"Jury Nullification encourages participation in the judicial process, which in turn furthers the legitimization of the legal system. Jury Nullification also serves to inject community values and standards into the administration of our laws. Ordinary citizens are given the chance to infuse community values into the judicial process in the interests of fairness and justice and at the same time provide a signal to lawmakers that they have drifted too far from the Democratic will... History is replete with examples that Jury Nullification serves as a corrective “veto” power of the people over both legislative and judicial rigidity and tyranny."
Justice William C. Goodle
Washington Supreme Court
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Editor, thank you very much for today's quotes (systematically put together extremely well). Also, thank you for all your efforts over the years, FANTASTIC ! ! !

Jury Nullification DOES encourage participation in the judicial process, which in turn furthers the legitimization of the legal system. Jury Nullification is to render or declare lawfully void, inoperative, futile and of no consequence any charge or any code, statute, etc. that does not comply (determining fact and law) with natural law. Jury Nullification "IS NOT" to inject community values and standards into the administration of our laws. "community values" is an aspect of religion and "IS NOT" to be a standard in the administration of law. Fusing such values and interests of fairness are more often than not enactments of injustice, tyranny and despotism (as is apparent in a Democracy) History is replete with examples that Jury Nullification serves as a corrective “veto” power of the people over both legislative and judicial rigidity and tyranny.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    I believe in jury nullification.
     -- Cal, Lewisville, TX     
    Jury nullification is a wonderful tool and should be used more often. Too bad that jurors never hear of it.
     -- jim k, Austin, Tx     
    I too greatly believe in Jury Nullification. I also believe in the right of the states to nullify unjust and unconstitutional federal laws.
     -- Mary - MI     
    Its too bad that judges don't often include this in their jury instructions.
     -- Alonso Enriquez, Brush Prairie     
    I don't care if a juror acquits according to his/her 'values' -- that is just another word for conscience. Remember, a guilty verdict is not a vote -- it must be unanimous. Juries are a final check against bad laws. And today we are not talking about 'better that a guilty man go free than an innocent man be imprisoned' -- we are talking about millions of non-violent offenders of statutory rules behind bars for committing victimless 'crimes' for taking drugs. Face it, arresting and seizing the assets of drug users is the primary business of 'law enforcement' in the US. All this surveillance and patting us down for bombs and weapons is really to take the property of people caught with drugs. If jurors knew they could acquit those brought up on possession charges, the jails would be nearly empty -- and the politician-lawyer-cop-prison-guard industry would be bankrupted. Prohibition is BIG business, and a fully informed populace can dismantle it.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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