"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder
respectable, and to give the appearance of solidarity to pure wind."
George Orwell
[Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) British author
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We hold this truth to be self evident. By way of example: Mr. Obamunist Goodwrench the assassin's death panels and hit list.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    It is not just Obama. Those before him have done the same.
     -- Wayne, Naples     
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    Wayne, you couldn't be more right !
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    There is much wind coming from the Obama, Reid, Pelosi Axis but I'm not sure how pure it is.
     -- jim k, Austin.Tx     
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    Jim, any wind coming from the ones you mentioned is always "backwind!"
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
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    And what Bush (both of them), Reagon, and Nixon. The last Republican president who was worth listening to was Eisenhower.
     -- Gary Wells, Trenton, Ontario     
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    George Orwell, from the 1960s, is the original Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck combined. His books "Animal Farm" and "1984" are chillingly prophetic when you read them today. What Orwell was talking about fifty years ago (Political Language) is today called Political Correctness.
     -- GunnyCee, Durham     
  • 3
    Absolutely!! The leaders in government are those that can lie the best. And after a while, they begin to believe their own lies, too!

    I do absolutely believe that all the problems in our world are in fact due to our unwillingness to be truthful, our cowardice in facing our own lack of integrity, our efforts to put on an act for others rather than standing up proudly for who we are and what we are about.

    A man's word is all he has -- once he has forgone honesty and integrity, he has readied himself for bondage. When the people start demanding truth from themselves, they will demand it from their representatives. That is why it is said that we already possess the key to our liberation, we need only use it.

    The search for truth is the spiritual path that liberates onself from the bondage of lies -- but it will take courage to face one's own lies first and honor to atone and make amends for them. Without that, expect more of the same oppression. Take some g-d responsibility!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Orwell must have been a Prophet, for what he spoke of then has applied today and in the days beyond us.
     -- Johann Hollar, St Paul, Minnesota     
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    Who's gonna pull the wagon when everybody wants to ride?
     -- Rusty, Where the Buffalo Roam     
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    I would like to comment on E. Archer's post. He is absolutely correct and I only wish we had more people like he describes. Our founding fathers would cringe at the sight of our political leaders today; they are such weasels. No backbone, no guts, no convictions, no anything. Before Rome was an empire it was a republic. It was when it became an empire that it fell. Are we changing from a republic to an empire?
     -- GunnyCee, Durham     
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    GunnyCee, you are so right about political correctness.
     -- jim k, Austin     
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     -- R-Truth, WWE      
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