Charles-Louis de Secondat Quotes


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Charles-Louis de Secondat Quotes 1-8 out of 8
In republican governments, men are all equal; equal they are also in despotic governments: in the former, because they are everything; in the latter, because they are nothing.
The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.
There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
What orators lack in depth they make up for in length.
There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
We ought to be very cautious in the prosecution of magic and heresy. The attempt to put down these two crimes may be extremely perilous to liberty, and may be the origin of a number of petty acts of tyranny if the legislator be not on his guard; for as such an accusation does not bear directly on the overt acts of a citizen, but refers to the idea we entertain of his character.
But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.
Useless laws weaken necessary laws.
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Charles-Louis de Secondat Quotes 1-8 out of 8
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