"The foundation of our Empire was not laid
in the gloomy age of Ignorance and Superstition,
but at an Epoch when the rights of mankind
were better understood and more clearly defined,
than at any former period."
George Washington
(1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country'
Circular to the States, 1783, Ref: Our Sacred Honor, Bennett (379)
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Reader comments about this quote:
That's a joke - we are still a long way from that ideal - if we turn into a theocracy we will never get there.
 -- Robert, Sarasota     
    Yes, a grand foundation... too bad the ongoing maintenance hasn't been handled as well...
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US     
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    From Washington's absoulute spoken truth, the nation has stedily declined in liberty. Since secularism has become the national establishment of religion by default Supreme Court legislation, the theocracy of man has shown its true ignorance and superstition.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    It is true that at the time of the American Revolution, the 'rights of mankind were better understood and more clearly defined'; however, Ignorance and Superstition still have a mighty hold on mankind.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Ignorance and superstition certainly have a hold on this country, as well as the rest of the world. Vestiges of Puritanism are still evident with this insane War on Drugs. We have made some progress since we stopped burning witches at the stake but we have a long way to go.
     -- jim k, Austin, Tx     
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    So eloquent a way to point a finger at that gloomy age of ignorance and superstition ( Dark ages ) and how many were burned at the stake at ( her hand ),mother church, in those times. Probably talking about liberty and freedom ! That's why they were burned. Get the picture ? Two main groups landed from the old world, us and our enemies. And she, our enemy being the good trappers they are, have sought to enslave the whole world sense they started. Under the cloak of religion. If we can't get them out we will breed them out. Have you noticed that the trend is for males to marry sovereign females of our nation and not the other way around. Old ways of emigrational over throw. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.
     -- watchman 13, USA     
    Sorry, watchman, you lost me half way through your post. While I understand your zeal, you sound like one of those homeless guys with signs 'The End Is Near' -- talk about the gloom of religious superstition. Perhaps a little less old-English prophecy might make your posts a bit more understandable. Who are the 'sovereign females' and why is 'her house the way to hell'? Please just straight talk, not this sack cloth and ashes stuff.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Sorry Archer, Our daughters marry into the emigrational overflow that has been taking place the past twenty years or so. For most of the emigrants and their religious baggage, they pollute the minds of those they marry. But with such a temptation placed in front of impoverished women and the emigrant given so much favor. We see they wish to marry those that have the favor. ( her ) being the trapper is the largest denominational religious system on the planet. Our daughters are not the trapper but those that are trapped.
    Therefore the breakdown of the family unit of our design is broken down. The most powerful influence on the planet is the faith an individual has and the ability of some to move it.
    If you follow the way of socialism and state rule the end result will be death to the individual and the nation.
     -- watchman 13, USA     
    The end is near when you see the competition slip in the back door and take away your livelihood. All the while being sanctioned by the federal government.
     -- watchman 13, USA     
    So why is everyone so ignorant and superstitious?
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     

    Why?  Because that's the way the rulers like it.  The republic has long since been supplanted with a statist theocracy that appropriates the power of the People with a flick of the pen.  Making the world "safe for democracy" has been the impetus, and voting for the money in the opposition's pocket has become the de facto purpose of 'democracy.'

    If you believe in Climate Change, you are ignorant and superstitious.

    If you believe in BLM and LGBTQI+, you are ignorant and superstitious.

    If you believe white supremacy is the biggest threat to the country, you are ignorant and superstitious.

    If you think inflation is NOT caused by government printing trillions in currency, you are ignorant and superstitious.

    If you think capitalism is evil and socialism is good, you are ignorant and superstitious.

    If you think gender is a concept, use weird pronouns, and cannot admit that sex is biological, you are ignorant and superstitious.

    Good question: why?!

     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Mr Archer: Could you elaborate a little more specifically on these individuals who would revel and bask in our misfortunate circumstances of ignorance and superstition?  Who likes ignorant  individuals?
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mr Archer: Its not the situation that sick individuals have the great adoration for ignorant beings, as the adoration of the circumstances of just keeping beings ignorant to control them.   The Socialist believes individuals in control of themselves and the governing force that promotes this course, is the best of all possible arrangements.   This is Socialism. This is Socialism.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Governments, and rulers of all stripes, need obedient citizens and spend years teaching them "their place."  Ignorant are they that do not seek the truth hidden from them  this is by design.  Schools are the battleground for the minds of the people.  The rich and powerful design the programs to promote their power at the expense of the common people.  The people are taught that they must follow the dictates of the ruling class  true individuality is prohibited.  Ignorant Americans do not know who they are, the power and responsibility they have, the gift of Freedom never before achieved in hundreds of years now being ignored.

    How many cover-ups are holding the people hostage?  How many cures have been buried by the medical establishment?  How many usurpations by government?  How many murders and assassinations covered up?  How many elections stolen?  How many lies are being taught in school books?  How many politicians are corrupt?  How many newspapers and TV stations are owned by the ruling classes, and what is their agenda?

    The most striking example is the lie of Climate Change.  Without ignorance and constant propaganda, the lie could never stand.  This is being pushed on all the nations by the rulers of the world to subjugate them and to depopulate them.  Power grabs continue in order to fight this phantom, and the Western world is only too happy to play along as people like Al Gore become rich on carbon credits and fluorescent light bulbs.  Now we are seeing the world get squeezed over oil  you can't have any!

    Who likes ignorant individuals? Other ignorant individuals, because the price they have paid for the lie is too high  like a losing gambler who keeps doubling down, facing reality is too tough.  A false religion is unfulfilling and disempowering, and that is what the people are fed everyday ... hard.

    But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    "The Socialist believes individuals in control of themselves and the governing force that promotes this course"  sounds more like individualism.  Does a socialist individual control himself, or does he/she control "themselves" as a group? 

    Fred, you do not explain the 'how' of socialism  you explain in general terms that can be applied to libertarians, for example.  The difference between socialism and individualism is that socialists act as a group, where the majority dictates to the minority; whereas individualism places the rights of the individual above the desires of the group  the individual does not have to obey the group. 

    The individual has rights he/she is born with  rights are not granted by the group.  What does socialism say about that? What is the "governing force" of Socialism, Fred?

     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Mr Archer: Good to make positive contact with you. Is not the first step to any success the acceptance of oneself. The Socialist believes you begin the journey of life in first becoming social with oneself. When you love yourself, you love all. The how of Socialism is the connection with all of life. When you point your pistol at me you are trying to kill apart of yourself. I believe I'm learning as I oppose the death penalty my biggest opposition is the death row inmate themselves.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Rights, Mr. Archer, Rights Mr Archer I am dealing with a very primitive creature in my day to day exchanges with the conventional individual. I don't get concerned with rights when dealing with a juvenile delinquent. The best you can expect is to pacify the small minded critter. Rock -a-baby in the tree tops and maybe you won't call your cops.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mr Archer: The Socialist is directed by the good that is instilled in everyone by nature.  The Socialist struggles to overlook the bad and find the resolving formula that is instilled in every remaining human heart. The Socialist is not directed by the individual or the group, but by the socially sustainable force.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mr Archer: The governing force of Socialism is simply, reason. Despite all of the conventional efforts 1 + 1 = 2. 
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    It would be the very pleasant to meet productively and positively with an intelligent individual.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Fred, you miss the essence of the difference between your definition of socialism and actual socialism.  Real socialism has lofty utopian ideals, but all under its thumb MUST obey the leaders in the WAY they implement their goals for society.  There is no freedom and thus no personal responsibility.  A free people must indeed love one another, be directed by goodness, have an aversion to lies, theft and murder, and work together to defend the never-ending assaut on their natural born rights  yes, rights.  Even uneducated children have rights  they do not need to earn them.  

    As far as I can tell, Fred, your definition of socialism is an appropriation of the Christian 'way' except that the people are not free but are always under the regulation of someone like, well, you, Fred, as you have stated that the common people are children and need your guidance.  The secular version of this is essentially fascism which has as its focus the purity of the people in service to the whole (the State).

    Let me help you out, Fred.  What you are defining as socialism is a form of collectivism which is in direct opposition to a republican form of government chartered by a free people.

    Like so many liberals, you have the right idea, just the wrong 'way' to implement it.  The ends do not justify the means.

    I think you may be inclined towards classic liberalism  just don't call it socialism.  Stick with Liberty and personal Responsibility, and you can be as loving and helpful as you can be, and you will find a lot of support and like-minded folks.  And instead of looking down on we common people, you might find we aren't all as 'primitive' as you think.  ;-)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Mr Archer: You are more primitive than I can comprehend.  A mythical but nonetheless a very interesting starship Captain describes you as "primitive and paranoid," he is without a doubt correct. Although he supposedly arrives in the next 200 years, our supposed "geniuses" left the stage 200 years ago, the "founding fathers."  Would you dear call them primitive. I do, but Mr Archer, even more primitive then you. Evolution would say that and Mr Archer evolution is one of those MUST obey leaders. Science and Art are the Socialist leaders. These two bodies are the unquestioned leaders because they allow us, ironically, to question everything.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    One more thing Mr Archer, the only action I observe with this conventional populous is just age old primitive violence. The only right you could possibly contend for yourself is the right to handle all of your affairs with violence.  This is against the natural growing process and will not be followed by humans. The Socialist strives to halt your destructive path and put you on a path to a more constructive course.  The natural course will be followed by human beings, please join me.

     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Additionally, Mr Archer, your primitive existence has fabricated a totally world of falsehoods where an individual who has nothing to do with you evil gangsters and knows nothing of your criminal messaging is ruthlessly punished for not having the "correct" tattoo or the wrong "style" of hair or clothing. Your primitive, evil,  nonjudicial violent approach totally rejects human nature where you practice immoral action to secure favor with evil gangsters and punished completely innocent individuals like myself for not pleasing the criminal element that runs our fabrication.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mr Archer: Einstein said your stupidity was the only infinite he was sure of. I don't think you're stupidity is infinite, but it is a very deep hole. Your primitive astrological consciousness is just not able to make proper decisions. You do violence and that is all you do. From the poor nutritional items you process to anything we  expose our bodies to, its pure violence. Anytime you encounter a conventional individual you are putting your health at risk. We need an environment conducive to human needs.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    There it is  the Socialist wants to control you.  All talk of love and understanding out the window.  Your way or no way.  That is indeed socialism.  There are no rights under socialism, only privileges.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Ad hominem.  I responded clearly to your posts, Fred.  You are just name-calling.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    "It would be the very pleasant to meet productively and positively with an intelligent individual." 

    So much for that, eh?  Your arrogance and narcissism are getting in the way.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Great.  Now do climate change.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Not  just my way Mr. Archer, nature requires violence to be quelled if humans are to continue. 
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    I'm not name calling Mr. Archer your follows identify with these  names, specifically gangster, criminal, "O G...etc, etc, ...
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Trusting and respecting the Laws of Nature is republicanism.  Democracy is essentially mob rule.  Socialism is a theocracy.  Socialism cannot be implemented without force  i.e. violence.  Whatever happened to 'live and let live?'  
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Mr Archer: the mentally ill do pay much attention to the mentally healthy, and Mr Archer I can say with all honesty I never really have a boring moment.  Existence is a tumultuous struggle between death and life and I'm on the life side. Everyone else seems to be putting their bets on something else, to me this breath and heartbeat is all there is, and when that's over it's all over and done.

     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    That's what Liberty is all about  living life to the fullest without hindrance from others imposing their rules on society, laying claim to what is not theirs, pushing the answers to 'why am I here?'   I can see that Fred's version of socialism is great for him, it's just that the rest of us would like to live our own lives.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Mr Archer, I know why I am here. It's to understand and to respond to the understanding. It's the response ability. It's responsibility. For the human,  liberty 
    is not the catch word, the word is responsibility. Until you understand that, you will not be able to live your own life. I know why I'm here.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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