2022 May 27
"A forbidden writing is thought to be a certain spark of truth,
that flies up in the face of them who seek to tread it out."
"We may define a Puritan as a man who holds that certain kinds of acts, even if they have no visible bad effects upon others than the agent, are inherently sinful, and, being sinful, ought to be prevented by whatever means is most effectual - the criminal law if possible, and, if not that, then public opinion backed by economic pressure."
"The burning of an author’s books, imprisonment for opinion’s sake,
has always been the tribute that an ignorant age pays to the genius of its time."
2022 May 26
"The liberty of the press is most generally approved
when it takes liberties with the other fellow, and leaves us alone."
"The right to be heard
does not automatically include
the right to be taken seriously."
2022 May 25
"I begin by taking.
I shall find scholars later
to demonstrate my perfect right."
"But those dealing in the actual manufacture of mind are dealing in a very explosive material. The material is not merely the clay of which man is master, but the truths or semblances of truth which have a certain mastery over man. The material is explosive because it must be taken seriously. The men writing books really are throwing bombs."
"The question about progress has become the question whether we can discover any way of submitting to the worldwide paternalism of a technocracy without losing all personal privacy and independence. Is there any possibility of getting the super Welfare State's honey and avoiding the sting?"
2022 May 24
"People everywhere confuse,
What they read in newspapers with news."
"The right of freely examining public characters and measures, and of free communication among the people thereon … has ever been justly deemed the only effectual guardian of every other right."
"The notion of editorial independence from ownership only dates back to the 1930s. Prior to that time the media was openly biased and that includes the Press that the founding fathers dealt with. Some of the founders like Hamilton and Franklin had actually ran media outlets that were very biased. You used to have things like Newspapers that openly proclaimed they were a Democratic or Republican or Whig or a Federalist newspaper right on the banner. The concept of an independent and allegedly neutral press was and still is mainly pushed by people from the left who do NOT want anything remotely neutral, but who instead want to make sure those "evil" business interests don't have a means of getting their side aired without it being filtered by their idea of what a neutral press consists of."
2022 May 23
"I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors. He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false."
"... political reporters love to write about politics as if they are merely disinterested observers of political events and the public's perceptions of them, when in fact they play a very key role in shaping those events and perceptions."
"The press is hostile to the idea of liberty.
Most people in the press are for big government.
Most people think that the solution to anything,
whether it's health care problems, education,
whatever it is -- it's got to be more government."
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