"Having so pledged myself, and having been elected to my senatorship upon such pledge, and not having been elected to create an organization to which we would give a promise, either express or implied, that it would have the authority to send our boys all over the Earth, I cannot support the Charter. I believe it is fraught with danger to the American people and to American institutions."
William Langer
(1886-1959), Governor of North Dakota (1933-34, 1937-39), US Senator (R-ND, 1940-59), one of only two Senators who voted against the United Nations Charter in 1945
Statement to the US Senate - Congressional Record August, 1945
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Reader comments about this quote:
We (not including those believing in a government of slave masters and other media distorted hype) hold these truths to be self evident.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    A man of rare integrity.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    We could use about a hundre just like him, in the Senate now. Instead we have about ninety eight political , one world hack politicians.
     -- jim k, austin, tx     
    Before speaking... The Lone Voice of Dissent is more often than not, gifted with Foresight and has usually consulted with Wisdom. At least,that's what I believe.
     -- My Name, Your Town,USA.     
    Predictable, predictable, predictable. So what sort of "foresight" and "wisdom" did this Lone Voice of Dissent turn out to have? How dangerous to American people and institutions has the UN proved to be? Does no one remember that Langer was an isolationist nut who tried to declare North Dakota an independent country? (Not to mention a crook who was thrown out of office?) You guys need some new material.
     -- Joe, North Caldwell, NJ     
    Joe, all but the most recent wars for the US, since WWII, has been under UN auspices. The media and politicos display Korea and Viet Nam as American wars but they were not and, it is because of the UN that McArthur pulled back (he was far to successful) The UN neither brought peace to Korea (still divided) or a winning solution to Viet Nam. The US has suffered the death of noble men and women and financial drain at the UN's peace keeping facade. predictable, predictable, predictable
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    So the UN made us do it, eh? Interesting theory, but back-assward. The UN has not originated any of our escapades -- we do, and then we go to the UN in search of justification for them. And when they don't work out, we turn around and blame the UN! That's why, when Iraq II came along, the UN finally told Bush, "We're sick of being your fall guys and butt boys -- you're on your own now, sonny!" If the UN was responsible for our failures in Korea and Vietnam, how do you explain our failures in Iraq? Don't bother to answer, I can guess. Predictable.
     -- Joe, North Caldwell, NJ     
    The UN is an anti-American organization -- and the US is supposed to be the muscle and patsy at the same time. The wars of the Bush's are indeed selfish wars designed to rake in power and profits for the Bush's and their cronies -- of course the UN was not dealt in on this deal since they were defending France's exclusive monopoly on Iraqi oil (as per a UN decree). As far as Korea and Vietnam go, US commanders were thwarted every step. The goal is not peace, but regulated death, as is the globalist management style -- don't cure, only 'treat' until everything has been sucked out of it. War is the BIGGEST business with the largest profits going to the banks that create the money for the weapons. Death and destruction -- that is the only way the IMF/World Bank can survive. These guys are nothing short of Satanists -- some know it, some are just patriotic dupes.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Another cop-out - thats what pertracted the WWII - Please tell me if American Policy is any different - WAR is big bussiness
     -- RobertSRQ     
    Mike, you are wrong - they were started by America and that is a long story...
     -- RobertSRQ     
    Well done Joe, at least someone knows what he's talking about
     -- RobertSRQ     
    My original comment is here proved absolute. It is apparent that facts or truth will not dissuade those that want bigger and bigger tyranny. Those who are not willing to stand the personal responsibility of individual sovereignty push their theocratic belief system up the chain to bigger and more powerful authoritarians.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    It's sad that it didn't read that only two senators voted FOR it.
     -- Alex, Lexington, KY     
    The UN is a vital adjunct to American policy. If the isolationist Republicans had supported Wilson's League of Nations as did many Europeian countries we would not have had a WWII. Isolationism is an easy policy to adopt when you live in a continental nation like the US. Hell we don't need anybody. But for the nations of Europe and Asia who must cooperate and communicate with each other these international organizations are vital. To ignore the rest of the world as Mr. Langer chose to do is childish.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    Waffler, by reason and logic, the world would function at peak benefit if there were a regional entity (such as the EU) and a global entity (such as the UN). If you don't start with the individual as sovereign, recognizing inalienable rights and then work up, you are only promoting tyranny, destruction and a rich/poor class. Now that the US has totally abandoned its roots of freedom, liberty, and morality there is no other nation on earth that supports principles of freedom and liberty. You cannot throw a bunch of law breaking war / whore / hate mongers together and hope for peace and prosperity. The dream you reference is an impossibility on today's world stage. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try, that means we need to start at home.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    You need new friends Mike. My friends and neighbors have not abandoned the roots of frredom, liberty, and morality. I like your idea of trying.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    Waffler thanks ;-) I have a few good friends that have not abandoned the roots of freedom, liberty, and morality but they are in the vast minority in the bigger neighborhood. My friends are free men that understand the personal responsibility that freedom, liberty, and morality imparts to the noble sovereign. My friends do not believe in the compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, governmental larceny with impunity, denying inalienable rights etc., etc,. etc,. as most of my neighbors do. Many of my neighbors would have these atrocities and many more expanded and administered by entities far far away so there would never be a return to morality, freedom or liberty. One of my children and a close friend, among others have been retained without charge under the Patriot Act (I've explained my friends ordeal at least a couple of times on this blog). All were let go after much legal haranguing and that's only the simplest of examples to show how its getting worse (the UN has similar provisions). We need to clean our own house before we join or conspire with bigger and badder.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    The U.N. sucks. He was absolutely right in this quote.
     -- warren, olathe     
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