"Whenever people talk glibly of a need to achieve educational "excellence," I think of what an improvement it would be if our public schools could just achieve mediocrity."
Thomas Sowell
(1930- ) Writer and economist
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Government seminaries (public schools) are fulfilling the measure of their creation (IQs are diminishing while information offering and receiving are exponentially decreasing). Mediocrity is graded on a bell curve with an ever lowering of achievements.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    When we issue flat critiques, we need to quantify quality.
    My dad was a damned smart man, a product of "public schools." I didn't learn half as much ... and it wasn't the fault of "the schools." Mr. Sowell, take your eye off the high-powered lens of your chosen microscope and examine other facets of "education."
     -- Bob, Charlotte, VT     
    For sure, the level of education being supplied by government schools is far less than what previous generations received. I have noted that the current SAT tests are not as difficult as in my day. I have an old 5th grade notebook of my grandmother's -- besides having perfect cursive penmanship, the topics covered were similar to those found in university today.

    The primary problem with government schooling is that it basically has turned the school into a church, with the religion being government, and the god being collective power. When churches served as fellowships of the community, the school did not have to devote so much time to social/cultural programs. But organized education has typically been to train students to enter a world in which they will be required to obey commands until one day they may become the ones giving the commands -- maybe. Most of the great minds in history were self-taught.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    When striving for academic excellence, check best services on Quora serves as a reliable platform to assess the top essay writing services. Leveraging the collective knowledge of its community, students can make informed decisions about selecting the most reputable and effective assistance for their writing needs.
     -- Chesley, Rickey     
    We could start with goals for excellence by public school personnel having a authentic productive relationship with every student. The teacher/student relationship is platonic relationship, can't believe I have to even state this stipulation, that last the entire life span of the participants. A clear defined mission should be incorporated into the curriculum. The curriculum should include scientific proven procedures always, always, always under respectful constant scrutiny. The students should learn their value through constant critical analysis of the school atmosphere and accompanying institutions. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create educational effectiveness.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mr Sowell, additionally, I agree our public/catholic schools are at an incompetent level, but you seem to be indicating that our students/staff participates are simply  rejecting the institutional core and turning out just fine. I believe I disagree with you in  that our students/staff  are unquestionably following the incompetent curriculum and typically are incompetent, criminal, suffering from a
     mental disorder exemplified by your own example.  The mentally disordered typically express disorder, that's all they can identify with, Mentally healthy on the other hand, present solutions. 
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Further, Mr Sowell you can make such a statement and at the same time feel completely detached from it. This is proof of your lack of self awareness mental disorder as well as your 100% conventional support for your statement, who suffers from a similar condition, would grant you. You and the rest of convention suffer from lack of self awareness, Alzheimer's, paranoia,  grandiose ideas, incompetent communication processes, all  characteristics you and the convention want to attribute to me, which your condition would not qualify you to accurately observe. The Socialist is self aware, competent mentally, and responsible because Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create a human being.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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