"Try walking the halls of Congress. It's Abercrombie & Fitch meets the Hair Club for Men. Lots of  really photogenic young people kissing up to lots of insufferable blowhards. Separated by one or two generations, most of these players have only one real thing in common: They have never been weaned from the public teat. The closest they've ever come to meeting a payroll is when they come together to spend everyone else's payroll taxes."
Michelle Malkin
(1970-) American jourmalist, political commentator and author
Jewish World Review March 27, 2002 / 14 Nisan, 5762
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Reader comments about this quote:
And that culture of entitlement runs from the halls of Congress to the welfare lines of the nation. It has to stop. ALL of it has to stop.
 -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Oh, the Irony: she is describing herself... Where would Michelle be without the DC talking head circuit!
     -- AL, DC     
    AL, you stop at the ad hominim. Not shooting the messenger, do you agree with her? Her appearance is as an Abercrombie & Fitch model but why would that deter you from her message? (and, without the DC talking head circuit, I'm sure Michelle would be where ever she wanted to be) Malkin's wide brush verbal painting of the general circumstance is accurate.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Michelle is like all the left/right talking heads: they sound good to the populace but they all live in places like Bethesda Md. which is one of the most liberal hoods in USA. Look I find her and Culture amusing/fun but they are for entertainment hence the nice looks and oh the hair...I am not "shooting" anyone, I understand, she gotta get paid. No hate at all! The "wide "brush gets us where we are today: walking in circles until we return to the "party" of choice; If only she would talk about Agenda 21 and the Federal Reserve System and the Constitutionality of military "conflicts". But then she(Culture, Sharpton, Beinart, Combs, Hannity, Limbaugh, Donahue,..) would have to downsize the bank account and begin watching over her shoulder...and who wants that? It takes a lot of courage to be a patriot, especially in this town.
     -- AL, DC     
    Al, thanks, much better.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
     -- AL, DC     
    Good points, Al. What would career journalists do without career politicians? ;-)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    This quote is right on no matter where Michelle Malkin lives. It's a perfect description of the gang of lawyers that infest Washington and pass our laws.
     -- jim k, Austin, Tx     
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