"In March, 1982, Kennesaw, Georgia, passed a mandatory gun ownership ordinance which requires all heads of households to own a firearm -- handgun, rifle or shotgun. In 1982, our crime against persons, which include murder, rape, armed robbery, aggravated assault and residential burglary, decreased 74%. In 1983 these same crimes decreased [an additional] 46%. ... I would also like you to be aware that our population has increased in excess of 20% since 1982. We have had no accidents nor incidents involving our citizens with regards to firearms. ... It is a pleasure to see our senior citizens strolling the streets at night without fear of becoming a victim of violent crime."
Robert L. Ruble
Chief of Police, Kennesaw, Georgia
November 5, 1984, unpublished letter to Ann Landers
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Reader comments about this quote:
Awhh yes, common sense applied to common people. The representative can not lawfully mandate a condition (owning a firearm) to its sovereign(s) but, the display of personal responsibility has its own consequences. A thumbs down to the mandate, 5 stars for an outward display of personal responsibility and freedom.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
    An armed society is a polite society. (Heinlein?)
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 2
    I would guess, on this day of infamy, that the sons of those citizens are better prepared to defend America than the depressed little emo kids growing up in Atlanta proper.
     -- Justin, Elkland     
  • 2
    Statisticaly lies by misleading: The 2000 population was only 21,675, and there was no control for other changes in the environment.
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US     
  • 1 3
    Reston, The Police Chief said the town was safer. His experience trumps statistics, though it's nice when the numbers agree with the reality of a situation.
     -- Justin, Elkland     
  • 1
    This is an example of cause and effect. Seems to me it is supremely effective. If I remember correctly there were dispensations made for persons not able to handle guns and others that shouldn't, but the criminals never knew who did or did not have a gun. The same is true of Switzerland, where every household is issued a gun. I don't know if their military service is voluntary or draft, but when the citizen is discharged from the service they keep their army issue rifle. They have yearly training for everyone in the safety and use of their arms. The video can probably be found by using Google. Try entering 'gun laws and Switzerland' or it can probably be found on You Tube.
     -- Carol, Georgia     
  • 2
    Here is the link to the video on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nf1OgV449g
     -- Carol, Georgia     
  • 1
    Tell this to the gun grabbing Brady bunch. Reston, go back to sleep, you're becoming annoying.
     -- jim k, Austin,Tx     
  • 2
    The Texas Lady that spoke to the House several years back, after that killing of all those people in a restaurant which included both her parents agreed also. But one thing she added that she told them all was that the 2nd amendment of the Constitution was put in by our Founding Fathers so we could protect ourselves from tyranny if ever necessary. I can remember Shumer's face to this day as the camera went on him. This lady still goes to speak in front of meetings about the reason for being armed at all times. Had she been that day, she might still have her parents today.
     -- Elaine, Atlanta     
  • 2
    God, how dumb can we get to believe this propaganda - I'm not even going counter this stupid argument. Then why stop Iran from having nuclear weapons????????? Reston, I think you are wasting your intelligence on this lot....
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 1 3
    America has the worst crime rates and yet they have the most guns - wow! what a surprise....
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 1
    "One bleeding-heart type asked me in a recent interview if I did not agree that 'violence begets violence'. I told him that it is my earnest endeavor to see that it does. I would like very much to ensure-and in some cases I have-that any man who offers violence to his fellow citizen begets a whole lot more in return than he can enjoy." Col. Jeff Cooper
     -- Rusty, Where the Buffalo Roam     
  • 3
    RBESRQ...The reason the American government stops other nations from having nuclear weapons is the same reason they try to prevent citizens from owning firearms, to accumulate more power. The difference is, we want America to be more powerful than other nations, we want our government to be so powerful internationally that we can defend ourselves from foreign invaders. However, we do not want the government to be more powerful than the entire body of its citizens. If it is, it can easily pass any law, take any right without consequence....."No TRULY FREE man will EVER be debarred the use of arms." ---Thomas Jefferson--- And Columbia has the highest murder rate, the US ranks in the twenties. Also, when comparing crime rates the statistics are somewhat skewed because many crimes like rape, assault, fraud, etc. are often not reported in other countries.
     -- Publius     
  • 3
    Imagine that you are a criminal that wants to rob a store. You only have two stores to choose from; one is in a town where everyone is required to own a firearm, the other is in a town that no one is allowed to own a firearm. Which one will you choose?
     -- Publius     
  • 3
    I think if I lived next to Reston, I would put a sign in my yard, I exercise my 2nd amendment right, however Reston next door doesn't, and I promised him I would not intervene.
     -- Victor- Douglas: Bunch, Oliver Springs     
  • 3
    When lawlessness increases, it is better to have and not need, than to need and not have. For those who would refuse to protect themselves with Equal force, they give in, to temptation, and are usually the first to fall. Therefore the mandate would follow, they must pay for protection or become their own liability.
     -- Ronw13, OR     
    RBESRQ I think you are wrong, The Swiss and France I believe have a bigger gun ownership. What's wrong with America is it's culture - shoot and ask question later..
     -- robert, somewhere inthe USA     
    Robert, RBESRQ is you. ;-) Please tell us what changed your mind.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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