"In all history, there is no instance of a country
having benefited from prolonged warfare.
Only one who knows the disastrous effects of a long war
can realize the supreme importance of rapidity
in bringing it to a close."
Sun Tzu
(c.500-320 B.C.) name used by the unknown Chinese authors of the sophisticated treatise on philosophy, logistics, espionage, strategy and tactics known as 'The Art of War'
The Art of War
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Reader comments about this quote:
 -- don dalgleish, london, uk      
Which is what the US sould be doing right now!!!!!!!!! or do you people like watching body bags going home?
 -- Michael Gregoroff, Penticton BC     
    Bring our soldiers home, from Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world. If other countries want freedom, let THEM pay for it with their blood, not ours. I hate congress using the people's money for wars that are none of our business.
     -- Joe, Rochester, MI     
    It's by design, people. NWO stuff.
     -- Anonymous     
    Our brothers knew this well in WW II, we fought to win, to a fast win, total and swift is the true nature, we were at total war, if we dont get some constitutional leadership, we may again find ourselves in total war. There is still hope.
     -- Kimo, USA     
     -- Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA      
    We could win any war, anywhere, over night, without putting 1 American boot on the ground. Why are our soldiers lives worth less than the lives of foreign civilians?
     -- Traci, blue :( state     
    According to Sun Tzu, war should be swift and decisive. Today, war is Big Business. I wonder how Cheney's stock in Halliburton is doing...
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Traci, that is a question well asked.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    Traci, the problem is that we don't "win" wars anymore, as in Korea,Viet Nam, and the mess we are in now. Wonder why that is.
     -- jim k, Austin, Tx     
    It is by design. Besides the obvious, look what it has done to help debase the individual psyche; immorality has superseded morality for that which is called good, individuals now clamor for justice (retribution in reality) instead of peace, love, forgiveness, etc., power and control has replaced equal benefit, and anger has become the first response in finger pointing.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    The beneficiaries of war are the financiers, thus if the war is dragging on, it is because it is profitable to do so. Where is the US getting over a trillion dollars to fight wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and a host of other countries? They borrow it on our backs and the backs of our children, and the profits go to the lenders -- very often private central banks that print up their money from nothing. Isn't it a bit precarious to be in debt to the communist Chinese for our very survival? Wake up, folks.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Ditto re: E Archer's post. "War is a Racket", by late General Smedley Darlington Butler.
     -- Byron, Fort Collins     
     -- Uriel2010, Austin      
    Those warmongers in Washington should try reading the Art of War, then they would know how to actually fight a war.
     -- Johann Hollar, St Paul, Minnesota     
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