"Most people are other people.
Their thoughts are someone else's opinions,
their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
Oscar Wilde
(1854-1900) Anglo-Irish poet, novelist, writer
De Profundis, 1905
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Reader comments about this quote:
This is one of the most brilliant quotes that I have ever read. It is very rare to see one express their own individualism.
 -- gabriel, stony plain     
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    .... and how very appropriate for this site, eh?
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US     
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    This is how the Global Warming bandwagon became so full...
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    Of course, all that we are and all that we think is the culmination of the thinking of milleniums of others. Us mortals come and go but the opinions of others (especially those written in books) and the thoughts that we share now and pass on will go on forever. (Carlton who put you up to your non-global warming bandwagon or did you figure it all out by yourself and are you suggesting that just one person came up with global warming and whispered it to someone else etcetera until we got to where we are now. If so you intentionally choose to ignore the studies of hundreds of scientists in hundreds of countries. Why would you do this? What motivates you to do this?)
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    a painful truth
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    There is nothing said that hasn't been said before. Waffler, you make me laugh -- you are demonstrating this quote perfectly. That is why I prefer the search for truth with a healthy dose of skepticism. How quick are people to parrot what they have been taught or heard on TV as truth without doing any homework of their own. Ignorance is bliss, and with wisdom comes sorrow.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    And when Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and a few others express independent and fact-based ideas the mass reacts in a mimicry of the power controlled media.
     -- dick, Fort Worth     
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    How is my nihilistic enemy today Archer. For a life changing read to learn how we today have been influenced by the middle ages read "Wanining of the Middle Ages" by Huizinga. I don't think you search for truth Archer, you can not search for truth when you have your head in the sand. Having total disregard for others who have studied issues, science etc and snearing down your nose at institutions of higher learning is not searching for truth. It is ignorance.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    Sadly, the fit in correlation between human Co2 emissions and global warming patterns is very weak indeed. There is absolutely no doubt that the earth is experiencing a global warming phase, which would account for multiple scientists around the world to look at the data and conclude that such is the case. Being married to a biologist who gets irate at the science community's and industry's inability to hold itself to the scientific method, there are many avenues wherein some scientists agree with the presented data and conclusion without further explanation of how the data was collected. If there does exist a global cabal that was using "global warming" as a method to unify a one-world government, it wouldn't be hard at all to show slighted data to the most honest of scientists concerning human caused global warming; especially since the vast majority of evidence presented for global warming has come through government entities, it is hard to say for absolutely sure that such data hasn't been skewed. For instance, having actually searched for and found the UN's officially released global warming graph that Al Gore used in his docu-movie, it is easy to see that Mr. Gore used the lowest of the large margin of error to interpret previous temperature trends and then conveniently used the top of the margin of error to show his spike in increased temperature. Do we forget that the officially released data that human caused global warming is built upon is government sponsored and collected from official government weather stations (usually military)? Global warming enthusiasts often shown how the global temperature mean shot up significantly in the last decade, but they conveniently forget to show how the data was collected. Russia, over the last two decades (especially the last decade), has closed down the overwhelming majority of its Siberian weather stations (which were military run) and transitioned them to other monitoring activities. The data from Siberia is no longer reported or included within the global temperature mean, which thus has dramatically increased the data on the global temperature mean. The fit in correlation of increased/decreased solar activity is actually very tight indeed; some solar flares and increased solar activity has been known to last for multiple decades. As for a unanimous scientific community being behind the data presented behind human caused global warming, this is simply untrue. Why the media only reports on one side of the story is up for debate; however, if there is a global cabal working to overthrow United States' best interests in moving towards a global one-world government like what Rockefeller has admitted being a part of in his auto-biography "Memoirs", then we can safely assume that such cabals would also have control of media outlets. Conspiracy aside, the evidence to absolutely say human caused global warming is a fact is just not there. There are many other facts that prove such a statement, but with a slighted media they are not as readily available. Check out the following link form the U.S. Senate's Environment and Public Works Committee http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.Blogs&ContentRecord_id=f80a6386-802a-23ad-40c8-3c63dc2d02cb
     -- Logan, Memphis, TN     
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    Peope who say that mankind has no impact on his environment are looney.They obviously have never been to places like LA. My argument is with the mentality that can not see this. If the whole world were an LA or coal fired industrial England of the Victorian age etcetera where the hell would we be. Just a sincere admittance of the fact would be helpful. Archer says he is a skeptic. Skepticism is born of ignorance. Educated folk weigh the evidence and balance the pros and cons and make considered decisions.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    Individualism is our only real choice in life.We can be no other person than ourselves even if we are trying to be like someone else.Many people have similiar opinions about different things and our thoughts maybe influenced by the words or actions of others but there is still an aspect of Individualism present in each of us.Maybe there are some people that fit into the guidelines of the quote above but I would not say that MOST people do.
     -- Me Again     
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    Yes, man does have an effect upon the earth, but we cannot ignore the earth's ability to counteract man. Newton's postulate still applies: to every action, there is a greater or an equal reaction. Mount St. Helens erupted, it put more measured Co2 and other harmful and toxic fumes into the air than what man will have put into the atmosphere in the next 50 years. We cannot fathom the amount of gas and noxious fumes it produced, and yet the Earth responded to balance. There is a lot of fear mongering going on -- and while we should be wise stewards of this planet of ours, there are a lot of do-gooders who make misinformed mountains out of molehills. For instance, yes, the Amazon rainforest is important, but the majority of Earth's oxygen does not come from the Amazon like what is taught in many 3rd grade classes. Should we be wise stewards? Absolutely! But, no, skepticism is not born out of ignorance; however, blatant trust in "professionals" is. The most intelligent and educated professors and thinkers I know are the most skeptical people of all-- as they should be-- because they realize there are certain absolutes in nature by which we measure "the sky from falling". When a statement is made, they do not accept it at face value but they skeptically hold it to their field's criteria until such a statement can either be shown probable or improbable. Just because someone says that there is little correlation between human Co2 emisions and global warming doesn't mean they are automatically ruling out that mankind has no impact on the earth's environment... It just means that the correlation seeking to be found has small fit.
     -- Logan, Memphis, TN     
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    Waffler quit making a fool of your self. Man-made global warming is a hoax. The scientists that have their name on the "list", that do not have their job in jeopardy, are demanding to have their name removed to avoid being thought of as imbeciles.
     -- warren, olathe     
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    The evidence about Co2 and periodic warming and cooling suggest that the Co2 levels change because of the warming and cooling trends not the other way around. Co2 is now the target because there is nothing we can do to change the levels in the atmosphere. This gives power to the propagandists over the duped permanently. The goal of the fascists is to increase government power over the individual and then hand that over to a world court bringing global cooling of the free enterprise system. Socialism /fascism /communism is the ultimate goal.
     -- warren, olathe     
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    O W was a scumbag. The attitude of the quote comes from his distain of all things moral. How else could he justify buggering little boys?
     -- warren, olathe     
    Conservativism is dead! It was not killed by depth of the far left; but by the shallowness of the far right. Not by honest study of the past centuries; but by the decietful spin of the past decades. R.I.P. failed ideology. May you stay dead.
     -- Myron, Eagle Bend     
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    There is plenty we can do to change the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. We could reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. We could look for newer, cleaner energy sources (wind power, water power, solar power, etc). We could plant new trees and stop clear-cutting the rain forests. The goal of the fight against global warming is to preserve our planet for future generations, to make sure people can still LIVE on our planet in a few more generations, not to convert the world's countries to communism, fascism, or socialism.
     -- Anonymous     
    He did say "Most"
     -- RBE, Somewhere in Europe     
    Waffler continues to demonstrate his own lack of discernment. He says, "Skepticism is born of ignorance. Educated folk weigh the evidence and balance the pros and cons and make considered decisions." First, skepticism is born of distrust, rather than ignorance. It is not enough to believe in man-made climate change, you must also believe the 'solutions' that are attached to them. And "educated folk" is merely a term to mean 'authorities' which Waffler just adores. What about the thousands of 'educated' scientists and meteorologists who challenge the man-made global warming theory with their own evidence? The ignorance is yours Waffler (ignorance - to ignore).

    And there is a big difference between CO2 and pollution -- CO2 is NOT pollution!! We NEED it, carbon-based life forms always have. Our CO2 levels could double, even triple, and the Earth would be teaming with life!

    You want to get 'educated' Waffler? Consider that the last 10,000 years or so was preceded by 90,000 years of Ice Age -- this 100,000 year cycle has occurred a hundred times -- if anything we are more likely to be facing the next ice age as solar output has declined over 30% in the last decade and our 10,000 year run is statistically 'over'.

    The arrogance of the climate changers is more than scary -- with little to no knowledge at all about what is really happening, attempts are being made to centralize the control of every exhaust pipe in the world (BTW, every exhaust pipe is attached to a power generator of some kind) so that there will be less energy being expended -- i.e. power is being taken away from the people, making power less accessible, more expensive, enriching the ruling class and centralizing government power. Waffler is such a stooge.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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