"If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual. "
Frank Herbert
(1920-1986) American science fiction writer
"The Dosadi Experiment"
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Just like deer frozen in the headlights of an oncoming 2 ton auto.
 -- Anon     
  • 5
     -- Tom Wade, Snellville,GA      
    People born into certain surrondings like the English working class, Indian Lower Casts, and American minorities are brain washed by history and traditon to think that such an uneducated, unfulfilling life is their only option. A wise leader can inspire and encourage such people as did Moses, Ghandi and King. And all free society is better for it, even those entrenched special interests that prefer to prey upon the seemingly wretched! (PS: those people were kept helpless and ineffectual by the power structure around them: ever heard of slavery and the whip.)
     -- Waffler, Smith     
  • 3
    This quote describes exactly the Obama gang in Washington. Everyone is helpless and needs a bailout and it's the messiah to the rescue.
     -- jim k, austin     
  • 6
    Yes, racial harmony is now flourishing in America. I'm sure Obama will, by his inspiration, continue this beautiful vision you portray as it was all for the better of free society and racial harmony is the greatest evidence of that in America today. Go tell that to the brainwashed minorities. Show them where they are better off. Prove it to them because they're the ones who need to know it.
     -- Anon     
  • 5
     -- Blue      
    Kudos ANON
     -- M. Brown, Florida     
  • 3
    Welcome to the USA (Union of Socialst Amerika) in all its glory
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 4
     -- Anonymous      
    What a difference between inspirational leaders like MLK and Obama. The current US government administration does not seem to let up in its never-ending mantra that we are all ineffectual, doomed, and only if we give them carte blanche will we MAYBE make it. Nothing but promises of more misery come from this cabal of would-be saviors. Wait until next election -- you will not see a greater exodus of Democrcats from government. One month in office and already the excuses flow like rivers. Listen to what our politicians are saying today: no confidence in the People at all. I can only assume they have even more repressive measures waiting in the wings for when we are awash in worthless currency. Whenever Obama speaks, it is like listening to a eulogy. At least Jesse Jackson 'keeps hope alive' - with O it is just 'change' from bad to worse.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 4
    Yes, we are already there - give them McDonald's and ESPN. Archer, I'm sure you have some great ideas for our recovery up your sleeve - let's hear them instead of always criticizing - I like much of your comments but now is the time for some positive feedback - I think we all know where you stand from a political point of view but haven't heard how you would resolve these problem times. If the Dems are tax and spend then the Reps are borrow and spend, and once there is no more money in the coffers they let the Dems takeover. We can then blame them for more taxes and once the Reps get back into power it will be borrow and spend again. Here is my solution; have a flat tax of 18% with no exceptions for those with an income over $20,000 or what ever sum is agreed upon; reduce property tax by 50%, and once you are over 65 you are exempt from paying property tax. Totally reform our educational system; create high speed trains/monorail between cities; provide tax (big) incentives for alternative energy, and make it law by 2015 that alternative energy is 30%. End all wars and cut military spending by half; make capital gains 20% vs. 15%; mandate car makers to get 70 miles to the gallon by 2015; and start a Manhattan Project for alternative energy to create jobs and get us off oil. Make prisoners work for their keep and get rid of non-violent drug offenders out of the prison system. Overall the Federal Reserves - no more fractional banking system. And, last but not least, create a tax system that provides tax incentive's for companies exporting 30% or more abroad; i.e.; 30% of your tax base of 18%, and for keeping jobs in America.
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 2
    Robert, to give solutions is a great start. Off the top of my head. I do not believe the US can return to being free sovereigns united overnight. I believe there must be a transition. We need to return to a strict adherence to the principles and law that brought about the Republic's Constitution. The Federal government could do nothing that it is not specifically authorized to do. That would even eliminate a flat tax, and a need thereof. As for the most basic, eliminate all compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, governmental larceny, Keynesian and debt based economics, the Federal Reserve, and military / imperial adventurisms. As to life, liberty, and property. Return to a jurisprudence where life is noble, and where the Law of Nature and of Natures God, and alodium are sacrosanct. The media should be encouraged to return to an independent and free press. Education should encompass a non-prejudicial understanding of all religions (Atheism to Zen), encourage learning (not just what information is needed to pass the test or what is politically correct), and a greater demand on sciences, languages, math, etc. We The People should encourage the concrete as well as the abstract of true individual freedom and liberty. Let those that want to worship at the collectivist troff establish communes so that the whole of society may prosper. As per the quote concerning my here positive desires: "I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. The something I ought to do, I can do. And by the grace of God, I will." (Edward Everett Hale)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 3
    It is no accident that the political class try at every turn to thwart private success. If a business is successful, tax it, regulate it, and punish it. If it is still successful, tax it, regulate it, and punish it some more. Repeat until the business dies. At that point not only have the business and its owners failed, so have the employees. Then they will crawl to their political masters begging for scraps from the table. Robert, there is one simple solution to our country's ills: FREEDOM.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
  • 4
    Mike, very good! Thank you for your positive reply and for taking the time to write up your world. What perhaps may be a start to revitalize our Freedom, as Ken put it so well, is to include in our education system an understanding of the principles and law that brought about our constitution - we talk and discuss this venerable document but never teach it! or at least have it as a first condition of political science. Also, I would include in your list, ethics and music, without which the world would be a lawless and dull place. With regard to Keynesian economics, obviously President Obama has been reading about aggregate demand! and I agree allodium is, or should be, sacrosanct. Well done - there you are, we do agree on some issue...
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 1
     -- Johann Hollar, Saint Paul      
    He is speaking about your Messiah Warffler!
     -- warren, olathe     
  • 1
    RBE, my recommendation for Americans (not the government) is to educate themselves, stop demanding 'free' education from the state and other government services. As well, think for yourself. Take responsibility for your health -- insurance is not a right but a business with risks and benefits. Essentially, once Americans start taking responsibility -- and plenty do, that's the only reason the whole thing hasn't completely collapsed.

    Here's the thing: it's finally out, FAKE NEWS. And it wasn't just recently fake, it's been fake for a LONG time. Fake news, FAKE GOVERNMENT operating under FAKE LAWS. Have you got that yet, America? Lies from the press, lies from the schools, lies from the government. All to yoke the labors of the populace -- it's called servitude.

    If you are waiting for the government to 'free' you, forget about it. A free country is made up of free individuals acting in their own sovereign capacity. The free and responsible person is another pillar in a free republic. Reject the govt's claims on your property and your person -- they are FAKE.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 3
     -- jim k, austin      
    I like it, Mike.  You've well defined the 'end.'  What shall be the 'means'? 
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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