George Santayana Quotes


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George Santayana Quotes 1-12 out of 12
Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.
Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and it is shameful to surrender it too soon or to the first comer: there is nobility in preserving it coolly and proudly.
The wisest mind has something yet to learn.
There is no greater stupidity or meanness than to take uniformity for an ideal.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
To knock a thing down, especially if it is cocked at an arrogant angle, is a deep delight of the blood.
Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.
Only the dead have seen the end of war.
Skepticism is a discipline fit to purify the mind of prejudice and render it all the more apt, when the time comes, to believe and to act wisely.
When all beliefs are challenged together, the just and necessary ones have a chance to step forward and reestablish themselves alone.
[I'm too old to] be influenced by newspaper arguments. When I read them I form perhaps a new opinion of the newspaper but seldom a new opinion on the subject discussed.
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George Santayana Quotes 1-12 out of 12
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