2017 May 05
"The highest result of education is tolerance."
"The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of government tomorrow."
"It seems now that the place where you see the most obvious censorship is on college campuses -- the precise place where you would expect to see the least."
2017 May 04
"By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labors, we may turn the public mind which way we will."
"It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize
that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence
of the nation, that the position of the individual is conditioned solely
by the interests of the nation as a whole."
"Believe nothing merely because you have been told it.
Do not believe what your teacher tells you
merely out of respect for the teacher.
But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis,
you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit,
the welfare of all beings -- that doctrine believe and cling to,
and take it as your guide."
2017 May 03
"Not one cent should be raised unless it is in accord with the law."
"Capital punishment is when Washington comes up with a new tax."
"Society produces rogues, and education makes one rogue cleverer than another."
2017 May 02
"Justice in the hands of the powerful is
merely a governing system like any other.
Why call it justice? Let us rather call it injustice,
but of a sly effective order, based entirely on
cruel knowledge of the resistance of the weak,
their capacity for pain, humiliation and misery."
"The taxpayer; that's someone who works for the federal government,
but doesn´t have to take a civil service examination."
"How is the government going to get the extra taxes?
Out of the rich -- or just out of the poor, as usual?"
2017 May 01
"Families would be in better shape if our tax code didn’t push married mothers who wish to raise their own children into the labor force, in large part to pay for a welfare state that encourages unskilled, unmarried teenagers to bear illegitimate children the rest of us must support."
"I don't know if I can live on my income or not -- the government won't let me try it."
"Any politician who starts shouting election-year demagoguery
about the rich and the poor should be asked,
'What about the other 90 percent of the people?' "
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