"There's just no such thing as truth when it comes to him. He just says whatever sounds good and worries about it after the election."
Bill Clinton
[William Jefferson Blythe III] (1946- ), 42nd US President
as presidential candidate describing his opponent, George Bush, Sr. (Quoted in the American Spectator, 10/28/92)
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Reader comments about this quote:
 -- Anonymous      
Are you talking about yourself Bill?
 -- a christian republican     
     -- Anonymous      
    Excuse me, Bill! Sounds too familiar here -
     -- Lisa Nolland, Bristol UK     
    Wow, look who is talking. I thought it was somebody talking about Bill Clinton
     -- Jo Ann, Texas     
    HE speaketh of the true nature of any politician, not just on Bush's reelection campaign
     -- KH, Kansas     
     -- Anonymous      
     -- AJ      
    They don't call him "Slick Willy" for nothing!
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    Clinton only lied when his lips were moving.
     -- jim k, austin     
    I see this as a ruse... not worth comment
     -- RBESRQ     
    Projection is an ugly thing.
     -- Bob, Eugene, OR     
    One liar describing another ...
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Typical Dem. Projection and lies, all they know. The truth would set them free of their jobs.
     -- warren, olathe     
    The Republicans are a curse to the globe, nothing but terrorists disguised as freedom fighters. Since WWII the US has supported nearly all right wing dictatorships and in many cases have forced out democratically elected leaders - we are a scourge waiting to be cleansed.
     -- RBESRQ     
    This is the ultimate case of the "Pot calling the Kettle Black!"
     -- Marv Graham, West Columbia, SC     
     -- Anonymous      
    About truth, I want to take this opportunity to mention that a claim that Hitlary had given China eminent domain as security for the debt US owes them. It is entirely false. I did a Scopes on it and Fact Check, and seems a fellow named Hal something or other, who has plastered other false alarms on radio and internet, started this rumor several months ago. I just wanted to let you folks know that was something that I initially passed on to others and now feel very embarrased about doing that. I actually picked it up from Mike in Norwalk. Carlton questioned it but I saw no response. Anyone who was worried about that, forget it, and sleep well.
     -- Juggs, Any Town     
    Thanks Juggs, for doing the leg work.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Clinton is right on! Bush said "Read my lips no new taxes" and then got elected and raised taxes. Clinton said elect me and I will sign the Brady Bill. He was and he did. Clinton was the most intellectually courageous men ever in the White House. Bush I and II were just the opposite!
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    We haven't had a decent President since JFK. He tried to stop these crooks and well!!!
     -- An American for Freedom according to our Bill of Rights, C. Washington     
    It doesn't matter who says it, if it's true, the truth will come out.
     -- Anon     
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