"The media love to wrap themselves in the mantle of  'the public's right to know' but there is no such dedication to that right when it goes against the journalists' own prejudices." -- Thomas Sowell "I would not be fooled by the old myth that reporting is about objectivity. Deciding what is news is the most subjective of acts and it is probably the most important thing that we do." -- Carl Bernstein  "In the past, in the days of ink-stained wretches and typesetting, it was the editors and publishers who set the news agenda. A small coterie of journalists decided what was most important, what went on page one, what was to be emphasized day after day." -- David S. Hirschman, Editor & Publisher "Many Western journalists, in contrast to revolutionaries, do not treat ideas seriously, and therefore fail to recognize the power of ideas in action. They don't realize that chaos and brutality must accompany a determined effort to implement ... thorough-going socialism." --Prof. Morgan O. Reynolds     "Anything other than free enterprise always means a society of compulsion and lower living standards, and any form of socialism strictly enforced means dictatorship and the total state.  That this statement is still widely disputed only illustrates the degree to which malignant fantasy can capture the imagination of intellectuals." -- Lew Rockwell  "It is not just bias -- the vast majority of media people are truly ignorant about economics (as well as history, the military, etc. etc.)  They are mostly privileged white libs who went to liberal arts colleges, where they majored in English and were indoctrinated by left-wing professors.  They then went off to J-school for further polishing into the little gems we see today.  They have rarely had to engage in critical thinking or the use of logic to support their positions.  The MSM is a hive, with a hive mentality. The swarm is dangerous, but the individual worker bee ain’t that bright." -- Phineas Gage Check out THIS example of "economics reporting" which goes beyond embarrassing to the incredibly bizarre.  Find "The word journalist has a distinct smell to it." -- Alicia Colon, HERE   "It's hard for the media to ignore a good 'racism' story, even when the definitionsdon't fit." -- Neal Boortz "Journalists, being simplistic by nature and trained to seek melodrama, almost always screw up science stories. They simply hate to add all the qualifiers, conditions and uncertainties because it detracts from the drama."-- Charley Reese 6-19-2001 "When covering what scientists say, reporters are particularly prone to getting the story wrong.  Most of us have little training in science, little understanding of how it works, and too much faith in any one given scientist. ... Businesses often twist science to make money.  Lawyers do it to win cases. Political activists distort science to fit their agenda, bureaucrats to protect their turf.  Reporters keep falling for it." -- John Stossel, Give Me a Break. "The Global Warming alarmists are the anti-science religion that is trying to forcibly indoctrinate and convert everyone while suppressing dissent. And the news media are their patsies, their stooges, their puppets. Right now, let's start demanding that whenever the local newspaper or TV stations say anything about Global Warming, they back it up with actual data that takes into account the solar oscillations, the real climate history of the earth, and the facts about what CO2 actually does in the atmosphere. ... It's time to stop letting them pass along other people's lies. It's time for the news media to stop doing cocktail party 'research' and dig down into the science and get it right." -- Orson Scott Card "Journalists are no better than other liberal-arts majors at doing regression analysis with infinite variables." -- P.J. O'Rourke, Wall Street Journal, 4-16-02 "As the twentieth century drew to a close, the connection between hard scientific fact and public policy became increasingly elastic ... in great part because of the decline of the media as an independent assessor of fact." -- Dr. Michael Crichton "...America's news media and largest periodicals don't have it [that tiny grain of knowledge]. They work by the T&P (trust and parrot) method. They may differ in whom to trust and parrot; but they share a common inability to evaluate. They will find two opposing viewpoints and manufacture a 'controversy;'  for they think objectivity lies halfway between the truth and a lie (or worse, between two lies)."-- introduction to the Access to Energy Newsletter "The case we made is: with most reporters, the understanding they have of most issues has the depth of floor wax."  -- Cal Thomas, 9-18-04 “Framing is a process whereby communicators, consciously or unconsciously, act to construct a point of view that encourages the facts of a given situation to be interpreted by others in a particular manner.” -- Jim Kuypers, Assistant Professor of Communications, Virginia Tech   "This is what passes for journalism today. Participate in contriving a story and then report it contrary to the facts." -- Jed Babbin "Some folks in the media are quite willing to lie to you." -- D. J. Drummond It turns out that the entire Valerie Plame scandal was a hoax from the beginning, blown up and perpetuated by the agenda-driven mainstream media.  Check it out HERE "Deborah Solomon's weekly short interviews in the New York Times Magazine are the most irritating possible example of the snotty, smarmy, smug and holier-than-thou attitude that pervades the entire enterprise that is theTimes." -- Don Luskin "What a difference three days make. 72 little hours.  In that time, a New York Times reporter went from tolling the death knell of real wage growth to reporting a 7-percent wage jump over last year after inflation." -- Ken Shepherd “The traditional media are playing a very, very dangerous game -- with their readers, with the Constitution and with their own fates.  The sheer bias in the print and television coverage of this election campaign is not just bewildering, but appalling.” -- Michael S. Malone "... press conferences ... [have] become a customary courtesy over the years, but courtesy is a two-way street, except for those in the media who act like spoiled brats, as if they have some inherent right to whatever serves their institutional, career, or ideological purposes. ... The media love to wrap themselves in the mantle of  'the public's right to know' but there is no such dedication to that right when it goes against the journalists' own prejudices." -- Thomas Sowell See::How to "report" a phony civilian body count:HERE "There once was a time when reporters took pride in their courage. Now, however, they take pride in their 'political correctness.'  That's one reason why people don't trust the press any more." -- Tony Snow, 3-30-2000   See how students at a "prestigious" J-School cheated on an ETHICS test HERE.  Public Evaluations of the News Media: 1985-2009 "I’m no longer surprised that journalists lack an internal regulatory mechanism (sometimes called 'ethics' or another quaint old-fashioned term that no longer applies, 'patriotism') to prevent the release of information that could damage their own country. On the contrary, they actively search for that information and release it with great relish." -- Charles Johnson, in "The Media are the Enemy," HERE > How the Media Enable Terrorism "A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest.  The laws of necessity, of self- preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation.  To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property, and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means." -- Thomas Jefferson to John Colvin, 1810  "We are now, my friends, in a situation where the majority of Americans get their news and information about what is going on with their government from entities that are licensed by and subject to punishment at the hands of that very government.  Nobody can truly believe that this is what our founding fathers had in mind." -- Neal Boortz "In politics, the truth is strictly optional and that also seems to be true in parts of the media." -- Thomas Sowell "America's free press is supposed to be one of the guardians of our freedom.  But while the press is free it must also be responsible, and in this it fails comprehensively. ... If a free press is not responsible, it cannot be a defender of freedom.  It can become the enemy of all who fight in defense of our way of life." -- Jed Babbin "The New York Times is now reeling from so many huge mistakes by reporters and management that people are saying it's one of the worst newspapers in America." -- Donald Trump, 10-28-2005      "What is this morbid obsession that liberals have with Fox? It's as if Democrats, pampered and spoiled by so many decades of the mainstream media trumpeting the liberal agenda, are so shaky in their convictions that they cannot risk an encounter with opposing views. Democrats have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the New York Times, Newsweek, Time and 98 percent of American humanities professors to do their bidding. But no, that's not enough -- every spark of dissent has to be extinguished with buckets of bile."   -- Democrat Camille Paglia "Bigheaded lectures for the umpteenth time about the 'century-old standards' at The New York Times, the 'legacy' of Edward R. Murrow or the 'prestige' of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism do not cut it anymore in a world of Jayson Blair, Eason Jordan and Dan Rather." -- Victor Davis Hanson "Not only is the media biased, but it's biased in the way it even covers itself." -- Neal Boortz "...there's a difference, even in publishing, between the lies we tell about ourselves and the lies we tell about others.  It is a rare publisher that troubles to fact-check an author's claims, especially in times when proofreading can seem like too much trouble." -- New York Times Editorial, 1-13-06 "Recently two highly respected journalists -- one on the left and one towards the righht -- tried to make a case for saving the business that has been their bread and butter: newspapers.  They both failed. ... '... people in the newspaper business try to make me feel better about working in the newspaper business,' Pitts wrote." -- Paul Chesser TimesWatch presents the Top 10 Lowlights of the New York Times  of 2005 "We certainly don't view government with the same awe we felt before Watergate broke, or journalism with the same respect it had before Dan Rather struck, but all available evidence suggests that it was our earlier attitudes that were misinformed." -- Glenn Reynolds "All is woe and darkness in the house of media. If you were measuring journalists' public standing on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, right now we're in less-than-zero territory ... The great flaw of media-scandal coverage is that it's so intramural: journalists covering other journalists in trouble ... this is a bit like assigning a second cousin of the Gambinos to cover The Family's latest criminal trial. ... The real lesson of the Times scandal is ... that the Age of Media Arrogance is over." -- William Powers "But I stopped watching [CBS] some time ago. The unremitting liberal orientation finally became too much for me. ... A large swath of the society doesn't trust the news media. And for many, it's even stronger than that: They abhor the media and perceive it as an escalating threat to the society."-- Van Gordon Sauter, formerPresident of CBS News, in the Los Angeles Times, 1-13-2005    
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