"The ultimate aim of the Council on Foreign Relations … is … to create a one-world socialist system and make the United States an official part of it."
Dan Smoot
[Howard Drummond Smoot] (1913-2003) former supervising member of the FBI headquarters staff in the Washington Office and one of the first to research and publish on the activities of the Council on Foreign Relations
The Dan Smoot Report (20 July 1964)
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Reader comments about this quote:
Dan Smoot was a brave whistle blower to have identified and made the early announcement of the true goals of the CFR. This man was 'on it' in the early '60's! Too bad more people didn't listen to him, how different the world might be if we had.
 -- Rocky, WA state     
     -- Mike, Norwalk      
    Socialism is a cancer. The people who are trying to force it on us are criminals.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Kudos to Rocky,Mike, and J Carlton.
     -- jim k, austin     
    BS; A list of directors and members of this organization includes notable conservatives like Dick Cheney, Bob Dole, Caspar Weinberger, Scowcroft,. Googel "CFR membership" and read it for yourself. The CFR is a lot like the Rotary or Lions. Anyone can and do become members. Those of you who see conspiracy behind anything that you know nothing about are the problem in this old world. Get out, get involved, learn something and then you will lose your fear of the unknown.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, do you mean the same "conservatives" who are profiting from war in the middle east? Profiting from pharmaceutical's? You sir, are the one who needs to open his eyes. The men you listed, and others are some of the most evil people on the planet...and so is the CFR.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Perhaps someone could send me their manifesto before I comment. And what was in between the ...is ...?
     -- RBESRQ     
    is there a full moon?
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US     
     -- AL, DC      
    Simple minds jump to conclusions of black and white -- like, how can Republicans be furthering socialism, afterall, that is the Democrats job, right? I think the point that's being made in these last round of quotes is that the CFR furthers socialist world government through both the current politcal parties in the US. The republicans are no more 'conservative' than the democrats further 'liberty' as the world 'liberal' implies. As far as I can tell, the Republicans push for more globalist power through military spending, and Democrats further more globalist power through massive borrowing from China and other nations to promote nationalist policies domestically. Note to devout party members: just because someone points out the lies and hypocrisy of your party leaders does not automatically make that person a member of the 'other' party. Wake up out of your hypnotic sleep. We are being rail-roaded daily. STOP electing CFR members! RBESRQ, you can google CFR and find all kinds of info about their history -- they were formed by the same guys as the Federal Reserve and the UN: the Rockefellers, on their own property in NYC. Go ahead, Waffler & Reston, keep your head in the sand. We haven't had a break from the rule of the Fed since its inception.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Well said Archer! John McCain is a well know democrat who wears a republican title. George W Bush and his kind are a hybred we call "republicrats!"
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
     -- Rob, Jersey     
    So many of y'all starting with Mikey are such marginal beings (politcally, ethically and sociologicallly speaking) it is pathetic. Archer might as well said stop electing human beings. Again I repeat the CFR is like the Boy Scouts, FFA etcetera. Archer is a sick child to keep picking on such inane organizations.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    CFR Mission Statement: The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries. Founded in 1921, the Council takes no institutional positions on matters of policy. The Council carries out its mission by: * Maintaining a diverse membership, including special programs to promote interest and develop expertise in the next generation of foreign policy leaders; * Convening meetings at its headquarters in New York and in Washington, DC, and other cities where senior government officials, members of Congress, global leaders, and prominent thinkers come together with Council members to discuss and debate major international issues; * Supporting a Studies Program that fosters independent research, enabling Council scholars to produce articles, reports, and books and hold roundtables that analyze foreign policy issues and make concrete policy recommendations; * Publishing Foreign Affairs, the preeminent journal of international affairs and U.S. foreign policy; * Sponsoring Independent Task Forces that produce reports with both findings and policy prescriptions on the most important foreign policy topics; and * Providing up-to-date information and analysis about world events and American foreign policy on its website, CFR.org
     -- RBESRQ     
    Thanks RBESRQ!
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    LOL, way to dig deep, RBESRQ. Well, I guess that says it all, eh? Yes, we must be a bunch of conspiracy nuts then -- why didn't I just read what the CFR web site says -- it would have just cleared it all up! Hmm, 'misson statement' is a term coined in the 80's -- search deeper and find out who they are and how they came about. The Council on Foreign Relations was incorporated as the American branch of the 'Institute of International Affairs' in New York on July 29, 1921. (The British counterpart was/is the Royal Institute of International Affairs with leadership provided by members of the Round Table. Begun in the late 1800's by Cecil Rhodes, the Round Table aimed to federate the English speaking peoples of the world, and bring it under their rule.) Founding members included Colonel Mandell House, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, and Jacob Schiff -- recognize any of these guys? They are the same clique which had engineered the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, and later the UN -- all on Rockefeller's property. The founding president of the CFR was John W. Davis, J.P. Morgan's personal attorney, while the vice-president was Paul Cravath, also representing the Morgan interests. Professor Carroll Quigley characterized the CFR as "...a front group for J.P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round Table Group" and he was a CFR member. Over time Morgan influence was lost to the Rockefellers, who found that one world government fit their philosophy of business well. As John D. Rockefeller, Sr. had said: "Competition is a sin," and global monopoly fit their needs as they grew internationally. CFR membership is limited to 3000 and one must be invited to join, and unless you are among the most influential politicos in America, don't expect to get the 'tap.' There are a number of CFR membership lists available on the internet, all compiled from the CFR itself -- there has not been a non-CFR president since Truman who was himself surrounded by CFR members. The Bush's, the Clinton's --all CFR -- George HW Bush was CFR director from 77-79. The founders of the CIA were CFR (Dulles). All the Fed Chairmans, Secretaries of Treasury, Secretaries of War have been CFR as well as most Secretaries of State. The CFR is a tax-exempt foundation that uses its 'private' meetings with public officials to implement policies that ever consolidate power under the international banking cartel that founded it. So, go right ahead, defend an organization you obviously know nothing about other than what their web site says (any child can do that). If you are not CFR, you will never have a chance at the presidency -- some choice, huh. The CFR are no Boy Scouts, my friend...
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    The CFR is an assembly of people working to enslave. Just one of many such organizations. The BSA aren't in that bunch though ;-)
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Archer, Well done....you've named a den of thieves and liars and traitors to America. In fact they've also named themselves...the CFR.
     -- J Carlton     
    So Archer give us your scoop on the 911 conspiracy. And while you are at it perhaps "Northwood" too
     -- RBESRQ     
    Archer would be similarly appalled if he visited the Chamber of Commerce in any town in Amerca. He would be aghast to learn that one guy is the loacl tailor and oh yeah that guy over there is a car dealer etcetera and unbeliveably these guys are planning and schememing on how to make the town better or at least different and to improve business, they must be a bunch of communists or at least socialists. Archer's naivete knows no bounds. His unspoken but apparently felt sense that there is a tendency among humanity towards an ever greater union and amalgamation if you will is correct. Over the years some deranged and ego times have tried to effect this amalgamation by rape, pillage, and plunder and mostly slaughter. That the fact that Chambers and organizations from many nations would think to do the same thing by conference, consultation, agreement and peace is an affront to Archer is no surpise to me.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    So, Waffler, THAT's your counter-argument? ;-) (shaking my head...)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Archer, thank you for a list of dates, names, and organizations. I'm afraid that's all you provide, I thought when I started to read your post I would actually learn something, but alas it was just another retort full of facts without substance. You assertions with regard to world orders is totally contrary to actuality. In fact over the last 100 years there has been a shift towards isolation by many former giants of geographical tera firma have had their spoils divided. Economically you may have a point as there is today a global economy but again it had little to do with CFR, the Round Table, or even the Federal Reserve. Global economy had more to do with Insurance and the need to spread risk. If any one has a conspiracy theory I believe it is you. LOL you tell me on one hand to google CFR I do and then you go about criticizing my action -- there's name for that. Your retort was good in as much it provided a lot of detail but alas it had no rear substance. What you could have said is because of these institutions America and Great Britain have become themselves despots and responsible for the take-over of democratically elected governments. If America had not interfered with Iran and Afghanistan the problems we now face would not have arisen and Iran would be a secular state. Instead America is responsible for Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq becoming fundamentalist Muslims. Before I forget you made the assumption that I support CFR activities which is of course without reason as I did not express any support or agreement with their policies, all I did was to reprint their mission statement which is usually a good indication of their intention -- what they in reality do is a different matter and that of course you or I are not privy too. Don't worry we all know about their quest for globalization and a world monetary system, their experiments with fear, how they funneled the bail-out money to their members, pushing through more NAFTA, open borders, total control of the media including Disney/AOL/Time Warner, the NAU, the SAIS, and interfering with other states sovereignty -- this is just a partial list of tricks. By the way, you probably got the membership "only 3000" off the CFR roster when in fact they have over 4200 total members and that was the count end of 2006. And you don't have to be invited (that's what they say) -- your station in the political and corporate world determines your membership. In a nutshell, the CFR wants to institutionalize the world -- they are after all the ruling establishment. Unless the ruling class becomes compassionate and forgets the quest for world dominance, the other class, the ruling thugs, will have their way, and back to the caves it will be. You better start stocking up on candles and matches. I'm not sure what would be better, a nice warm prison cell with three meals a day or a dark and damp cave.
     -- RBESRQ     
    Archer, Sorry for the delay getting my reply out - I had to write a 10 page document about Health Care Reform and finish building my fortress.
     -- RBESRQ     
    Yes Archer that was my answer and the fact that you scratch your head is the degree of your stupidity and hard headedness, as more brilliantly attested to by RBESRQ. Have you no shame, remorse or rectitude for your intellectually degraded condition and complete lack of logical interpersonal conversation and discourse?
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, your response was nothing but an attempted misdirection -- it makes no sense. RBE's response however is intelligent and at least stays on topic. On that note, in response to RBE, I happen to know from previous posts that he and I are on the same page when it comes to the Federal Reserve, and even the few facts I did post are just the tip of the iceberg. Frankly I do not understand why I must write a book for you guys -- the point is that the CFR is not an 'inane' organization to use Waffler's words. If you understand how the Federal Reserve works, then you must understand that the same con has been pushed onto every 'civilized' nation, and it was all done around about the same time by the same people. Do you read Foreign Affairs, the CFR journal? I do -- do I have to editorialize every page for the nay-sayers? You say, "there is today a global economy but again it had little to do with CFR, the Round Table, or even the Federal Reserve." I completely disagree. The Bank of International Settlements serves as the private central bank for all the private central banks and in conjunction with IMF/World Bank control ALL of the world currencies -- you can't trade without currencies, thus those that control currency control trade (i.e. if that isn't the world economy, I don't know what is). Now who formed these banks, hmm? The same goddamn people! They are answerable to NO ONE but themselves and control the world economy, and due to the nature of expandable and collapsable fiat currencies, they 'regulate' who will get the hot potato and when. So we see a crash (or 'crunch,' if you prefer) in Asia, then we see it in Brazil, then in Canada, now the US -- even the Euro is a result of crashed European currencies, just as a proposed Amero is to centralize the US-Canada-Mexican currencies, and with each crash, the People are robbed (again) and put further into perpetual debt to the bankers (a form of enslavement). The CFR is a club of elite bankers and the folks that have enough influence to further the 'dominate the world' agenda. As far as the world being divided and conquered, just follow the money and you will see it ends up back in the same places. The rest of your post I am in agreement with, not sure what the problem is. There's plenty more real historical content about the CFR particularly in their early days. The Morgan-Rockefeller-Rhodes-Rothschild dynasty ruled (and their heirs still do) unequivocally without but one in a million realizing it -- we didn't have internet then, and Wall Street and world finance was not within the common man's grasp. Have you ever wondered why the average person thinks the UN is a great organization of Peace? Why? Most do not even know who the Secretary General is. What war have they stopped? What peace has been 'kept'? We have no idea how much we have been indoctrinated into believing in these 'inane' organizations without having any real knowledge about them at all -- kind of like Kindergarteners signing praises to Uncle Joe, er, 'O'. My only criticism of your taking my suggestion to google CFR, was that you merely returned what the CFR says about itself -- my response was 'way to dig deep' -- I guess I was expecting more from you than what Waffler would post from Wikipedia or his Funk and Wagnels. You say, "In a nutshell, the CFR wants to institutionalize the world -- they are after all the ruling establishment" and that the ruling class needs to be compassionate -- or else what? Don't hold your breath -- they do not care about you, and they never will -- that is not how they got where they are, and thus they ARE the ruling thugs. I think it is incorrect to think that if we didn't have a ruling class, we would be ruled by thugs -- that is an oxymoron. True republican government as envisioned by the Framers distributes power among the people, counties, and states, and as long as the federal government made sure that no one could raid the Treasury or debase the coin and credit of the US, then we all could benefit from the fruits of our own labors and have no need for 'bailouts' and subsidies from the government (who by the way has no money of its own -- it all comes from someone else). The corruption of the law into an instrument of plunder left uncorrected will lead to the destruction and enslavement of a nation -- even the world if the 'world government' operates the same way -- and there is no reason to think that the CFR and their ilk want anything else.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Good insight Archer. Truly observant.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Archer, thank you for taking the time to write an excellent response - tell me, so I know where you are coming from, what are your politics? and who is your hero. Though I do make a distinction between the ruling class and thugs; the ruling class may be corporate thugs but they don't use violence themselves they hire thugs to do that - the trouble and danger is those thugs who are for hire are not caring one way or the other with regards to politics or corporate manipulation - look at the recent town hall fiascoes - you won't get Rupert Murdoch at one of those.
     -- RBESRQ     
    Very few people are aware the CFR exists.
    You can say they are hidden in plane sight, but in the 60s 'one of them' was given carte blanche to describe what they are about. Professor Carol Quigley a mentor for Bill Clinton wrote a 1300 page book titled 'Tragedy and Hope' where he tells us what this Elite group is up to. Quigley agrees with them and only objects that their intentions should be made public. A shorter version of that book which I'll recommend is "The Naked Capitalist" where you can get the hole scoop in 136 pages. You can decide then if its true what's posted on their website.

     -- JMC, San Juan     
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