"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine.
It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard
the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood,
more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell."
William Tecumseh Sherman
(1820-1891) General Commander of the United States Army
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The cigar smoking philanderer Clinton, King George the torturer, and Mr. Obamunist Goodwrench the assassin, along with such a huge potion of their clown posses from hell (congress and the courts) would certainly demonstrate the accuracy of the statement. There is though, the occasional blood thirsty savages that have tasted of war that cry even louder for more vengeance and blood, and more desolation.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    How true. When W decided we should go into Iraq I and another Vietnam era vet argued with so many non-ever vets that the US should not go. They believed Bush and could not see the harm it would do to our humble infantry. Ron Paul was the lone Republican to vote against this. We owe thanks to him for pure common sense.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
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    "Oceania is at war, Oceania has always been at war." Orwell, 1984...
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    The statement is excellent, but in Sherman's mouth it is sheer hypocrisy, as Sherman utilized war against a civilian population, through massive destruction of housing and the use of hunger as a weapon by means of destruction of growing crops in order to devastate a new nation called the Confederate States of America. That new nation should never have existed, as its main purpose was to protect the hideous institution of slavery (which had enriched Boston shipping barons), but the Declaration of Independence clearly states the rights of all persons to reject existing government and to create new government suitable to their liking (not to the liking of the head of state of the old nation). Much later on, it was the Mafia that put Sherman's approach into the rule that said "If you quit we will kill you." The war created by Mr. Lincoln (Sherman's commander in chief) war killed 500,000 men, not counting the families that starved or died from other war related causes. There must have been some other way to detoxify America from addiction to slavery.
     -- Tim, Gainesville, FL     
    I think its a good comment and appropriate to the times we live in, with so much appetite for war. But Sherman was a very evil man, and to quote him and say his statements are good and wise is like quoting Hitler or Stalin and saying their statements are good and wise.
     -- Anonymous, Kemp, TX     
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    Tim, you need to do some research into the real cause of the civil war. Hint: International Bankers/ Bank of the United States. The slavery thing was wrong yes...but its been overplayed and propogandized. Did you know that as a part of gaining their freedom papers, escaped slaves had to serve one year in the Union Army...where they were used as cannon fodder...Do the math. The North was in no way more "noble".
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 1
    He sure delivered enough hell to know what he is talking about.
     -- warren, olathe     
    The majority mentality ill have no other course of expression then the path of war.  Their limited capacity allows little negotiation or diplomatic abilities. The  mentally ill are predominately violent. The mentally healthy individual has these afore mentioned social abilities but will need time to distribute these qualities to the vast population.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Tim from Gainesville, a large part of what you believe is true about the war of Northern aggression isn't so, the Lincoln historical gatekeepers have been successful in keeping the true cause of the Civil War. Those causes were primarily economic the slavery issue was added to attempt to gain a moral high ground for what was in actuality a needless war of aggression upon the people who like our Declaration of Independence stated have the right to change government through self-determination.

    Let me suggest a book it's very good, Causes of the Civil War By: Philip Leigh,
    After you finish the book I believe you will find you think very differently about what was done, the rest of the world in the West got rid of slavery without a Civil War it could've been done here in America as well because the institution Of slavery that is thousands of years old Could not last long In the face of technological innovations which would've made slaves in the field obsolete. How many people know that Northeastern states threatened secession a number of times and were always accommodated but not the southern states, it was about tariffs if the North had left the Confederate states go they would be facing financial ruin because the southern states didn't have high tariffs and trade would go to them, but read the book. 
    Lincoln was a war criminal and so was  Sherman. 


     -- Mike, Pleasant Hill     
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