J Wilson, Miami, FL     
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    you sound like you've got a religion to defend, eric
     -- Richard, Cape Town     
    It isn't that hard to see that he's talking about his signing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. "A Great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit," which would mean he has to be talking about banking and finance to begin with, but banking and finance had been around from the beginning of the nation. Wilson also said, "I have unwittingly ruined my country," which must reference something he did. I see no alternative but the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
     -- S. Anderson, St. Louis, MO     
     -- K Rowe, Green Bay      
    There are several movies out there that discuss this quote, the Federal Reserve, 911, and the government and expose them for what they really are. If anyone has a doubt about what people on here say, then find your own truth. Do your own research and I'm pretty sure you'll find out that not everyone is only trying to jump on the conspiracy theory bandwagon. The world is much bigger than our little version of reality. We need to wake up, pay attention, and be proactive....instead of reactive. Oh...and VOTE RON PAUL!! :O)
     -- Summer, Savannah, GA     
    Eric, watch the movie ZEITGEIST more carefully next time. The "fact" that Jesus was born on december 25 is shown to NOT be a fact, and is, in fact, as the documentary makes clear, simply the date many so-called "saviors" were born. This is because, the doc asserts, Christianity, as well as Judaism, is one in a long line of mythical religions based on the SUN, and other astrology phenomena. December 25th is the day the sun rises one degree above the horizon after coming to its nadir on the 21st/22nd, the winter solstice. Notice that the 25th, the day the sun "rises from the dead," is about three days later. The reason "The actual date is still unknown although many scholars believe it to be sometime in spring or summer," is because, the doc asserts, Jesus did not exist and "scholars believe" in their own vivid imaginations. The "'there is no Jesus crap'" comes from the FACT that the entire Jesus story - or the 4 slightly contradictory versions of it in the Bible that were declared the "word of God" by a group of powerful men behind closed doors - is merely a plagarization of a very common (I'd even say trite or cliched) myth found throughout the ancient world before and after Jesus, but most specifically of Egyptian, and to a lesser extent Greek, mythology. All these myths centered around some type of half-human, half-god savoir, who was born on december 25th, preached peace and brotherhood, was killed by the authorities, and was resurrected three days later. They also all come from worshipping the sun and keeping record of astrological phenomena. The film ZEITGEIST makes this and many more things quite clear...if you but look hard enough. With that said, I do not believe all the 9/11 conspiracy stuff. There are still many questions that go unanswered in its explanation. Still, nowhere did the movie cite "loose change."
     -- sam, teaneck, nj     
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    There is reason to believe this quote is fabricated. The second half can be found here: http://www.woodrowwilson.org/learn_sub/learn_sub_show.htm?doc_id=472697 but that is from 1912 - way before the signing of the FRA.
     -- Anonymous     
    HERE IS THE SOURCE: in his book, The New Freedom: A Call For the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People, chapter 8
     -- Adam     
    We have been warned so many times.....god damn tip-toe totalitarianism
     -- Aidan, Mississauga     
    So...somebody answer the question. Did he really say it? What does the Woodrow Wilson Library say? People are too credulous. If it's on the Internet, and I agree with it, it MUST be true!
     -- Anonymous, Toronto     
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    There is no reliable source for this quote. Every single time a documentary cites this quote, it makes me wonder what else they are misconstruing. http://www.salon.com/tech/htww/2007/12/21/woodrow_wilson_federal_reserve/index.html
     -- Stephen, Texas     
    In his book, The New Freedom: A Call For the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People, chapter 8 Wilson does talk about the money trusts. You have to read the book in order to understand how to interpret this quote. He is alluding to the control of the US by corporations and how that is a bad thing. He sees these money trusts (plural) as an impedance to man's freedom. So he proposes that government could help men be free of encumbrances by things like the money trusts (plural). Why he went and made a single monopolistic money trust, privately held is beyond me. And how he thinks freedom can come through constraint is further beyond me - that is just illogical.
     -- Geoff, Toronto     
    We have researched this quote and found a couple quotes from Wilson's book, The New Freedom. Here are links to them:
    As far as being a most unhappy man on his death bed for passing the Federal Reserve Act, we have not yet found a source.
     -- Editor, Liberty Quotes     
    Geoff, Toronto.....Wilson was shadowed by Colonel Mandel House. House was known as his alter ego and a recruit of the Illuminati. The League of Nations was Colonel House's idea to start the model for a one world government. House is the equal to Cheney is to Bush. Both are linked to the Council on Foreign Relations. House represents the international bankers of yesteryear
     -- Tom, Chicago     
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    The aristocratic infiltration of the American Monetary System has long proved valid. The people of the world are too distracted with more "direct" affairs looking not at what the primary problem is. If Wilson in fact had no outside influences regarding our money, a slew of debaucheries could have been avoided.
     -- Anonymous     
    It wasnt Wilson that said this for the reason of anything other than the political pressure that suggested that if he did not sign it then certain power people would ensure him a loss in the run for president. One person who made this clear to wilson was a man who, yes, married a daughter of one of the top 5 richest.... I aint naming names but this info should give you the lead needed to make this issue much more logical. http://411.scottbruno.com
     -- Scott Bruno, The World     
    Eric, I find it a little funny that the author of the the 911 article in Popular Mechanic, Benjamin Chertoff is the cousin of Michael Chertoff
     -- T, Chicago     
    I think that if we (the people of this great country) do not get our heads out of our asses we are in for some trouble. Wheather this quote by Woodrow Wilson is accurate or not we all need to realize that our country is not being lead the way it was intended. Not only is our Constitution is being trampled over but our natural rights as well. "A government does not have a country, a country has a government." N.D. Watson . After I say this I'll get off my soap box. PEOPLE NEED TO GET INVOLVED!!! Stop being so apathetic we need to do something, everyone just earns their dollar and everything is ok. "Whatever they do in Washington is up to them." That is absolutly wrong we all need to step back and look at this. Thanks for listening and I hope there are like-minded individuals out there that are also doing something about our situation.
     -- Mr. Watson, Buckhannon, WV     
    I wonder if president Wilson truly felt this way after all or died in a a state of denial like most of us. My suggestions: #1 wake up take that stupid TV and throw it in the garage were it belongs - the media is owned. #2 educate yourself and spread the word, don't forget to name names, use quotes. #3 stop paying income tax it's a scam (be careful consider the IRS as mobsters) #4 stop dealing with banks as much as possible, loans, etc. are scams, our economy is based on debt IE: slavery #5 stop burning oil, try alternative fuel, remember there really is no such thing as matter, just energy and empty space, energy is not scarce #6 drug companies are crooks, cancer is an industry, why would they want to end it - BEWARE. In other words STOP FEEDING THE MONSTER! this is a war and we are under attack right here, right now.
     -- Rick, California     
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    actual quotes from the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library "A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men who, even if their action be honest and intended for the public interest, are necessarily concentrated upon the great undertakings in which their own money is involved and who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom." Excerpt from 1912 campaign speech "We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world--no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men." Excerpt frpm 1912 campaign speech
     -- Always Seek the Truth, Austin, TX     
    Great quote and truth. But the fact is, feeling sorry about it doesn't fix the problem. Woodrow Wilson allowed the Federal Reserve to take over America. Shame on his judgment and selfishness on that account.
     -- Alfred, California     
    Yes, the quote is from 1912, but he had commited to signing the Reserve act when his campaign was financed by the folks who wanted it. Just because he said it beforehand doesn't change the meaning.
     -- Anonymous, Batavia, New York     
     -- Anonymous      
    Rick from California is absolutely correct. We need to spread THE TRUTH not just by blogging on the net, we need to step out in person and get our voices out there no matter the persecution. Start by telling your friends, family, boyfriends/girlfriends, co-workers, classmates, etc... Be leaders, not followers. Don’t wait for somebody else to lead this revolution. I first started by telling my family and intend to spread it outwards. They don’t want you to think critically. Stay in school and get educated! Fight the system that is set up to make us fail.
     -- Evan, California     
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    war for profit is a + it's cheaper to borrow from forgien nations than print the money is a + controling inflation and interest rates is a + creating the irs is a + churches tax free and the people are taxed is a + extra political contributions is a + I love the fed it's a great way to borrow money but i think i'll check the asian rate first
     -- satan, hell     
    i think this quote just shows that the league of nations killed the creator!
     -- yo yo essskimo mo, princesstooown     
    The reality is complicated. People want a simple explanation. Conspiracies are particularly appealing because they imply that someone is, somehow, in control of what is going on. Things are not under control. Control is an illusion. Its comforting weak minds to think that a small group of men out there are the puppet masters but it's not that simple. There is no escaping the chaos.
     -- Horus, Aswan     
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     -- Anonymous      
    This quote is a fabrication. Both the Woodrow Wilson Presidential library and the creator of 'Money as Debt' - Paul Grignon http://paulgrignon.netfirms.com/MoneyasDebt/references.htm admit that it consists of bits and pieces cobbled together from campaign speeches long before Wilson signed the Reserve Act. Further the part of " I am a most unhappy man ... " can not be found anywhere. From Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom, A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People. This is a collection of extracts from Woodrow Wilson's 1912 campaign addresses edited by William Bayard Hale, originally published in 1913. Mr. Hale included about a quarter of Wilson's 1912 speeches, but also added material from other Wilson addresses. The quote "A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit." is from Chapter 8, Monopoly, or Opportunity, pp. 111-112. The quote "We are no longer a government by free opinion...." is from Chapter 9, Benevolence, or Justice p. 122. You should be able to find a copy of The New Freedom in your public library or a university library. Spread the word. Imagine yourself debating Banking Usury to a group and you UNWISELY use that fabricated quote - all anyone has to do is point out that your uninformed or worse a liar and your whole argument as well as your credibility goes down the drain. If you really want change - do your homework. If all you want is to do is feel cool because your 'hip' to what's 'goin on' then by all means - be a tool.
     -- Mr. Anon, Los Angeles     
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     -- Anonymous      
    what is fabricated is our money. watch max keisers show "the oracle" dated feb 13, 2009. we wont need history pretty soon, we will be making it. "you dont need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" bob dylan
     -- trapper, kansas city, mo     
    The quote at the top of the page is an actual quote from the book "The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People" , the only problem with the quote is the first two sentences are no where to be found in the book. Also there is no mention of the federal reserve in the book, how could there be, when the Federal Reserve wasn't even in existence when the book was written. The quote above came from the chapter titled "Monopoly or Opportunity , Woodrow Wilson is not discussing the federal reserve at all, he is discussing the dangers of businesses that become monopolies.
     -- David, portland     
    I don't care if he said it or not; Woodrow Wilson laid the IRS and Federal Reserve on us. If ghost exist and have a conscious he's probably rolling in eternal misery for what he's done to millions of people. If he didn't say it when he was alive it was his spirit whispering it into the ears of millions of people that are starting to realize what he did. It's amazing that just the 30% didn't bother people much that it was almost normal until Bush and Obama started running huge deficits and people realized if they were ever going to balance the budget they had to raise taxes then questioning the morality of taxes and the federal reserve to turn free people into slaves.
     -- Buster, Boise     
    All interesting. I respect every opinion and I am excited to see people questioning the acts of their government. I am 71, my generation benefited from the crass politicians. My parents experienced the Great Depression. I have been asking myself the same question since I was about 35, because I could sense that the more it changes, the more it remains the same. the question:"Who rules the world" In learning that the Federal Reserve is a conglomerate of international bankers recently, and not a bank belonging to the US, then I had the conviction that this had to be true, and the dialogues between the government and the Fed. Res. have now become fascinating. Now, I am listening and reading the news. I had stopped reading newspapers 4 to 5 years ago because of the misinformation. So, follow the money... who benefits from it, is our new mantra for my husband and I , mantra which we have been saying for a few years. Segolene Royal in France, opposing the new leader N. Sarkozy in France's last elections, said recently that this financial crisis is a "complot", i.e. a conspiracy. But the Premier Fillion just declared that the financial problem is an "exterior crisis". I am of the silent majority, but the time has come to get off my tush and I am looking to be inspired as to what we must do about this, because the world is very happy to blame the US for the world wide crisis. You know the familiar:"It's not me... and I was forced"......
     -- a grandmother, Arizona     
    "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. Wilson NEVER SAID THIS....STOP POSTING THIS ZEITGEIST,UNDOCUMENTED,UN RESOURCED,UNETHICAL,CONSPIRACY BASED BULLSHIT. In college we use bibliographies, so that honest people can share their sources without shame and intellectual DISHONESTY
     -- Chesstar, New York     
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    One More thing! The problem with the religious piece in Zeigeist is this: They ASSUME that the 12 sign ZODIAC always existed, and that the boundries seperating the signs were always the same. However this is not the case The Sumerian and babylonians had 19 signs in the zodiac,and not only tracked the path of the sun, but also the moon and the planets. The zodiac we have is from the greeks and has only been this way since about 200 b.c, So it is hard to use the concept of 1 leader with 12 followers, throughout ancient history. Top Astronomers don't even deal with this crap because it is so ridiculous, but this concept of astro-mythology is old and refuted. It is known as panbabylonism and was popular from about 1850-1920. If you want to read something scientific in support of this, read Hamlets Mill (1969). It is not considered very reliable by the astronomical community, but it will give you a clearer understanding, then zeigeist, and is a whole lot more credible. Which is not saying much!
     -- Chesstar, New York     
    Don't get divided over religion, or race, or who did 911, or MSM "politics". If this is a fight for freedom, then know who your enemy is, and strive to unite people against them. Woodrow Wilson did; only too late to make a difference.
     -- Son of Liberty     
    I think it matters whether Wilson said these things and in the context that they're being used. It makes people and their arguments look foolish when they condemn books without reading them, or spew viciousness at enemies not clearly defined by evidence. Is everyone with wealth and power in on the conspiracy? It's hard to stop a speeding train, especially when it's fully loaded down with anger.
     -- Anonymous, Toronto     
    There can never really be justice on stolen land. Until we return to the earth & natural living we just perpetuate this modern day Babylonian system. We truly own nothing yet ones fight & die for ownership of land and minds. What a waste. I hope it's not too late for humanity. Rick from Cali Is on point: Educate yourself and spread the word, don't forget to name names, use quotes. stop paying income tax it's a scam (be careful consider the IRS as mobsters). stop dealing with banks as much as possible, loans, etc. are scams, our economy is based on debt IE: slavery
     -- Riddm, Oakland     
    "A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men ... [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world-no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men." Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), 28th President of the United States, Excerpt from 1912 campaign speech, The Woodrow Wilson Presidential Liabrary. The Federal Reserve Act was signed into effect December 23, 1913
     -- Brett, Buckhannon, WV     
    yea, well the federal reserve is just a enormous triangle scheme. We pay taxes as collateral so that the federal reserve can keep stealing our money. It sucks but we are all slaves. Wilson really fucked us on this one. Anyone who reads this should try looking for the document the federal reserve act. It actually says in the document it's a scam, they just dress the words up to make it sound not so bad. try to educate yourself. we live in a fiat money system. Its an illusion. fuck obama. america aint the same. im going to the bahamas to be a pirate and steal boats fuck ya
     -- Anonymous     
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    Hooray for the Grandmother in Arizona; Yup! " follow the money (and discover the motive)" is my mantra too
     -- gil, Clark Fork ID     
    He was a fine man.
     -- Tiffany Man, Cincinnati     
    there was nothing he could do people!!! he is under them, "the dominate men" he is talking about. the only thing he could do was sit back and watch, which is why he hated himself cause he couldnt do anything about it. but im also glad he left this behind this is pretty solid, and no one can really argue this.
     -- Anonymous     
    Woodrow Wilson was nothing less than the most corrupt, anti-American president we ever had. Perhaps you "researchers" should look into how many political prisoners he had and how he controlled the press. A fine example of the progressive mind.
     -- Mark, Medina     
    "This will be a day long remembered..it has seen the end of conobie and will soon see the end of the rebellion"
     -- Satan, Washington d.c.     
    I read Wilson's book, and i found nothing remotely similar to that quote, and your saying, " Most likely a compilation of 2 quotes?" you must be unsure because that book (Speech) has nothing that would imply, that Wilson, said this quote. he didn't say it, it wasn't found in any database; their is no logic to this quote, there's nothing that backs it up. Title: New Freedom a Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People. Language: English Authors: Wilson, Woodrow Source: New Freedom a Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People; 3/1/2006, p1, 1p, 1 chart Document Type: Speech Publication Information: Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation Subject Terms: NONFICTION PROJECT Gutenberg (Company) ELECTRONIC publications ELECTRONIC books OPEN access publishing Author-Supplied Keywords: non-fiction, speeches Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924 Abstract: Presents the complete text of "New Freedom a Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People" by Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924. Document Information: Essay last updated: 20060830 Lexile: 1300 Full Text Word Count: 54434 Accession Number: 22119717
     -- fred, kenner     
    I don't know if he said it or not. Actions speak louder than words and he set our nation on a course of destruction from the two entities of the IRS and the Fed. Just let the gov't get a toe in the door and it is over. Yeah, originally there was to be no tax on "the sweat of your brow" Look what has happened. Join the tea party movement and help protest bad gov't.
     -- Marchie, Memphis     
    It goes a lot deeper than just a few rich bankers. Check out http://www.subvertednation.net/about-2/ to get up to date with the front line information on the battle for humanity. Download the free book which has been banned, read it, and understand it. DO NOT censor yourself, thats what these guys plan on you doing. They haven't spent billions on mind conditioning for no reason. Read it, and figure it out for yourself! There are A LOT of people helping with this system, and maintaining control, learn who they are. It's really nothing new. There have been MILLIONS of people before you searching for answers, only a few every really have an understanding.
     -- Mike, Denver     
    He is a fucking idot that should have never been the blaeder of this country
     -- John Homes, Depew NY     
    All of this talk is pointless. What people need to do is focus on the problems at hand not over bits and pieces of quotes said about a century ago. Money is a human invention that was at one point in time a useful necessity. Now it's a self imposed limitation on what we can do. It has also become the breeding ground for corruption in the pursuit to obtain as much of it as possible regardless of the consequences it has for those without it. There is not enough of it to go around to everyone and it has no real relation to what can be done. If you took all the money in the world and destroyed it, we would still have the resources to build everything we NEED. Our culture has become so brainwashed with the idea we need money as an incentive to motivate people to get things done in order to survive. This is a half truth. Most people have to do jobs they do not like and the only way they would do them is first, they have no other options and second, they need money in order to cover their cost of living. Many people are trapped in this scenario. Should there be any wonder why people become lazy after living this way for years? Today schools and hospitals are being closed, our food is not healthy to eat, our air is not good to breath and we are using our natural resources faster then the earth can produce them along the endless pollution. All of these things has the stench of the limitations and corruption that is a direct byproduct of seeking profit/money. So you have to ask yourself, are you happy how things are going in a world where money is the deciding factor on how we do things? Surely even a child can see the horrible track record it has and the vast negative attributes it contributes to both directly and indirectly. Can you imagine a realistic world where we can do without it and focus on things that matter? Before you can imagine such a thing, you first have to become educated on what we can actually do today. Sadly, most people don't have a clue.
     -- Moe, NYC     
    Moe, NYC Moe, try doing anthing without money. Try getting to work without gas for your car or cab. Try getting food on your table without fuel. How about building the bike you might want to ride. Do you get paid in money or are you simply stating an idealist world where people do their work without compensation. I suspect that you actually take money for your energies or perhaps you depend on the government for support. Either you are a complete idiot or you are just spouting off at what you perceive to be injustice. Find a way to run the world on another form of energy that works, stop accepting cash or better yet try actually living in your socialist utopia. You can't have it both ways. What is it going to be Moe? Obama is destroying ourcountry and you are looking to blame business, hard work and a profit motive. Try living as a Monk. Dependent on others for what you have. Stop lying to yourself and others who may believe as you do, that the great Satan is profit. Try living your life without a profit. You would die within weeks, unless someone who respects profits and energy come to your rescue Pat NO La
     -- Pat, New Orleans     
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    The quote was fabricated. http://www.salon.com/technology/how_the_world_works/2007/12/21/woodrow_wilson_federal_reserve/index.html
     -- Happy, Town     
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    The reason why Woodrow Wilson diddnt try to reverse the Federal Reserve Act is cause any one that tries will be killed. thats what the Movie ZEITGEIST FEDERAL RESERVE on youtube talks about. eventually these top men that are behind the government and control the world are gonna fuck humanity over.
     -- Mike, London     
    Money shouldnt exist cause if we go back to early humans they just got all food for themselves and tried to survive. but now the government makes humans need all this crazy shit and money its just too fucked were all fucked
     -- johnson, London     
    It is not clear whether he said: "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country." But it is definite that he said the rest of the quote, which can be read here from Senate Doc. 23, 76th Congress, 1st Session, page 100: https://archive.org/details/NationalEconomyAndTheBankingSystemOfTheUnitedStates
     -- Francois Mitterbland, Paris     
    He was referring to the execution of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion currently being finalized by the rulers of the Fed, Goldman Sachs, the media, the world bank, the IMF - all with leading j*ws now in place
     -- Dutch, Texas     
    Zeitgeist was not meant to be entirely factual, because many things discussed in the movie are of such complexity that Americans and those who have never known any history other than western history cannot digest these concepts without a little fluff added into them. This quote exemplifies wilson's regret for having been part of a system which stripped the american people away from their sovereignty and away from the principles which founded this once great nation. Zeitgeist is a mind opener for the narrow minded, a doorway to the esoteric...and meant to give reference points for the individual who has been completely brainwashed by the american history books. Look at wilson's early career... professor at WESLEYAN university, home of secret society Skull and Serpent.. anyone ever been there? its an underground building with a facade that reads 1865-1913 on the front... hmm 1865? end of civil war... 1913? establishment of the FED... maybe we need to read a lil more folks before we think we know.
     -- Blake, middletown     
    Zeitgeist has great points, but their solution is to give up freedom. Regardless of the pure nature of their model, it opens the door to a central control telling us how to live. The concept of post-scarcity is beautiful though. I have found a solution that preserves freedom and takes us there, it is Capital Homesteading. Also Kudos to Bill Still! Another great source of knowledge. But his solutions gives power to the state, although he definitely wants to keep that power in check. But Capital Homesteading would never give the government that power. Some aspects of the Fed can be good, we just have to change how debt/credit work. Right now it is a burden on everyone except the corporations and rich with considerable investment capital. It is time to put the average citizen in that category without redistribution. Right now we create money when the Fed loans it to banks. It's simple- the Fed should loan money to the citizens at zero percent to create money, who must put it in a retirement account and invest in dividend shares of businesses that pass a feasibility test. OWN OR BE OWNED!
     -- Dave, Atlanta     
    "This quote [was] compiled from several speeches Wilson made during the 1912 campaign and is taken completely out of context." - Peggy L. Dillard, Director of Library & Archives Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sr2DspCZig&feature=plcp
     -- Matthew, Oakwood,GA     
    True Story. It speaks to old Woodrow's credit that he had the smarts to realize his mistake & the integrity to admit it. Too bad he still phucked us.
     -- USNationalSocialist, Honolulu     
    Can someone find a source for this quote?
     -- me, mine     
    Dec 23rd, 1913 = the day the Zio-bankers conquered America. *Have fun ever restoring it back at this point. NOT a reality. Got far too many dumb, duped, slave 'goyim' willing to protect and fight for them on their payroll*

     -- Jack, Bugtown     
    When choosing the colours for you office, there are a few basic points to consider. daecdefcea
     -- Smithg10     
    The end of the Country created by the Founding Fathers. The selling of our Country to the bankers.
     -- Gray, Fresno     
    The quote in question is a typical screw-job by a conspiracy theorist without conscience. Probably originated in the '30s or so. The head of the bipartisan National Monetary Commission was financial expert and Senate Republican leader Nelson Aldrich. Aldrich set up two commissions – one to study the American monetary system in depth and the other, headed by Aldrich himself, to study the European central banking systems and report on them. Aldrich went to Europe opposed to centralized banking, but after viewing *Germany's monetary system* he came away believing that a centralized bank was better than the government-issued bond system that he had previously supported.

    John M. Cooper, a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin, and the author of several books on Woodrow Wilson, has written: “I can tell you categorically that this is not a statement of regret for having created the Federal Reserve. Wilson never had any regrets for having done that. It was an accomplishment in which he took great pride.”

    One of Wilson's main concerns about the banking system at that time was that without access to credit (restricted to the "big boys" with private banking access), the vast majority of people would be forced into employment at a corporation rather than in self-employment (so to speak) which characterized our national history to that point.

    Two separate portions of the quote appear in The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People,” published in 1913.

    “The New Freedom” is a distillation of campaign speeches Wilson made while running for President in 1911.

    On page 185 there is the following section:
    A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men who, even if their action be honest and intended for the public interest, are necessarily concentrated upon the great undertakings in which their own money is involved and who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom.

    And on page 201:
    We are at the parting of the ways. We have, not one or two or three, but many, established and formidable monopolies in the United States. We have, not one or two, but many, fields of endeavor into which it is difficult, if not impossible, for the independent man to enter. We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world — no longer a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.

     -- Virginia, San Jose     
  • 1
    Thanks, Virginia.
     -- Editor, Liberty Quotes     
    the first line (first two sentences) is inaccurate. the rest is ver batim from The New Freedom, 1916.
     -- Leethal, Mornington     
    you made a typo* couldn't you use a more appropriate language 
     -- null, null     
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