"When it becomes dominated by a collectivist creed,
democracy will inevitably destroy itself."
Friedrich August von Hayek
(1899-1992), Nobel Laureate of Economic Sciences 1974
The Road to Serfdom, pg 73 (1944)
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Reader comments about this quote:
The second half of the quote is a self evident truth. The first half merely declares one specific accelerator.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Collectivism without respecting the inherent rights of the individual is just tyranny of the masses. The process of life is a process of liberation -- from dependence to self-reliance. When the creed promotes permanent subservience to the mob (usually influenced or controlled by a few), we are conditioned as beasts of burden.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Excellent! creed and greed (Mike, thats the other accelerator). There are more, but that's enough to do the job... Archer, very good, I love "The process of life is the process of liberation" and "...we are conditioned as beasts of burden." are these yours?
     -- robkenSRQ     
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    Hey, Robert. Welcome back! Just because you changed email address doesn't mean you have to change your blogging alias here. I suggest you keep using RobertSRQ since we know you that way. Cheers! -Eric
     -- Editor, Liberty Quotes     
    Robert, welcome back. Thanks! I do what I can.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Eric, you must get a kick out of watching us all post; I'm curious to know if you have a second alias upon which you banter along with us... ..smiles.. perhaps we'll never know... It's good to keep your anonymity on such a blog.
     -- Logan, Memphis, TN     
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    Logan, I keep pretty busy just keeping the spam off the site and moderating you guys. :-) I was recently accused by one of the bloggers here that I was a fraud and was secretly Waffler trying to keep people interested in the site!! I can assure you, Waffler is all too real, and may I say a welcome contributor to the site. I get my say by picking the quotes. When we first started the daily mailing, I included some of my comments with each day's quotes -- after a good bit of hate mail, I stopped. We are planning to open up an op-ed section for posting articles and editorials for deeper introspection. Thanks to you all for the value you add to the site by your thoughtful comments!
     -- Editor, Liberty Quotes     
  • 2
    Hi, Robert. Yes the phrases are mine but hardly original. Any 'awakened individual' would come to the same conclusion. ;-) Eric, thanks for providing this site and service! I look forward to it everyday. Great quotes!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    I think the c in creed is a typo. the c should be a G.
     -- anon.     
    Thanks, anon, but it is 'creed.' See The Road to Serfdom, pg 73:
     -- Editor, Liberty Quotes     
    This is a very good web site. I start my day with coffee and Liberty Quotes.
     -- jim k, Austin     
  • 1
    Here, Here, perhaps about 9 years now, coffee and Liberty Quotes to start the day. Thank you Eric, very much for this blog. and a big shout out for those who comment, Mike, Archer, Jim, Logan, Publius, and so many more. The insight here is from around the world. A great source of reflection and the sperring of education concerning more excellent things. 
     -- Ronw13, OR     
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