"No state shall emit bills of credit, make any thing but gold
and silver coin a tender in payment of debts, coin money..."
United States Constitution, Article One, Section Ten
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Article 1, Section 10 determines who is master and who is servant depending it or not it is enforced. This is one law that "law enforcers" will not enforce! There is NO branch of government making anything a tender in payment of debt and this is SLAVERY.
 -- Dave, St. Louis     
    Next time you fill out your State tax form write Art. 1 Sect. 10 on it and write underneath that you have no gold or silver coin to pay the debt.
     -- Anon     
    Any body seen the cover of Newsweek? That Constitutional thing was good while it lasted, but alassss - tis gone. No longer is the United States of America a government of laws, it has succumb to the Union of Socialist Amerika - a government of men.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    We have forgotten the difference between laws, which are immutable and "laws" which are written by men.
     -- Bryan Morton, Stuart, Florida     
    Every so often the cops arrest someone for passing counterfeit money. This is laughable since our government does it daily.
     -- jim k, austin     
    Anon, thank goodness we have no state income tax here in Texas. Every now and then some slug writes a letter to the editor suggesting that we should have one , but so far we have resisted.
     -- jim k, austin     
    This quote is correct. And the law is good and perfect, all states adhere to this good law. You all may pay your states in good ole US Greenbacks, whadda care if you think they worthless anyway, giv'em to the states.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Money as a medium of exchange under constitutional law is supposed to represent the value of a mans' life in labor expended. When one pays another for the fruits of the others' labor with something of real value, (rarity makes gold/silver valuable), the value of both mens lives converted through labor into a needed item is not lost in the transaction. The devaluation of the money devalues the life of the laborer and when the money becomes bills of credit the individuals' labor becomes the debt owed and the wealth of future labor the interest due. Hence the borrower is the servant (slave) of the lender.
     -- Anon     
    Brilliantly clear, Anon. Note that 'technically' no debts have ever been paid with these Federal Reserve Notes and debts cannot be paid with 'promises to pay money' -- you have to actually pay in real dollars which haven't been in circulation since the bankruptcy of the US government in 1934. From a Common Law standpoint, the Congress is presiding over the bankruptcy to the Federal Reserve -- the US govt is a bankrupt entity still operating at the leisure of its creditor, the Fed/IMF. All money has been seized and held as de facto collateral for the unpayable debt we continue to expand. The purpose of monetary policy is to make as comfortable as possible the bleeding away of the purchasing power and savings (in the form of an interest-bearing inflationary fiat currency) of an entire nation while the creditor who loans nothing but merely has the monopoly on issuing its own promissory notes to buy the government's promissory notes laughs all the way to the bank. It is also the way a shadow government has emerged with statutory colorable law being used as a substitute for common law. Because the US govt is bankrupt and beholden to the promissory notes they have made in the form of T-Bills that the Fed now holds, an entire jurisdiction of commercial law has become criminal law. There can be no common law courts because we are not using common law money -- we are using a private club's coupons with which there are terms for its use. By using this script we are subject to the reams and reams of commercial law in which corporations are 'persons,' and people are merely legal fictions operating as corporations. The law is twisted to grant corporations 'rights' while people are merely employees of corporate entities. In other words, slaves, again, as per the old model of the Roman empire, in which we are but wards of the state, having signed our responsibilities away and thus also our rights. For in order for a bankrupt entity to keep running we must acknowledge our debilitated status and bow to a lord who provides for us. Waffler may not care, but these ole Greenbacks come with strings attached.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    E Archer. when you said "the US govt is a bankrupt entity still operating at the leisure of its creditor," and "The purpose of monetary policy is to make as comfortable as possible the bleeding away of the purchasing power", you provided me a clear understanding I've been lacking in debates elsewhere. The entire post is a gift from heaven and I wonder if I might, after any name deletions and very slight editorial deletion (such as the last line), have your permission to use your post in future when the subject comes up? It truly is brilliant!
     -- Anon     
    It is an amazing, wonderful, wacky world and web site. One day Archer asks "where in the constitution" or "where did Jefferson say that the govt should be allowed to borrow" and a day or two later he is proclaimed to be a genius.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    No problem, Anon. It would take many pages to fully describe the evolution of the shadow de facto government that operates in a commercial jurisdiction that has superimposed itself over the de jure Common Law jurisdiction in which the sovereign American has all the rights and requisite responsibilities that come with that freeman status. Our liberty is only compromised by the promises we make -- i.e. we are bound to keep our word or face the consequences as per our agreements. Our lack of honor is the only real enemy, and that is why we have the 'representation' we have - charlatans that 'promise' everything but deliver nothing but more chains. Our currency is nothing but promises -- and broken promises at that -- i.e. a lie. We will stop being ruled by liars and counterfeiters when we are ready to bear the responsibilities of free and responsible sovereigns who rule no one but ourselves (i.e. self-government). This kind of freedom requires responsibility. As long as we are raised with the consciousness of wards of the state (Waffler is a perfect example) under a de facto ruling authority (government bureaucrats with a license to imprison or kill), we will continue to give our power away and remain dependents to a 'beneficent' lord who in actuality reaps the wealth of our labors, our property, our ingenuity, even our prodigy. Obama can't save us -- neither could McCain. But the awakening is happening -- not everyone is as vested as Waffler in this system, and it does not take a genius to realize the con -- but it does take an ignoramus to keep it going.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Waffler is consistent I'll give him that. Archer said; "Our liberty is only compromised by the promises we make -- i.e. we are bound to keep our word or face the consequences as per our agreements. Our lack of honor is the only real enemy," This is also true as relates to the intent of our Constitution. Put this way the only real crime one can commit is to violate the rights of another. To stay out of jail meant don't violate the rights of another and individuals were taken in good faith that they would not. Common, moral trust in men of honor, who WERE moral, required only the laws punishable for violating rights and this is what made for the most freedom with the minimum restrictions on that freedom i.e. the laws punishing for the violation of anothers' rights. The gold/silver coin or the promissory notes promising to convert back into gold/silver coin kept the money and therefore men honest in their free enterprise economic system. One of our forefathers said the Constitution was for a moral religious people and the truth of those words is profound. I remember that no one (for the most part) locked their doors and in some places food was left on one's table for the weary traveler. It's plain to see how far we've traveled in the other direction from common trust to common distrust in our society. It is also very true that the nature of government reflects the nature of the people in control of it. The blame for this sad state of affairs is foremost with the individual him/herself for accepting the loss of rights in favor of a cut of the pie government and banking have appropriated from us to begin with. Since they took what we had man, now, because of the debt, future labor is owed, leading us into a perpetual debt machine that can only save itself by continuing the process which is why our government must borrow, just as we must, to fuel it, to keep it alive. By simple math one can see the debt has to grow and can never be paid off hence the fear mongering of present day government to sign the bailouts. Why the hesitation? Because we are trapped in new terrain where it's just possible the debt is getting too big too fast to keep control of and whether it was planned or by mistake, it does clearly expose the fact that from now on we will always have to go to the bankers of the world to get our wealth; paper, plastic and digital money, which, represents what we are allowed to keep to keep us happy and by being careful not to collect interest too fast or the peoples wealth that disappears would attract notice to what is going on. Well it has. If the bailouts pass everyone in government knows they/we, ARE accepting once again, if not forever, and by consent, the absolute control of our lives for the foreseeable future. Never in the history of mankind have so few men had so much power in the world. A lesson history teaches, if we have eyes that see, is that we are witnessing a historical time unique to ANY other time in history and it is fact that either we choose with consent to agree with the central world power of elitists and their power to rule or to refuse to consent. Common sense truth points out the best answer to remain free would be to deny it the power to carry on and move our debt into the universal one world debt pool. Not in name of course, that would be too obvious, but in essence and unfortunately for us, in reality. Mr. Obama certainly said it right when he said if we don't pass the bailout bill our economy would collapse. In my opinion the sooner it collapses the sooner man might begin the long journey back to freedom. Sorry this was so long but so much knowledge has been lost and truths covered up it needs to be said. Thanks for the use of your property... your thoughts.
     -- Anon     
    Anon it is great to have such passion as yours on this site. Thanks for saying I am consistent. I think you err however in several of your perceptions. First of all man has not been particularly honorable in the past more so than today. If you read your history you will find that their were highway men, theives and beggars forever and ever. I believe the biggest error you and guys like Archer make is that contrary to the popular poem, you guys think that "a man can be an island unto himself". The biggest single part of this "stimulus" is the part that lets middle class America keep more of its own money, in other words a tax cut. It is often said that US Bonds are as strong as the US Government. This is true because the US Government is as strong as Its People. We are a rich nation of rich people. In the last 8 years the government fought wars supposedly for us the people but did not have the courage to ask us to pay for them. It is time we fess up to the dereliction and pay for these things, and pay off the debt. If every family in America would kick in a grand the problem would be settled.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Thanks, Anon. Waffler, the debt cannot ever be paid off because every 'dollar' in circulation has been borrowed -- that is how money is put into circulation. This point has been made time and time again. If you refuse to understand this point then you will never understand why the system is a fraud. Every single currency broker in the world understands this system -- it is not conspiracy theory, it is reality. Never has the entire world been dependent upon fiat currency before until today (there are still a few hard currencies out there). And now the whole thing is collapsing. I know Waffler is an optimist -- he has to be, because perception is reality in his world and as long as we have confidence in the US dollar, it will retain its value against the others in which there is less confidence. Just know that war and fiat currency go hand in hand -- each prop up the other, and the spoils of war help to pay the bills to the banks. Countries with no ability to make war and who do use fiat currency are the big losers who get caught with the hot potato. The world currencies have been crashing for decades, the EU was formed for that very reason (and guess who controls the EU!), and the US dollar was the next to go. The Euro will remain strong against the dollar because it is a new currency, and as long as the Euro is not pumped into the economy like the dollar will be, the Euro will rise against the dollar (because the value of dollars will go down because of the increase in the money supply without an equal increase in backing -- which is nothing but empty promises). So obviously the real controllers of the world are those that control the policies of the central banks themselves - the IMF, the World Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements. Even these institutions are controlled by other 'clubs' of the super rich. (By the way, NONE of these tax schemes EVER really taxes the super-super rich who actually control everything, so the whole 'tax the rich and give it to the poor' policy is BS). The stimulus is not paid for -- it is put on the backs of our children who we have set up to be born in debt -- this is contrary to everything for which the Founders stood. BTW, 1 trillion dollars divided by 300 million people equals $3,333 per person (not family), so Waffler, your math is way off - -and that is just for THIS stimulus bill -- go ahead, pony up the dough, Waffler. That'll be $13,333 for you, your girlfriend, your ex-wife, and your son. Of course to pay off the entire debt will require everything you have and everything everyone else has too -- and we would still owe more!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Waffler, do you value your life and your right to it? I value mine. What value do you place on yours? Mine is priceless. I think yours is too. The difference between us is that you accept the economical, what I call slavery and you don't, system of perpetual debt. With your freely given consent you say 'yes' to the system. You are free to do so. Will you tell me that I am not as free as you to say 'no,' as you are to say 'yes,' and therefore not free to live my life the way I want, so as to do what I THINK is best for me, the same as you do to live your life the way you want, based upon what you THINK is best for you? If you were to say 'no,' would you say you have the right to say it and then, the right to freely act upon your choice, so long as you don't infringe on another's right to say 'yes' and act upon their choice? You see, I am just as trapped as you are in a world society with a world economic system, and both of us have the right to say 'yes' and act, but neither of us have the right to say 'no' and act. We do have rights' but they are no longer protected by the Constitution as well as they once were as the truth of the above is what it is, the truth. It can't be changed in time to save our Constitution and Country as we once knew it. The value of life meant everything then' and everything else was secondary and valued less than the cost of a life, IF, the majority of individuals continued to value life as priceless. It, as HISTORY proves, is inevitable that a bigger collapse will come eventually, naturally, or by the works of men. The only way out, to say 'no' and act or exercise our freedom of choice, is no longer available to us so one must, as infallible facts of history prove, be prepared to ride out the coming storm, so to speak. Call it fear-mongering if you choose, but that is exactly what our rulers are doing to get the reaffirmation of their power passed, and, yes, I admit I am doing the same. But at the least I am pointing out the truth of WHAT we really should be afraid of rather than the falsities our government points out and says THEY are what we really should be afraid of. I despise fear-mongering and consider it immoral, but if I have to sin because I am forced to sin, I choose to sin for the...
     -- Anon     
    ... benefit of my life, and by doing so, help to show others how they are committing suicide by diving into or being pulled into a one world government based on perpetual debt which history proves without a doubt does not work because it does not respect natural laws of economy and is just a tool of men to control the destiny of the world instead of letting nature take its course to determine destiny. The nature of every individual to be free, limited only by harm to another by laws of punishment under the principles that respect the rights of 'every' one, protecting the common freedom shared by all, and recognizing when we or 'others' don't do that and punish us/them for it, is the way to go and make one's 'life' by nature meant to be, free again. Enough, one can say much more as time still allows, but I feel I've caused you enough boredom with my fairy tales would not want you to suffer more. Condemn my fear-mongering as I do too, as I willfully admit the error of my ways. I have many passions, but what is passion but a zest for life as it should be -- free. To be honest, Waffler, I think you may have prematurely offered your thanks because all I meant by my words was it is a fact that you are 'consistent' and by 'giving you that' was the measure of respect I have, not for your right to life and to be who you are, but for the position you take I know is not good for me or anyone else including you. My respect for your right to life is a given - I accept within the limitations of just laws of punishment for violating mine. Since we are both in the same boat, and you are happy about it and I am not and that is our difference, I say it makes no difference if we agree on anything or not since it will change nothing. But I will never stop trying in that it is one of my passions to reach agreement with men of their passion as that is the birth of peace on earth. If it can't be found well... sit back and enjoy history of a new magnitude never before seen on earth that you and others asked for. I, like you, are just along for the ride, but I know there is a silver lining to every cloud, and I am ready to weather the storm as capably able as I can be. The rest of destiny is in the hands of men for now, but, like all creations of men, they cannot stand the test of time.
     -- Anon     
    The amending of constitution, its very cultivation needs much more citizen's personal and public attention and regard to keep pace with the requirements of the life process. We need to stop trading limited pebbles and start trading unlimited ideas for acceptable and accurate resource allocation. The constitution needs to stop being a mockery and a joke, and more along the lines of a prescription for responsible citizenship. And as always, Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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