"To punish a man because we infer
from the nature of some doctrine which he holds,
or from the conduct of other persons
who hold the same doctrines with him,
that he will commit a crime, is persecution,
and is, in every case, foolish and wicked."
Thomas Babington Macaulay
(1800-1859) [Lord Macaulay] 1st Baron Macaulay, British historian
Hallam, 1828
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ABSOLUTELY ! We hold these truths to be self evident. By way of example, look at all the school and otherwise mass shootings by atheist liberals. Because other atheist liberals hold the same doctrines, we can not hold those individuals of like mind and doctrines will commit similar crimes. Thus the others can not be persecuted or prosecuted for being foolish and wicked. Or if; self proclaiming christian neo-cons spin continuous controversy about their reprobate important issues, killing thousands in their perverted madness, Because other so-called christian neo-cons hold the same doctrines, we can not hold those individuals of like mind and doctrines will commit similar crimes. Thus the others can not be persecuted or prosecuted for being foolish and wicked.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
     -- Abby      
    The term "Guilt by Association" comes to mind.
     -- jim k, austin tx     
    David Koresh is an example. Remember the Branch Davidians in Waco which were burned out by the government, killing numerous women and children. The local sheriff made several trips to visit these folk and found no child abuse or anything else to warrant this government intrusion into their lives. They had some strange beliefs but no stranger than those held by Mormons, Christians , Muslims and every other religion on the face of the earth.
     -- jim k, austin tx     
    ... but what of those whose treatises and u-tube declarations POSITIVELY set forth their determinations for "retribution." At the moment, not so sure of the name but I think it's either Rodger or Rodgers who drove into crowds, stabbed and shot -- what ? Six ? He as much as TOLD US. Maybe we just have to occasionally take the bitter with the sweet and realize that not 100% of a principle can be 100% accurate 100% of the time. TRAGEDY !
     -- Bob Leavitt, Charlotte, VT     
    Secularization in the modern age . And we see the fruits of in society now.
     -- Ron w13, Or     
    This is the very foundation of prejudice -- part of what makes a 'liberal' or a 'conservative' are their prejudices. Prejudging others helps to justify their own injustices -- like the way Muslims are being lumped in with 'terrorists' while we conveniently forget about our own 'shock and awe' and perpetual intimidation of anyone who won't bow to the might of US hegemony. It's a lot of work to actually listen and consider the plight of those under our thumbs -- it's just easier to write them off as 'liberals', 'conservatives', 'Islamofascists', 'drug addicts', 'conspiracy theorists', 'gun nuts', 'flower children', 'extremists', 'radicals', and on and on ... It only goes to show how willfully DUMB the prejudiced are -- PARTICULARLY on the left and the right which LOVE to punish others into submission.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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