"What luck for the rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler
(1889-1945) German Nazi Dictator
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this one is just plain stupid
 -- N/A, N/A     
  • 10
    i think that it has a lot of meaning to it if you would just sit there and think about it
     -- N/A, N/A     
  • 5
    Most of us do not take the time to try and figure out what is really happening in the world. One survey shows that most Americans get their political news from comdedians. The more I read about Hitler the more I am convinced that he is not crazy at all,but an evil genius.
     -- Jennifer, Sarasota     
  • 9
    Still true today.
     -- E.D., WV     
  • 2
     -- Anonymous     
     -- Anonymous     
     -- Anonymous     
    The american public is a prime example.
     -- S. Deval, Blaine, MN     
  • 8
     -- Anonymous      
    I think you should always quote the source--no source, no quote.
     -- mvm, spotsylvania     
  • 3
    The here stated quote's sentiment and subject matter is one of those that you have to give 5 stars for its accuracy or a thumbs down for the accuracy's effect on the individual. An associated general rule is that if the masses are told by their leaders that they are being given what they need (and/or want) the serfs and helots go to the slaughter without thinking. The statist theocracy now infesting this land, with its nationalization of banking, securities, transportation, education, health care, land ownership, etc., etc., etc.depends on the luck that men do not think as they are using Hitler's play book to establish a most heinous tyranny.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 3
    It is indeed fortunate for the ruler's that men do not think about...the ruler's. Americans have taken it for granted for far too long that their rights are written in stone and that they should have no worries on the matter. So while they were thinking about Football stats, fishing trips, a new car, the swimsuit issue, Tiger's escapade's....someone has been shredding their beloved Constitution to bits.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 3 1
    And a Parallel thought...."It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. ~ Henry Ford
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 5
    I believe that Adolph was talking about himself. He was an uneducated gutter politician who led a lousy life. No wife, no children. Is there any record of him ever having a really good time? We should destroy all record of him except of what he did to the rest of us.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
  • 7
    Yes Waffler, forget everything about Hitler. We need to do that so we do not have any apprehension about your guys in office. This is a very accurate and insightful statement that painfully applies to the USA here and now. Fortunately the population is getting wise and is starting to think. If it is not to late already. Hitler is one of the most important people to get to know well. His politics came from this country's progressive party. That is where the "big lie" philosophy came from. That is where he got the politics of hate and envy of corporations, banks, and wealth.
     -- warren, olathe     
  • 5
    Unlucky for the rulers that men do think.
     -- Anon     
  • 2 1
    Too, too true. Americans have been pampered — or pampered themselves — because of our truly wonderful and often violated Constitution. Never, however, has that document been violated as it has in recent weeks and months. Can Americans take back their country? Many, many roadblocks have been placed and it will take courage and stamina to remove them. Even out our courts seem to have surrendered. I personally fear difficult and dangerous times coming.
     -- J, In Utah     
  • 3 1
    The prison you all call home is a fine example.
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 2
    No greater proof needed than the results of last November's presidential election, where the American public elected a man with absolutely NO track record who was the darling of the liberal press.
     -- ptftyler, Tyler, Texas     
  • 3
    Hitler my dear Warren rose to power by being anti-communist. He was also against internationalism or what folk today might call new age internationalism. Contrary to your alignining him to progressives he was a right wing, intolerant hater of mankind.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
  • 3
    Hitler was a total government statist, progressive, fascist; and just like communism (another total government statist idea) it is the antithesis of a freedom loving minimalist government like our Founders originally designed.
     -- Guy, Phoenix, AZ     
  • 4
    Hitler was a socialist period ie NASI (National socialist) In fact Hitler Said finally America has a socialist leader ref Roosevelt Infact Hitler used the progressive's techniques to grab power in Germany to bad some dont know how bad progressives really are.
     -- TCPatriot, Farmdale,Oh     
  • 3 1
    Thank God for Obama. His election & political antics & appointments of his "czars" have shown how complacent, spoiled, arrogant, & selfish I have be- come. Fox News & corresponents have opened my eyes to what I believe to be true. This admistration, congress and most of the previous politians, from both sides have been underminding our nations progress & deceiving our citizens during the process. As American citizens we have allowed it because of our own self-satisfaction. It has become Me,Me, Me, not We, We, We. With instant credi (money we haven;t earned yet, we have become so materialistic that we are bl ind-ed by our own pride that we have finally arrived. Not realizing that re-pay day will come. Self-centered fear hit Americans during this recession, we tightened our belts for a while. Now we;re starting to spend again. That's not good, We need to discipline ourselves before we are back in the rut again. G. Beck has hit the nail perfectly. How long can Fox & Co.last. They're like a one man army getting the message across that Obama is going to bankrupt this country economicially. But the "Fat Cats", the politians & goverment will still be "Fat". Goverment employees average $100,000.00 annually compared to $50.000 for the private sector. Add in their benifits, 13 or more paid holidays, including Christmas, which our goverment no longer reconizies and consider just how hard due civil servants extend their selves. Goverment expands and prospers while the private sector works the hardest for half the pay & no benifits. MY eyes are open. I need to get off my ars & be heard, but in a orderly manner. Just maybe, I should be a strong supporter for now. God will continue to bless America but as citizens we need to take action. Pray to the Spirit within ourselves to be enlighed, guided, strengthened & consoled. Fox is our messenger. We just need to listen! Fox & Co. tells the truth. Fox loves America, do we? .
     -- soop coop, key west     
  • 5
    Hitler was talking about how the other nations were making Germany look evil. Without the whole thing it takes it out of context
     -- To true, Police state     
  • 1
    There certainly is a lot of discussion over a fictitious quote. The speculative opinions are as always, meaningless, in light of the usual ignorance regarding factual history. I submit to you this so called quote is not found anywhere in the writings of Adolph Hitler, nor in any speech, nor found on any recovered Nazi document during or prior to the World War II era. The internet is a valuable research tool, however the proliferation of plagiaristic ignorance (copy and paste) and falsehood still abound. Just because you read it on a webpage, does not make it so. Check the facts yourself, as actual documented truth and full contextual interpretation are indisputable.

     -- World War II Historian, PA     
  • 2
    The election and re-election of Obama proved this.
     -- geezermodo, New York     
  • 2
    There are far too many who don't think. This incredible system is on my mind 35 hours a day.Who can tell me how the Imaginary Revenue Scum will get money from us when all that we have in banks is numbers and the Fed said their system "works (us) only with credit that God forbids? De.25:13-15
     -- Dave Wilber, Los Angeles     
  • 3
    Hitler was evil, but he was not as stupid as the masses. He certainly got this one right.
     -- Anonymous, Virginia     
  • 5 1
    Thanks to those who 'do' think and have pointed out the lack of source of this quote. We're going to tag it as 'questionable' with a source that is 'attributed' until we can find a source. Cheers.
     -- Editor, Liberty Quotes     
  • 5
    Strange that you would believe that, since one of the first things he did, was kick all the socialists out of the government within the first few months of becoming Chancellor.

     -- Guido, Ames     
    That's what a would-be dictator does after getting into power  get rid of his competition.  With a republican form of government, Hitler would not have the power to do so.  Socialism includes communism and fascism, and Hitler hated commies  fascism is much more powerful than communism.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 1

    About ten years ago my local library was cleaning out its "obsolete" inventory. Among the item offered for the taking was a book on cassette tape that caught my eye titled "The Hitler of History." I think, from your open minded comment, you would enjoy it, 'if' you could find it.

     -- Lawrence, North Bergen, NJ     
    Stupid? The current administration exemplifies this quote.  
     -- Dave, Stockton     
  • 2
    Men's thinking processes are quite constant, its those troublesome, mischievous, easily led boys who do not think. Also, it's never helpful to try to lead individuals with no minds, not luck at all, great misfortune really.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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