"Did I say "republic?" By God, yes, I said "republic!" Long live the glorious republic of the United States of America. Damn democracy. It is a fraudulent term used, often by ignorant persons but no less often by intellectual fakers, to describe an infamous mixture of socialism, graft, confiscation of property and denial of personal rights to individuals whose virtuous principles make them offensive."
Westbrook Pegler
(1894-1969) American journalist, writer
New York Journal American of January 25th and 26th, 1951, under the titles "Upholds Republic of U.S. Against Phony Democracy" and "Democracy in the U.S. Branded Meaningless."
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Reader comments about this quote:
 -- Mike, Norwalk      
 -- Logan, Memphis, TN      
I believe that Individual Rights should be changed to "Individual Privileges", to be earned by being a good citizen. Good citizens are ones who: Vote, using reliable sources to gain information on candidates and issues. Are law abiding citizens who take active part in government. Assist law officers by providing infromation on law breakers and suspicious characters in their neighborhood.
 -- Gale Nelson, Fayetteville, NC     
  • 1 7
    We are born with all the rights and responsibilities of a United States citizen. No one has ever had to "earn" natural-born rights, nor should we!
     -- Liz, Atlanta     
  • 4
    Great quote. Gale, I'll just be polite and say I'm glad you're not in charge. You need to read Orwell's "1984" so you can see where your line of thinking leads.
     -- Mike, Mount Holly, NC     
  • 4
    These evils exist in our republic.
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
    While to live is an honor and a privilege, our rights are inherent whether we are ready to exercise them or not. That is the price of Freedom.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 3
    Another great quote. I love this site. This quote, also makes one wonder what became of the United States. If there was ever a time that the United States needed to be united, it is now in the 21st Century. Long overdue though I must say. I weep for The Republic of The People. If we put our heads and hearts together, maybe it can be reincarnated.
     -- Me Again     
  • 2
    Great quote by Pegler! The problem is that we are no longer a Republic, as invisioned by the Founding Fathers. Gradually our Republic has been replaced by a Democracy, and the results are exactly as Pegler described; if anyone is smart enought to understand what has happened over the last seventy years. That is why all we hear anymore is about spreading "Democracy." We did not stay vigilent, therefore our Republic is lost.
     -- Pastor Gary Frye, Concord, NC     
  • 4
    Under our original Republic, established by our Founding Fathers, they recognized the God gave us all our inalienable rights. Under a Democracy, government given us our "rights" and, therefore, can take them away or alter them to suit themselves. Look at HISTORY: Democracy always ends in slavery. The Republic protects the minority citizens rights. In a Democracy, an evil majority will rule and supress a righteous minority.
     -- Gary Frye, Concord, NC     
  • 3
    The limited freedoms of expression that were available in the USA are continually being stripped away. Unless everyone wakes up, the prison bars that are invisible now will become frightenly manifest .
     -- Chris, Vancouver, BC     
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    "[I] never understood [what a republican government was and] I believe no other man ever did or ever will."--John Adams
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
  • 2
    My dad used to read Westbrook Pegler every week in the Fort Worth Press. He was duped as so many were and obviously still are. He was the American fascist supreme.
     -- Dick, Fort Worth     
  • 3
    "Look at HISTORY: Democracy always ends in slavery." So it is your position that the founding fathers founded democracy rather than a Republic. After all the Constitution only accept slavery but says that each slave counts as less than the full person when deciding how much representation the state gets. If the quote above is correct then, since Lincoln ended slavery Lincoln must have changed the country from a democracy to a Republic. Another option is that the quote is nonsense.
     -- Anonymous, Hagerstown     
  • 5
    Westbrook Pegler was the finest journalist ever to walk God's earth. He was a genuine hero and was the first to expose the Bilderberg threat to freedom loving people throughout the world.
     -- Pedro, Chicago     
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     -- Robert, St. Emilion, France     
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     -- jim k, Austin      
     -- Mary - MI      
    Gale Nelson - This nation was founded to protect the Natural Born Unalienable Rights of each and every individual and not the rights of authoritarian kings,monarchies or despotic leaders doling out or denying privileges in order to suit their or your despotic whim's, schemes and agenda's.
    We all have natural free will and choices as long as we and you do not act to violate and harm other individuals and/or their property.
    If someone chooses not to vote, participate in government and does not wish to have an interest in political candidates that is their natural "law abiding" right and "individual privilege" not be forced to do so. That is their FREEDOM not to do so. Just as it is the right of another and all individuals to choose to get involved in all the above without the use of force or "earning" a "privilege" from some government despotic personage.

     -- Mary - MI     
  • 4
    Whether you like Pegler or not, his quote is right on.
     -- jim k, Austin     
  • 2
    Democracy: 51 percent ordering the other 49 percent around.
     -- Dwelk, Monrovia     
  • 3
    His quote is so right on, let the revolt start, I as a Patriot and member of the Core of faith and oath, am sick of the intrusive oppressive nature of the current judicial system making morally upright people cower from governing their own household, it is sick and unjust. Let Scotland rise to the fight and The Republic of the United States of America, Let Israel stand strong for their moral stance in league with the USA and their children abroad !! Liberal socialist by nature have shown their face to me in a very personal way. They have no spiritual value of moral content but only in a superficial light considering the person as a throw away commodity !!
     -- Ronw13, Yachats Or     
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    If WE can keep it...

     -- Al, DC     
  • 2
    The quote is spot on! Let’s step back, we neither have a democracy or a republic — our current government has become fascist/totalitarian and any amount of voting won't change that. Voting today is a total farce and as such we have the right to not vote. The thuggery that is rampant in Washington and in the corporate board rooms is beyond precedent. Never before has America stooped so low in World opinion — once held as a beacon of freedom and justice, it is now on the slippery slope into an abyss from which it may never recover. "Let Israel stand strong" must be a joke, Israel, along with the USA, GB, and Saudi have turned the world into hell hole. We litter the media and talk shows with the supposed massacre in Pittsburgh while being silent over 1400 children killed in Palestine by Israel forces (since the year 2000). The Genocide (in the thousands) of the Yemenis by American back Saudi are forces and the horrendous Saudi and GB sanctions which stop medical supplies and food getting in the Yemen. These kind of atrocities (war crimes) are going on daily, yet the media is silent, so is our government and its people. Israeli snipers shooting teenagers killing them and shooting them in the legs so they cant be threat or work to provide food. Our foreign policy is just a killing machine that keeps the MIC funded. I don't know if any of you truly understand the real issues going on in the middle east — for example the Yemen has one of the biggest oil reserves, and so on and so on.... Libya has one of biggest fresh water reserves in the world. If we are to recover (which I doubt we will) then the US has to go back to ground zero. They have just found in Derizar, Syria, thousand of American munitions abandoned by ISIS. We are in a sick, sick time warp... Where have all the good people gone — is there no one with integrity and moral fiber to take the helm or have they all fled the sinking ship. Our words on sites like this little to help – I would rather you put all your excellent remarks to help change things. And as for social welfare the US military and the government are the biggest recipients – we live in a highly social welfare state where the poor get little the elite get it all – and you have the nerve to blame the poor and needed. Give me a break – you have NO IDEA what you are talking about – sucking on the welfare tit is the Government, MIC, the bankers, Wall Street, and the insurance and health care industry. Medicare and social security is way down the list of recipients, which by the way the people paid into. We are in a mess, please, America needs the good people to return….
     -- Robert, Somewhere in the US     
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    Even the 5-4 DC Supremes have indicated that our republic is dead, that we now have a "wonderful" de-mob-ocracy, and that our only protection is to accumulate the largest mob so we can force everyone to march in lockstep with us.  “It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”--Chief Justice John Roberts 
     -- Durham, Birmingham,AL     
  • 3

    Take responsibility for your own mess and clean it up.  Start there.  Blaming the common person for wars around the world does nothing.  There is war for a reason, and until that reason is addressed, it will continue.  I want peace as much as any hippie and an end to powerlessness of the common people (otherwise referred to as poverty).  But these ills have causes, and not to address the cause but to treat only symptoms does not heal but merely lend support to 'the long war.'  My advice to you is the same as I give to fundamentalist Christians with we must "save the world" rhetoric:  It is precisely due to those that wish to save us from ourselves that the power of the masses has been co-opted by 'authorities' acting in official capacity.  Believe you me, there are billions caught up in this — it is THE racket in the world, and getting people to demand it as their rights enslaves them willingly.

    If you are sounding a clarion call over the corruption in the world, including in the USA, UK, EU, Middle East, Africa, etc., welcome to the club!  Others on this blog have been doing so for decades.

    In any debate about war or power, I will bring my attention to the source of the power, the funding, the people.  It's a big chess game that has been going on for 12,000 years at least.  Where are we now in the game?  It takes power to wage a war (which is to acquire power).  Who is funding it?  Or more importantly, what is the process of transferring power?  Who controls the flow?  Why?  The only ones that can stop a war are those that are waging it, either by winning or losing or truce.  

    The only thing the common people in these war-torn nations can do is snap out of their hypnosis.  Enlightenment is the destruction of everything one thought to be true, but unfortunately, a free nation requires the consciousness of a fairly enlightened person that knows he/she is not the subservient of another nor bound to the dictates of others — we speak for ourselves and are responsible. 

    How to awaken people?  I don't say 'save people,' because if there is any saving to be done, they must initiate it, make it their own.  It's more to facilitate their own self-realizations and declarations.  That's certainly what I look for in a teacher, someone to facilitate the process of my learning as someone who has been through it before.  

    My humble advice is to not wage war to end war -- don't feed the beast.  Do not use the same tactics as the fascists, communists, authoritarians of all stripes to force your ways onto others.  Can you expect anyone to respect your individuality any more than you respect others'?

    Secondly, pick your battles.  What's it going to be, Palestine, Wall Street, Medicare?  (I have no interest in any of the causes you mentioned — I certainly do not want any government health care services which drug and poison the hell out of everyone.)  Your suicide prevention and Roatarian work fits the bill better than all the rest, in my opinion.  Are you not also aware of the millions of people contributing their time and money to their own charities and causes?  I have been involved in several humanitarian efforts to help the poor in 3rd world countries, and only if the people we are helping want to become self-sufficient will the work we started continue after we leave.  As ever, only the poor can raise themselves up.  Victim consciousness is the enemy, not a rallying cry, Robert.

    Thirdly, Strike at the root! And always be ready for the response!

     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 2
    Archer, as much as I enjoy you comments and replies I do wish you would not assume my thoughts. I have always been for the people and vehemently against the oligarchs.  Your response to my comment really is just a commentary by Archer with little to do with the content of my comment. "Blaming the common person for the wars around the world" Yes, I do blame the common person for wars around the world and with good reason. They (OK I'll give you a break, lets say 90%) sit on their couch watching rubbish, eating and drinking stuff they shouldn't eat or drink. Not lifting a finger to help stop the implosion which is about to happen and when it does happen they will want action. Not saying anything about US corruption or the US invovelment in the Yemen, etc, etc, etc. I talk about the killings going on today in GAZA and the Yemen and you flippingly gloss over with self indulged commentary. That is not the person I thought you are. Address the facts and the problem NOW  address the issues at hand...
     -- Robert, Somewhere in the US     
    "If those in charge of our society - politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves.":
    Howard Zinn, historian and author
     -- Robert, Somewhere in the US     
    "If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear. "
    Joanna Macy (born 1929)
     -- Robert, Somewhere in the US     
    My goodness, your self-righteousness would give Jerry Falwell a good run for his money.  I am not to blame for Yemen or Palestine, nor do I have the power to impose my will upon them, nor am I arrogant enough to believe that I have the cure to their political ills.  What, are we going to vote peace into Palestine?  You are free to pick your battles, but I doubt you will join their front lines. 

    As I said before, if you want peace and support, I suggest less self-righteousness and more specific requests for action  where is the root that is mine to strike?  As someone that does not believe in God, you sure sound like someone who wants to play  God while holding the moral high ground above the common person (well 90% anyway).  By the way, you promote authoritarian policies almost exclusively based on this very premise.

    As one with the Tao, why are you getting sucked into all this maya?

     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 2
    Archer, there you go again on your high horse. Obviously you have no idea who I am and are quite unable to find out. Yes, you are to blame for the genocide in Yemen and Palestine  I have written letters and demonstrated  I have continually shouted from the hill tops the horrors of US foreign policy and that of Saudi and Israel. Washing your hands of these atrocities does not excuse you from responsibility. Your indifference is part of the problem.  And, saying you give to various charities is just another washing of the hands. You last comment is inexcusable  throwing insults to cover your own inaction is very much the low road. Please try and be more positive without slurs  we all have problems and don't necessarily wish them thrown back in our face at the slightest provocation. So, with that said, what are you doing to further any progress for world peace??? Howard Zinn's quote says it all....

     -- Robert, Somewhere in the US     
    Robert, are YOU to blame for Yemen and Palestine?  Are you responsible for the war there?  Are you responsible for ending it?  Say so, then I will know who you are.  Until then, you blame ME for war without blaming yourself.  That's OK, because it is illogical.  You can only take responsibility for what you are responsible for.  Why aren't the warriors in Yemen and Palestine listening to your letters?  The war should be over by now according to that logic.  ;-)  Oh, that's right, I am responsible for the atrocities, you are responsible for telling me.  Start a sentence with "I am responsible for ..." and I will listen.  You caused a lot of trouble in your life, fess up, make amends, and take correct action.  Those are the only wars that are yours to end, and they need ending as much as any other.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 2
    ;-) Robert, I am not responsible for the wars in Yemen or Palestine.  I am responsible for some other things that need to be addressed, and that is what I am doing.  My humanitarian work has not been giving to charity but on site, hands-on, years long and I am honored to be doing it.  Good luck with your own battles, but try not to be so judgmental about everyone else that does not share your interests.  You have a somewhat illogical sense of responsibility and blame  it is common with progressive liberals, altruists, and utopians. 
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 1
    I'm sorry Archer, but your comments are totally without merit or honesty. Yes, I do blame myself too! as I could be on the front line helping those who are being killed and their homes destroyed by US, Saudi and Isael backed ISIS forces. I am doing what I can by writing letters to Senators and continually posting antiwar comments. Our silence, and that of the media and government is what keeps the wars going. We are all to busy, unless it's directly on our doorstep, which by the way may happen soon! I commend you on your hands-on charitable work and hope you keep it going. As you know many charities are fraudulent so I hope you are doing you due diligence. 

     -- Robert, Somewhere in the US     
    My humanitarian work is mine to offer, it is not through charities but charity.  You are so stuck in groups and social work mindset.  As for due diligence, perhaps you should brush up on your Karl Marx and the 10 planks of communism.  The only brilliance in them is the amount of power it centralizes.  Central fiat bankers rule the world  it's the Vatican of Vatican's, the theocracy to which all must pay tribute.  Socialism is the tool by which the nations become indentured.  And also note, socialism never saved any country from tyranny  the libertarians did that.  Socialists use central banking to overthrow the power of the People.  Socialists call this capitalism, but it is in fact debt-ism as the capital is all claimed and owned by the state and our 'money' is all interest-bearing debt markers.  I know you are against the Federal Reserve, so pick a side, you can't have it both ways.  Socialism is akin to chemotherapy  it makes a lot of people rich, may work for a while, but kills most, and is called health care.  Socialism is a bill of goods  don't buy it.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 1
    You and I were born inherently with inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law as a faculty of birth. You and I are sovereign heirs to the King of Eternity. We were NOT born with responsibilities of a U.S. citizen (social contracts are a usurpation and demonic / despotic myth  also, the term "citizen" has multiple meanings and connotations). Responsibilities are a choice within this corporeal existence. A noble heir chooses righteous responsibilities to advance and . . . the family of man. AND !, you are ABSOLUTELY right; "No one has ever had to "earn" natural-born rights, nor should we!"
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
     -- Mike, Norwalk      
    It is this unrestrained attitude that is the source of these rising prices. We need prices restraints and price reductions immediately.Democracy has spoken.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
  • 2
    It is the mega retail pirates that are the source of the problem not our small little salaries.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
  • 2
    Sillik, your prideful ignorance concerning economic's fiscal law is astounding. To start with, who's "unrestrained attitude" are you speaking of. Your god and priesthood (government) is directly responsible for financial inflation in a debt system (too many dollars chasing too few products). Mega retail pirates (being extensions of socialism) do play a role in the greater government's creation of poverty and small little salaries.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
    "Think globally, act locally."  There is plenty to correct of my own actions that will make a real impact, rather than writing letters to my Congressman to end conflict in Palestine or Yemen.  Just saying...

    "Wars are caused by undefended wealth."
    ~ General Douglas MacArthur
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 1
    Mr Mike Norwalk, no one is ever going to convince me that resource allocations available should not be distributed in an equal and fair allotment to all, for Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Sillik, please describe what you mean by: "resource allocations available should not be distributed in an equal and fair allotment to all"  ummm, how broad is your understanding of "resource allocations" (does that include equal labor, raw materials  ? what?). Do you understand that socialism is all about controlling distribution? Which god will measure equal and fair? Will a 100 pound teenage gill get the same quantity of food as a 6,5  350lb football player or will they get equal amounts of fabric for their vestiture? Does a family of 6 get the same home as a new high school graduate?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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