"Government machinery has been described
as a marvelous labor saving device which
enables ten men to do the work of one."
John Maynard Keynes
(1883-1946) British economist
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Reader comments about this quote:
(-; not exactly sure how to rate this, it sure seems apropos a lot of the time ;-)
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Civil service workers in Greece and all Europe are what is breaking the economies of these countries. Will ours be next?
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    Governments must have been more efficient in Keynes' time. Today I would put it at 18-26 disadvantaged minorities from diverse social and ethnic backgrounds to do the work of one qualified private sector employee; this figure does not include the special committees and regulatory czars appointed to look into the matter, whose salaries will be accounted for in a separate budget.
     -- Justin, Elkland     
    I'm giving it 5 stars for the humor and I suspect that it's pretty accurate.
     -- jim k, Austin     
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    Just went though 36 hours of government verbatim training for the U.S. census that could've been done in 4 or less.
     -- JoW, Utah     
     -- JoW, Utah      
     -- RBESRQ     
    The Greeks, unlike apathetic Americans, demonstrate when they are being cheated and lied to. It was due to the AMERICAN financial fiasco (the greed and total deregulation of wall street) that has brought Europe down with it. It has nothing to do with socialism - get a life...
     -- RBESRQ     
    Robert, I've got a life but, the socialists are trying to take it from me; complete with the Amerikan financial fiasco, and the governmentally mandated economic, education, moral, and political degradation.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    All countries which use a private central bank to issue debt-bearing notes as currency (i.e. money) will eventually crash as money shifts from representing actual wealth to representing real debt. It is inevitable and unavoidable. NOTE: a central bank is one of the 10 planks of communism. Do the math. When you have $100,000 dollars of Federal Reserve Notes, you are holding $100,000 of debt -- the 'richer' you are, the more debt you are holding. When that debt is defaulted on, your money becomes worthless. This is the machinery of Keynesian economics -- bankruptcy is not only inevitable, but the tool for seizing the property and labors of the people, to reduce them to property-less serfs accountable for the repayment of an unpayable debt. Don't blame 'greed' and 'wall street' without blaming the socialists who use this system of debt creation to buy the votes of the populace -- at their own expense. Do the math. Wall Street cannot trade in derivatives if there is no debt to 'derive.' The policies of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are to just print up more treasury bonds (promises to pay) and let the Federal Reserve 'buy' them with their phony Federal Reserve Notes (promises to pay). America will soon see an inflation like no other in its history. Do the math. 'Borrowing' for our needs today only delays the inevitable crash and makes it crash even harder. This is the plan of the fascist bankers, and the government is but a protected stooge in the process. Today the Greeks show us what democracy brings -- voting for the money from the treasury. The first pure democracy was in the Greek town of Tyre, where we get the word tyranny because it was not long that democracy completely self-destructed with the GREED of the people. To want free health care is GREED. To want free rent is GREED. To want someone to give you a job because you are a minority (not because of your skill set) is GREED. To tax your neighbors for a government check is GREED. Stop blaming Wall Street and look at the irresponsibility of the people. But in the end, if we do not get rid of the omnipotent counterfeiter, the Federal Reserve, then it matters not what form of government we think we have -- we will still be in the bankers' pockets. Do the math.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    RBESRQ, I'm sure Greece's huge budget deficits, massive debt, corrupt government, massive bureaucracy, burdening regulation and dependence (over 40% of GDP) on public sector jobs had nothing to do with their current economic problems. It was that darn Bush again!
     -- Justin, Elkland     
    Justin are you sure you got the country correct if so then its a reflection of the USA. Archer, I don't know where you are coming from but its certainly not the realm of reality. Your argument is prejudice to the point of rhetorical arrogance. Your list of those who are, in your eye's, greedy is like reading a Glenn Beck script - perhaps you should apply for the job. Your commentary was sounding reasonably intellectual until you decide to enter the world of lies and falsehood "Don't blame Greed" The system of Debt creation was most definitely not a socialist initiative; it was the crime perpetrated by the capitalists and their banking friends - who are mostly GOPers. All societies self-destruct, don't just pick and choose like you always do. Though you did get it right "...democracy completely self-destruct (can you somewhat self-destruct?). By the way it was not a pure democracy - I suppose pure is a subjective term. Yes, when I work as a wage slave getting only a minuscule wage compared to the million made from my labor I want health care. You guys are way out of touch with what actually occurs; you are so blinded by your importance, your own ego, etc. that you forget to see the oil and the grit that is responsible for making the industrial wheels turn. As for the rest of your "GREED" examples, well, they are not worth a retort as they are arrogant and childish and not becoming your intelligence - the people are just used; they are less than pawns on a board full of corrupt corporatist's. Archer, though I do agree wholeheartedly with your last sentence.
     -- RBESRQ     
    Bravo E Archer!
     -- Anon     
     -- Abigail Adams, hb     
    We should all blame Robert's greed.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    I have recently driven over Hoover Dam. The works of government and of men as well as man in cooperation are the wonders of the world. Doing the pyramids, the great wall, etcetera etcetera could not be done without government doing something to and for the people.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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     -- jim k, Austin      
    The 'go to move' of progressive liberals is to appropriate the labor and property of others  period.  It is not about fairness but about rigging the game  and profiting off of it.  Explain how when I plant a garden, I must give 10% to the city council to pay for their salaries?  How can you justify the confiscation of private property through legislation that takes away property and gives it to someone else without my consent?  Why are we not encouraged to be charitable rather than forcibly robbed for the common good?

    If it is not greed then it is envy, entitled to the fruit of another's labors as one's right.  This is nothing but thievery. Temper your desires, progressive one!  Earn your credit  you are not entitled, neither am I.  When you can honestly say "I am responsible for the condition and quality of my life." THEN you can make a difference.  Until then, you are a dead weight, and not to be trusted as you continue to devise new plans for seizing the personal power of others  all in the name of compassion (showing no compassion for those from whom you aim to take).

    When will it be enough?  I dare say, never!  That is not compassion but simply hating the productive. Compassion would be making your plea for my assitance, leaving me wth the choice to contribute to your mission. I am insulted that you have already written me and everyone else off. You do not have a monopoly on compassion, and frankly I don't think you are doing it right... ;-)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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