(-: way too true, way too often. How would it be if 'we' called sin on ourselves, and then said hmmm, I liked it - or oops, that was wrong, bad, hurtful (you pick the best fitting descriptive term), 'I' better not do that again. AND ! then put into practice the lawful application of separating the religious sin from the proper role of secular government. -- Mike, Norwalk
"I did not inhale" B. Clinton (yeah...right!) -- J Carlton, Calgary
When others do it it's sin, when I do it it's a mistake. -- jim k, Austin, Tx
Smoking and drinking may be vices but are they sins? Who has been given the power to determine sin? Whoever assumes that power is trying to be God. Let God be God, and the rest of us be about our business. -- E Archer, NYC