"Once a matter has become, in one way or another, the subject of regulation by the United Nations, be it by resolution or the General Assembly or by convention between member States [Nations] at the insistence of the United Nations, that subject ceases to be a matter being 'essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of the member States...'"
Moses Moskowitz
UN Staff Member
"American Bar Association Journal", April, 1949
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Reader comments about this quote:
I have little doubt of where the regular commentaters will come down on this issue. Those that deplore the governing from Washington will even more deplore governing from the United Nations. They should pause for a moment and take a look at pictures of the planet that were taken from the moon or satellites and take a deep breath before winging into their "individualist mantra". History has shown the advantages of large, peaceful trading blocs ie the United States, the Victorian age ruled over by British Naval power. If the United Nations is about international brotherhood, health of the planet and its envirnoment I am all for it. The feelings of its impact on our national "rights", is no different than the states feelings about DC's impact on them and yes we all as INDIVIDUALS feel impacted by all of these governments. There appears to be a direct correlation between the distance from the individual and the seat of government and the dislike of that government. On the other hand I believe that the larger is the brotherhood and cooperation of mankind the better for the individual. ACT LOCALLY THINK GLOBALLY.
 -- Bruce, 'Bama     
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    The UN is the biggest tyrant on earth. It is run by despots and dictators. It oversees mass murder on a regular basis and does nothing about it. Rwanda for example. The only purpose it has now is to subjugate the U.S. It no longer serves its intended purpose. Outer space photos show that China, South America and Africa are the source of almost all pollution on this planet and you will find that they are exempt in the Kyoto accord. The U.N. behaves as if its goal is global communism. This planet is doing fine. Only a fool would by into man made global warming. The whole theory negates itself because increased cloud cover creating an insulating effect (green house effect) will also reflect away the solar heat and actually will cause it to cool. This is left out of all global warming equations.
     -- warren, olathe     
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    There will always be the freedom impaired that spread those in power's hollow half truths and mis-direction rhetoric. Liberty is a substantive reality with finite laws while the substnativless shadow philosophy of the government's cronies always let us know why bigger government is better (ahh the promise of world piece, prosperity, and a chicken in every pot) “Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.” (Aesop) The distant government that unites the the Republics (states) has overstepped its Constitutional limits and supressed substantive liberties, freedoms, and rights. I am the govenor, not the government's to be goverened. I am subject to The God of Natural's law(s), not man's rules. I may have to suffer the consequences of my actions but, so be it. Trying to regain what once was and, by way of example: “If a sheriff doesn't want the Feds in his county he has the constitutional power and right to keep them out or ask them to leave or retain them in custody.” (US District Court; case No 2:96-cv-099-J) Moving to a global government (because its pretty from space or whatever) with individuals that don't know liberty or freedom is a disaster, ultimate tyranny and slavery.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Bruce aren't you being a little naive? You really think that Islam wants to be your brother? This example of the Victorian age is contradictive isn't it? The British exacted taxes and "ruled over" with force setting up "British" colonies. The purpose of the UN is mostly peace keeping allowing nations to come together and discuss issues before they become issues of war and of trade and how to overcome boundaries created by cultures. As I stated "purpose" however inept it has become it's origin was a good concept but politicians found a way to stifle it with double talk. Warren I just can't agree that the UN is a tyrant the leaders might qualify but the problem with the UN is it's members. So many just have a need to have authority and will be counterproductive just be "recognized". There is still a people on the face of this earth who's agenda is world domination and for us to dismiss this is suicide. As for global warming and whether the current increase in average temperature is "man made" there is an ongoing argument among scholars of science. However it would be a little naive to think 800 million cars are not contributing a large amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? One volcano eruption emits huge amounts of carbon dioxide but this is a centralized "event" where automobiles and energy production are global and continual. I am not however in some panic like so many but I do see a need to be more environmentally friendly. There is some compelling evidence of rising sea waters in the pacific islands and loss of glacier size but the question is "is this a natural cycle or man made". Your definition of greenhouse effect is inaccurate (respectfully) if you think of a greenhouse in your own back yard it's sole purpose is to give rise to temperature. The insulation you are speaking of will not block radiation (heat) but absorb and redirect back to the earth what should have been reflected as IR (infrared) back into space. Deep subject and there are a plethora of sites ranging from very basic to extremely scientific to help explain this effect. I think we should be good stewards of the earth and having knowledge now that we have been ecological pigs for so long it's simply time to do things different but not in the panic mode as Al Gore promotes.
     -- Sam, Frisco City Alabama     
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    Hello Mike, I agree with most of what you are saying except the ambiguous statement "The God of natural laws" what laws are these? and who decides what they are? sounds a little like a fortuitous way of life, and be sure you are subject to mans rules it's called society and the rule of law. The fact that the FED has overstepped it's constitutional powers is our own fault we have educated a large group of "Federal dependents" who look to the FED as "father" (look at New Orleans) huge mistake and I concur we need to return the majority of power back to the states. This is going to be overcome only through education bringing understanding.Lets get busy!
     -- Sam, Frisco City Alabama     
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    Sorry I forgot to sign,
     -- Sam, Frisco City Alabama     
    Sam, the God of Nature's laws are those that exist whether or not man uses them. Fiscal laws are one example, In man's search of history and other topics, fiscal laws may be identified and understood. It is up to man to pass statutes (law of the land) in harmony with such eternal laws. Fiscal rules and statutes would include laws against theft, what shall be tendered in payment of debt, bills of credit, bankruptcy, etc. Another of the God of Nature's laws is that concerning the taking of innocent life (thou shalt not kill, if you will). Individual's through their representatives and in harmony with such eternal laws should institute appropriate law of the land. The closer man passes his statutes to such eternal 'LAW' the more free society becomes. To the contrary, it is also true that the further man's statutes are from eternal law, the greater the tyranny and oppression. The US was/is very unique in its original attempt to be in harmony with natural law. The rest or the world is attempting to lean on the arm of flesh with nothing more than carnal minds and corrupt philosophies. To enlarge the numbers of those that oppose natural law (the UN for example), whether that be on a religious or secular basis, will only increase the destruction of liberty.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Let me see if I can simplify this for my own understanding. The simpler the laws (say 10 commandments) the more freedom? A view which I support. The process starts by "interpretation" of said laws ie "well Mr Smith has extenuating circumstances there for the law needs to be amended for such cases" and this is progressive until we have ten thousands of laws (current) which are constantly being scrutinized or "interpreted" to fit a single situation (often benefiting the guilty). So we now have inhibiting rules for the "just" and just as much lawlessness because our laws "like a pyramid graph" have grown away from the laws of nature (your choice of wording) of Christ my word choice.
     -- Sam, Alabama     
    Sam, lol, pretty much, that's it (-; My word choice would be Christ also but, I left it in Declaration/Constitution format for our good non-believer friends.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    I know full well that talking of and taking a risk for Brotherhood often brings criticisim and ridicule, it is a little like letting down your guard. I grew up with the phrase "brotherhood from Sea to shining sea" but don't seem to see that sentiment expressed much anymore in this day of the Individual. Two of the nicest men I have ever worked with were an Egyptian Muslim and an Orthodox Jew. When the Jew left work early every Friday he would say "Go with God". What I see among human beings (individuals) is a strong tendency of egocentrisism, that it is their arguments are always centered on themselves as the center of the universe. Since all persons see themselves that way if you could stand back and see the big picture you would realize how naive and stupid it is to view things that way. I was in a church once which had a banner which proclaimed "From our community to the world", I assumed this was a call to evangelize the universe from this little church, however, in the next town five miles away they had the same sign. This tendency is what has led to the conflicts of man down through the ages. This view of things is the same as the radical Islamists. There are good people everywhere Sam and most Muslims and muslim nations are not like the radicals. (Tiger Woods is building a golf course in Bahrain or the Emirates, what does that say about the complexity of this picture.) The UN came into being because of the failure of the Republican isolationists to join the League of Nations in the 1920's and the resulting unstopped buildup of Germany and then WWII 23 years later. No doubt many of the Republican arguments against the League are the same y'all are making now against the UN (aliens, commies, violation of American rights) All of the separate little mutual defense deals, many of them secret, between nations allowed these competitions to get out of control. In addition Hitler had at least one valid argument, and that is that the US, Britain, France, Netherlands, Portugal, all had empires so why should not Germany have an empire. During the war Roosevelt (and others I am sure) worked out the outlines of the post war world based on his four points speech. The thinking was for the US and Euro powers to divest themselves of empires and everyone cooperate via the United Nations. Thus in quick succession from '45 to '50, the Phillipines (US), India (UK), Indonesia (ND) etcetera gained their independence. In another quote I spoke of my service in Korea, we had Turks, Koreans, Thais, Brits and I don't know who else. The Swedes ran a big hospital in Seoul. All of this was under the UN. It is interesting to hear you guys bewail the rights of the United States over against the United Nations but when it is the United States against the States you don't give a damn about the rights of the Union. (I had a Hungarian/American friend who always argued with me about how much better the old country was to this one. When Hungarian friends came over from the old country for a visit he would tell them how much better America was to Hungary. He said what ever made him look better and more pompous.) Ain't human nature interesting.
     -- Bruce, 'Bama     
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    All human 'laws' are in relation to a specific jurisdiction. America is a collection of sovereign states, made up of sovereign counties, made up of sovereign individuals. There are 'rules' for making the rules, they are not to be established without the consent of the people. For the most part, the rules set forth are for those in service to the people (government). It says what they can and can't do. For every 'law' there is a jurisdiction -- Germany cannot make laws for England, New York cannot make laws for California, police in one jurisdiction cannot 'enforce' laws in another jurisdiction.

    The corruption in 'law' is the usurpation of jurisdiction. That is to say, making and enforcing 'laws' without the authority to do so. The UN is but a council, with a jurisdiction of its own members only. But little by little, the UN is trying to become its own sovereign power with its own court and a WORLD jurisdiction. Just as the US federal government was confined to its own jurisdiction and 10 square mile land, with time and corruption of the law itself, now the federal government has extended its jurisdiction across all the states, writing laws that apply to every citizen, rather than for the state governments, and once every state became beholden to Washington DC, they gave away the issuing power of currency to a private bank, which now rules the federal government.

    With time, the UN could do the same thing -- it's already happened to the smaller nations which are perpetually under the thumb of the IMF/World Bank.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    The forces of Independence at Liberty, governed by the natural law of good conscience, a walk of Honest relations, are founding principles of behaviour in America. The UN bites the hand that feeds them knowledge of that Independent edge.
    "THEREFORE BEING justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." that is the faith of Christ, The innocent alien blood upon our alter and tree of liberty. I would rather have peace with God our Creator, and war with man, than peace with man and war with our Creator.
    "Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him." The atonement we have received.
     -- Ronw13, OR     
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