Mark Skousen Quotes


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Mark Skousen Quotes 1-5 out of 5
Here in America, government began as a tool to assure freedom. It gradually turned into a hideously expensive political toy designed to redistribute your wealth and control most aspects of your business and private life.
In a free society, individuals have the right to do right or wrong, as long as they don’t threaten or infringe upon the rights or property of others.
Today’s political leaders demonstrate their low opinion of the public with every social law they pass. They believe that, if given the right to chose, the citizenry will probably make the wrong choice. Legislators do not think any more in terms of persuading people; they feel the need to force their agenda on the public at the point of a bayonet and the barrel of a gun, in the name of the IRS, the SEC, the FDA, the DEA, the EPA, or a multitude of other ABCs of government authority.
No one spends someone else’s money as carefully as he spends his own.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure.
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Mark Skousen Quotes 1-5 out of 5
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