"If a single writer in a country is in chains,
then there are some links of that chain that binds us all."
Vaclav Havel
(1936-2011) Czech writer, philosopher, dissident, statesman, last President of Czechoslovakia
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There are more political prisoners in the USA (Union Socialist Amerika) than in any other country.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Name one Mike!
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Tax Prison! There's a bunch of political prisoners for ya Waffler. As for the quote: Take away the rights of one citizen and you open the door to tyranny. We ALL need to arm ourselves against this kind of crap.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    Vaclav Havel is a great man, and the Czech Republic was indeed blessed to have such a leader. The USA has the largest prisoner population per capita than any other nation, the majority of which are for victimless crimes, particularly possession of marijuana. As well, in case you have forgotten, the Habeas Corpus Act is no longer honored by the federal government -- so we really do not know how many people are being held without charge in this country, but it is significant. American 'justice' is a joke in this country with 95% of all murders unsolved but 2 million non-viloent offenders in prison for 'crimes against the state'.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    And to add, the current Obama administration is trying even harder to shut up the last few press outlets that do not praise his narcissism.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Waffler, for one, the attorney (a white, well groomed, middle aged man) I have here written about several times that while driving a U-Haul full of his dead mother's belongings was put in jail under the Patriot Act, with no charges ever being filed. And further, as J Carlton said Tax Prisoners, E Archers victimless crimes example, and the friend I've also here written about that was taken to court with out as much as a grand jury hearing his case or a valid statute being used at the time he started court.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Waffler won't believe you, Mike. He's never heard about it on the Tee Vee.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    Give me a name of a tax prisoner, I would love to research his case. Court Cases as you should know are public arenas. Any tax prisoners case is readily available in the public record. Fess up Mike. And under what logic do you claim that tax prisoners are political prisoners. We can have any political view we want as long as we do commit illegal acts. If one believes that religion and chruces are wrong that may be a politcal view. But to burn down churces will land you in jail. Same with tax law, okay be against it but just obey the law and you and I will be fine. Being against a law does not mean you are free to disobey it without consequence.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Show us the law that requires me to pay income taxes, Waffler. Show us the Constitutional authority for the federal government to directly tax citizens' wages for their labors. The IRS can't and won't, and it will throw their might at anyone who challenges their arbitrary authority over the people's labors and property. Your argument is the same as King George's prior to the American Revolution. Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Ken, good to see you back, you need to comment more often, again. Waffler, the individual case I mentioned above with the no grand jury and expired statutes; the individual involved, while in prison, got the official transcripts of his case so he could mount an appeal. That same individual now holds in his possession, 3 separate and distinct official court records (transcripts), all substantively different from the others. When he then tried to correct the court records, his motions were denied as frivolous. He is now unable to correct the record. The entire judiciary are as big a liars as are the IRS. Even if I gave you the case, what record would you receive? I will not give you the case because I do not want my friend in any more trouble! ! !
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    I posted some info on tax court prison cases at a different quote. I found and read about the Wesley Snipes case, he got three years, and the Berry family case if father and daughters they got 21 years combined. If you like this kind of stuff, have a go at it. Showing Archer will not help him at all. Of course he thinks all of his friends, neighbors and fellow Americans are idiots for paying 3 trillion a year in taxes, wonder what he thinks of sales taxes, real estate taxes etcetera. Is it really fair to call someone like Archer, Wesley Snipes, and the Berry's fellow Americans, while others of our ilk are getting killed in places like Iraq and Afghanistan he bitches about a little bit of filthy lucre to support them. What a creep!
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    The comments are interesting, the quote is good, and the Freedom of Speech is sacred.
     -- Elisabeth, Astoria, NY     
    Waffler, for you to associate what is forcefully extracted from slaves in Amerika with noble sons and daughters of liberty is beyond ludicrous and is most foul. I don't know about Snipes or the Berrys but, as for Archer, his comments here place him in a rare category of the noble free. Again you confuse abusive power with right. The statist theocracy infesting this land that imprisons individuals for rejecting slavery, is not noble, lawful, moral or right. Those political prisoners returning from tax prisons should all return to parades celebrating their release as prisoners of war.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Fisherman Jailed for Tax Evasion fenceviewer.com/site/index.php?...&catid=904:cops&Itemid=88 sweetness-light.com/archive/prosecutors-want-barry-jailed-over-taxes dailymail.co.uk/news/... Becker-face-jail-tax-evasion.html www.thestar.com/Business/article/209006 news.cincinnati.com/.../Dentists-jailed-in-tax-evasion-case pick any one...look up more at your leisure
     -- aa, hb     
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    Once again, a very good quote.
     -- Jim K, Austin     
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    Mr. Havel toiled tirelessly in the vineyard of Freedom and suffered egregiously for his doing so.

    Regrettably, he is no longer with us.
     -- Patrick Henry, Red Hill     
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    Waffler's presumptive arrogance shows his contempt for Individual sovereignty, his loyalty to socialism and their little "g" gods. When surrounded and engulfed by socialism, Patriots become prisoners of Hope once again. The AFFIDAVIT OF REVOCATION AND RESCISSION makes it perfectly clear as to whom the oppressors are. The Case for Constructive Fraud is Very Well Made. It is Time to Pass them Out, in mass. !! Treason is a Hanging Offence. Corruption within all state governments are shaking in their boots. Look around waffler, you will find yourself in an ever growing smaller crowd, as tensions Rise. There is always a breaking point, just as socialism runs out of another's money !
     -- Ronw13, Oregon     
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    In my youth, I was arrested for pot possession and spent 6 weeks in jail awaiting a court appearance. I was threatened with 1 year in jail. They took my car (asset forfeiture), and I was released with time served and a record. As far as I am concerned, my honor is intact. It was a political crime, and I was a political prisoner. Had I actually tried to fight the case in court, they would have thrown the book at me. My step-father the Harvard Law Suma Cum Lauda graduate only negotiated a deal -- I was so disappointed to see that my making an argument to a jury was never considered. The entire legal profession is about extracting assets from citizens to pay the salaries of the lawyers and their union(s). Where was the 'crime'? Where was the 'mens rea'? Where is the victim? The arresting officer bragged that they were now going to use my car for surveillance because they don't get much funding from the State. I was merely their catch of the day...
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    I won't give a name for fear of retribution against the family. I had friends (married in the early 60s with all children moved away) that exercised daily, ate healthy and were very active protesting against the second plank of the communist manifesto. One day, a daughter went to her parents home and it was completely cleaned out (floors cleaned, walls washed, garage power washed, etc.) About a week before that, I was discussing with the couple their latest medical check-ups (they were very healthy with no problems). The daughter had found out that her parents were taken to prison over IRS discrepancies. Both died within months of going to prison from cancer. Those were political prisoners AND, why was their home so completely looted ? ? ?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Waffler, I have a good friend that was living over seas when working as an investment banker. He was brought to the U.S. and without as much as a grand jury or trial, he spent 5 years in prison. While there, he was beaten by guards and to this day does not walk well because of the abuse suffered there. Waffler, I could go on and on but it is not in my best interest to do so.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    On a positive note if one writer can convey some substantive meaning, this ability will eventually logically disseminate through all writing.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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