"If we don’t believe in freedom
of expression for people we despise,
we don’t believe in it at all."
Virginia Woolf
(1882-1941) English writer, modernist author
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We hold this truth to be self evident.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
    Nicely said, no b.s.
     -- Byron, Fort Collins     
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    This is what people don't "get" about Libertarianism...That it respects and protects the freedoms of everybody. It also expects that everybody will be responsible for themselves...and that scares the S**t out of Liberals and all other Big Government Parasites.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 1
    This quote flies in the face of all those who promote the absurdity known as political correctness.
     -- jim k, Austin, Tx     
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    Your Freedom Ends WHERE My Nose Starts! If you wish to wallow in your pagan pig manure, dont try and drag MY Judeo-Christian Country DOWN to your level of degradation!
     -- Pastor Ray, Marr, Ohio     
    I don't think 'speech' applies to the 'end of my nose' argument, Pastor Ray. And Judeo-Christianity (which is an adaptation of the 'pagan' religions of the time) needs no help in degrading the sovereign individual -- that is its very purpose, to convince people they are born damned and deserve to burn in hell for eternity, not for their actions, but because man is 'fallen' and that is the way it is. Talk about degradation! Wallow in your own manure, Pastor Ray, but you won't drag me into it -- and neither should the country.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Pastor Ray, I absolutely agree on the four corners of your statement but, please explain your comment further as it relates to the quote
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    WAFFLER, this answers your other question................
     -- Kimo, USA     
    IT'S HOW they express it, is the problem, ya dont see Tea party people getting violent, but i sure see the libs foaming at the mouth. Days of rage, all that, it aint gonna work .
     -- Kimo, USA     
     -- jim k, Austin      
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