"Not every item of news should be published.
Rather must those who control news policies endeavor
to make every item of news serve a certain purpose."
Joseph Paul Goebbels
(1897-1945) German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany
Diary, 14 March 1943
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The path that the radical right and GOP use so effectively today...
 -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US     
  • 1 8
    Very timely, should be read by all Americans, especially the ones who watch main stream TV news.
     -- Joe Miller, Sr, Metropolis, IL     
  • 7
    TV stations should be required to dispaly today's three quotes at the beginning and end of every 'news' show.
     -- Anonymous     
  • 4
    Today's media doesn't state all the facts. They show only the facts that will "...make every item of news serve a certain purpose." For example, every gunshot that wounds someone is reported, but you don't hear about the 2.5 million times each year guns stop a crime, or that most of the time a shot is never fired. Give me the facts, so I may realize the benefit of guns.
     -- Joe, Rochester, MI     
  • 8
    Karl Rove = Goebbels
     -- David McGarry, Ventura     
  • 3
     -- Tina, NY      
     -- georgey porgey, Azerbaijan     
  • 1
    Can you say OBAMA? Can we control the people through information? Yes we Can!
     -- Brian Golas, Richmond, RI     
  • 7
     -- dfdsf, CA      
    Welcome to Amerika. I'm not quite sure how to rate this; 5 stars for accuracy of the quote - the strength of religious propaganda through a media such as news or, a thumbs down for accuracy of the quote - for how depraved the news has become. The reporting of events (news) no longer deals with unbiased truth, liberty, law or justice but rather, a spin that would proselytize the advancing aims and dogmas of the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land. Goebbels' certain purpose, and the service thereof through so called 'news', is the same today as it was then. Expanding the religion of socialism. "National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel." (Joseph Geobbels diary, Dated 16 October 1928)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 6
    Reston says: "The path that the radical right and GOP use so effectively today."
    If that's his truth how does he explain that it's the RADICAL LEFTISTS whose agenda is advancing with the help of their lapdog news media while the right is holding on by their fingernails endeavoring to safeguard our RIGHTS and turn back the blatant political corruption, cultural and moral decline of America but the truth is irrelevant to the Alinsky left, it is a detriment to their socialist agenda.

     -- Mike, Pleasant Hill     
  • 5
    Reston is a nut case. The leftists has been in control since Obama was elected, probably long before. A good comparison between the 2 parties is this: the democrats are communists and the republicans are socialists.
     -- Jim k, Austin     
  • 5
    Well said Jim K, Austin. Corruption resides within both parties. For those that love Liberty and Freedom, we stir up jealousy within both parties to expose oppression and tyranny. That is our right and responsibility to do so. !
     -- Ronw13, Yachats Or     
  • 1
    Reston epitomizes the progressive, myopic, double-thinking required to prop up the ideal of socialism. The mainstream media -- ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX -- are NATIONALISTIC in their tone and context. Nationalism is the supremacy of the State over the citizen -- the citizen is the subject of the State, whether democratic, monarchical, fascist, communist, whatever -- the State (and whoever is 'in charge') is the boss and can (and does) dictate to the people rules governing what would normally be under the responsibilities of the individual: to feed, house, and clothe oneself, to hunt, gather, produce, and trade, and all the rest ...

    The 'establishment' politicians are nationalist statists -- leaning to communism are the establishment Democrats, leaning to fascism are the establishment Republicans.

    A true 'republican' government regards the citizen as the origin of all state authority -- the State is hired by the citizens for the mutual protection of the rights they already have. In a republican government, independent and self-determining individuals form counties, which then form a state, then state governments make similar agreements with other republican states into a confederation -- sort of like the UN with each state still sovereign, like the People. In a nationalist government, the State is sovereign, in a republican government the individual is sovereign.

    Perhaps we ought to subdivide each party into the nationalist and the 'responsibilitist' -- who believes the State is the boss and who believes the people are the boss?

    I think you will find that the political process has been rigged in favor of nationalism, to the point the American citizen (like Reston) no longer thinks of himself as master of his own destiny and responsible for the condition and quality of his/her life, but instead demands to be a ward of the state as a 'right.'
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 5
    As is integral to today's "news" (or that which passes as news) follows Geobbels' "make every item of news serve a certain purpose" a very, VERY SCARY prospect. Such admonition follows a latter day religonist's "never let a serious crisis go to waste" - create a crisis with the prepared solution and then have the ecclesiastical propagators (news media) explain and justify the entire scenario. For example, Hitlery is accusing Russia of hacking without evidence then, in conjunction with Mr. Obamunist Goodwrench the assign, the news is justifying a third world war.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 3
    The press was more than compliant during the Bush presidencies. So political party is not the true dividing line. The 'show' is the battle between too opposing parties, but no more realistic than Hulk Hogan wrestling Randy Savage. Trump has been a player in the show and has flipped the script. Guys like Ron Paul (who was the real Republican candidate) have been ignored happily by the establishment GOP. The Tea Party movement resulted. But Ron Paul is boring -- no dirt for the media. ;-) The media circus is starting to crack -- the agenda has never been more obvious, it may as well be Pravda in the 1950's. Following the strings of the marionettes is all too apparent to anyone who will bother to look.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 2
    Being at literal Liberty, in body and spirit, one must be CIRCUMSPECT at All Times. Whether in action or judgement. Has any here, experienced, the Old Farmer in regard to his disposition, toward his neighbor.? It is an amazing thing to behold old Good traditions. Circumspect carries with it the idea of drawing a circle, and within, your sovereignty, you are at liberty and held responsible. as a keeper in the garden, and its first mention, to "watch" over. Ex 23 tells the true nature of responsibility to your neighbors, as also, the life of all creatures around you. And the conduct of those that would be " lenders" among you. The body of religious worship " to avoid" is plainly pointed out, There can be no mistake, at this observation. There is a "light" and "dark" line in behavior. Day and night, literally. Our Ship of state is likened unto its shape, a deck upon the hull, a mast and sails. Balanced. The mast, the tip of the sword fastened to the keel. That is also the individual. The deck, likened unto a plain, has many a judgement fastened along its deck. Such also is the universe measured in like manner, Sometimes ships fly and must have wings. Wings are provided to carry us into the heavens. This is declared and can be made to see openly. a mirror reflection of that which you are in spirit, the individual at liberty to "know". Yet the knowledge is withheld to bind the mind of individuals lest the "light" of the knowledge shine unto them. It is a very uplifting thing, sometimes felt, exposed and not ashamed, but for most, cannot be explained or described. But how shall they hear except a preacher be sent, no pun intended. It is within the intent of the heart through sincerity to seek that which "good is". By this the world is measured. " For the fruit of the Spirit is in All goodness and righteousness and truth. " There are nine fruits of the Spirit, nine is the number of the covenant, the deal, a great blessing when giving birth to the new creatures of/at Liberty. 9th bk nt, 5:22 Gala. This behavior our nation is founded upon. So making peace among neighbors in putting aside religious beliefs and hatred. Our native brothers brought much goodness to the table when framing our Declaration and Constitution of commonsense, a Sure and True universal language. The quote is right, but a thumbs down for intent to rob. Lean neither to the right nor the left, be circumspect in judgment. The ability to " watch" over, is never to destroy, but hedge your liberty about with thorns.
     -- Ronw13, Oregon     
  • 1
    Both Parties can go to Hell. All of US that believe in America should stick together and forget this crap that divides us. Most of the time if we are with friends of either party we enjoy being together. Then what happens when anyone in the group of friends brings up politics? I will tell you, all of Hell breaks loose we are so divided and are we really. We are all Americans and we let someone in either party control what THEY want? Think? That is the trouble we don’t think for ourselves.
     -- Mike Griffin, Apple Valley Ca     
  • 3
    ANTIFA, BLM, and the sorry and pathetic Socialist-Liberal Democrats of today are marching in lockstep with the likes of the evil NAZI Minister of Propaganda henchman, Joseph Paul Goebbels.

     -- Mary, MI     
  • 1
    15 years later...
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Has propaganda ever been more in-your-face blatant?  Trump has literally pulled back the curtain.  He has taken on the establishment and the Deep State, and the devil is squirming, pulling out all the stops, using every trick in the book.  Keep it going, America, this is YOU!!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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