"I say legalize drugs because I want to see less drug abuse, not more. And I say legalize drugs because I want to see the criminals put out of business."
Edward Ellison
head of Scotland Yard’s Antidrug Squad
March 10, 1998, London’s Daily Mail.
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Reader comments about this quote:
Those reasons are, well, ahhh, kinda, ummm - not exactly but, yes. Stop the un-lawful drug prohition.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Only two of the reasons. How about taxing the stuff so these user people contribute to basic maintenance of society and government, as well as a regulatory system to make sure that some of the "stuff" isn't truly dangeous/bogus, regulating imports, etc. Also, if crimes are committed with "injurious" results to others, prosecutions with various sentencing would result, ie. for "driving under the influence...with harm "X" caused ..." Hopeless drug cases would suffer accordingly, and not sap societal strength with most forced to enter some sort of "half-way" house situation IMO, second class citizens that they would be as a result of their own excesses. Certainly nothing analogous to welfare, which I will never voluntarily participate in again, instead choosing my own form of charity as any libertarian would...the minarchist form at least.
     -- Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY     
  • 1
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US      
    Legalization is the right thing to do.
     -- jim k, Austin, Tx     
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    One more symptom of a bankrupt culture on a search for anything to numb the pain and fill the void. When there is no good or bad and everything and anything goes, there is no good or bad and everything and anything goes. God help our children's children.
     -- Greg, Chichester     
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    Get rid of all drug laws and get rid of medicaid so the drug users never cost anyone a cent.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
     -- gtheo, portage,michigan      
     -- dick, fort worth      
     -- L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada      
     -- Robert, Somewhere in Europe      
     -- Craig Payne, Salt Lake City      
    I would say Scotland's controlled experiment bears the fact out ! Case in point, Maroco and Spain's relationship. Mexico and the US. Dirt cheap on one side, valued on the other. Do the math. Prohibition creates demand. Gov always wanting to control the worker bees concerning productivity. You own nothing, not even yourself, or you right to choose. My native culture was never bankrupt, and herbal remedies are a part of everyone's lives. Weak minds follow the socialistic heard, never thinking for themselves, lazy, lazy, lazy, even to study a matter out. Parents need to think for themselves, and keep an eye on their children, like keeping their noise out of the gas tank ! you think, or is that to much work for your lazy ass, depending on gov to hold your little bitty hands, because it is to hard to think for yourself in a logical reasonable manner. GROW UP, get a life, and stop perpetuating the unlawful mess addictive personalities have to someone else doing their thinking for them ! God does help those who will use some commonsense ! concerning your fellowman and your responsibility to stay out of his business.
     -- Ronw13, Yachats Or     
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