"[R]estricting arms to the military and police eviscerates the principle that power should flow from the people to government, and turns the government into a master rather than a servant."
Robert Dowlut
General Counsel for the National Rifle Association
Arms: A Right to Self-Defense Against Criminals and Despots, 8 Stanford L. & Policy Rev. 25 (1997).
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Reader comments about this quote:
This is an obvious truth and has been stated so many ways and by so many notable people, most of whom were themselves, dictators and murderers.
 -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    If the government infringes in any way on an individuals possession of firearms, it is not a servant (or a representative of We The People), it is a tyrannical master. If the sheriff and military are restricted to the same arms as We The People possess, tyranny will be eviscerated. (Police departments are a standing army, enforcing a foreign despots anti-law will).
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    How a free republican form of government works is the least taught in school -- that is, that the power originates with the individual, that we the people have chartered the government and can take that charter away. Of course, POWER knows no law, and as long as we continue to let the government take away our powers, the harder it will be to throw off the shackles. The revolution must again be in the hearts and minds of the people, then all else will follow.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Death by gunshot has been monetised in the USA and this quote and the above posts are pathetic attempts at theoretical justifications.
     -- Mick, Manchester     
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     -- jim k, Austin      
    Mick, it used to be considered an honorable right for the Englishman to be armed. Once the socialists took over and restricted arms in Britain, crime statistics doubled over the next few years.

    In the US, gun deaths are a fraction of deaths by automobile. Death by falling is still the number one cause of 'pre-mature' death. Gun-related deaths are far below the top 100 causes of death -- more people drown, for example. Over the last 10 years, many state gun restrictions have been declared unconstitutional and more and more people are carrying - even in cities like Detroit, Chicago, DC, NYC where gun crimes are high. And as a result gun crime is plummeting as stories of people defending themselves are being reported.

    People are defending themselves again -- and the socialists do not want it, they want people to be obedient and dependent to justify THEIR existence because people cannot be trusted with powers that could be used in defense of their thieving.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    It is unfortunate but none the less true that the majority of gun violence in America is black-on-black, especially in urban cities with gun control. It has become part of the culture in those areas, fueled by a welfare state. A large percentage of this gun violence occurs in government housing areas where poverty is subsidized. The prohibition of drugs has created a huge black market and urban gangs contribute to the bulk of the gun violence. Note, that these gangs thrive in places where the common citizen is not permitted to carry a weapon. Millions of gun owners every day do not abuse the power they have -- the vast majority of gun violence is carried out by people with 'Illegal' guns committing acts of violence against each other even more than upon the unarmed innocent.

    Because there will always be armed people with bad intentions, there will always need to be people with equivalent powers to defend against them. Police cannot defend us, they can only get involved after the fact.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    That more deaths are caused by car accident I suppose makes it ok then? that tens of thousands are shot and thousands killed every year in the USA. That "unfortunately" a disproportionate number of these people are black is not due to an inadequate welfare state Mr Archer, but overt and covert racism and associated poverty. Gun use and ownership is an industry that makes a few people very rich and they must constantly seek legitimation in the face of damming statistics and the occasional massacre.
     -- Mick, Manchester     
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    Guns are simply weapons/tools. Tools that increase the user's power in some way. Explosives are used world wide for a great many purposes -- it is indeed dangerous work. Ask yourself, what would be the purpose of making explosives 'illegal' to use or possess? The common answer is for 'safety.' However, the primary purpose of possessing such a power for defense is that there are those that use such powers to steal, enslave, and murder.

    To prevent the possession of powers of defense is to invite and encourage crime, whether civil or governmental. The entire premise of forming a representative government is for our mutual protection. We are not giving up our rights to defense, we are pledging them and their protection -- that's the whole point!

    Civil disarmament is like a teacher punishing the whole class for what one student did -- it is arbitrary control. The result is division within the class and between the teacher and the students. It is the essence of collectivism and socialist principles. May we ever grow up?
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Guns are tools specifically designed to kill and injure. It's a question of capacity and potential. Quite obviously a significant number of people never 'grow up' despite being allowed to and they own guns.
     -- Mick, Manchester     
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    Guns, knives, spears, swords, arrows, clubs, hammers -- hammers are very common murder weapons, especially in Britain -- are all designed to centralize force into a concentrated point. Like the spines of a porcupine, the sabers are displayed as a warning to would-be predators -- I assume, Mick, that you are vegetarian? Otherwise, well, how do you think those animals arrive at the grocery?

    The proliferation of weapons/tools of every kind throughout human history is total -- they are everywhere, we have drawers and closets full of them. You cannot change the nature of the world of predator and prey. People who wish to be your master exist and they are armed. There are those that desire your money, your loyalty, your service -- any way they can get it. They can appeal to you with reason or intimidate with threat of force. Slaves are not permitted to defend themselves in any way. They are taught the honor of 'service' to their master.

    Do you not see that the only way to prohibit weapons in the hands of the common citizen is with the use of weapons by our rulers? Only power checks power. You must love being ruled and domesticated so much that you cannot see why anyone would need to defend themselves -- even those you eye for increasing their taxes (decreasing their power) to make things 'fair.' Who can you possibly trust to regulate this dream? And why do you think there will be no price for you to pay?
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    "a disproportionate number of these people are black is not due to an inadequate welfare state Mr Archer, but overt and covert racism and associated poverty." Absolute Bullshit! Sorry, my friend, you have been sold a lie. I've lived it, my family and friends have lived it, my children live it. We don't like or dislike people because of their race, but we do like or dislike people based on their personalities, words, actions.

    It is unfortunate that the 'urban plantation culture' has so dominated the mainstream media while suburban cultures with a proportional number of black representation within them are quite happy and mutually helpful with one another.

    Seriously, this "racism" crap is propaganda. It is the content of one's character that makes the individual, not the body. There is no need to preach that to Americans -- we already practice that. Those stuck in generations of welfare-mentality are not empowered enough to stand on their own, so they justify their slavery by referring to the slavery of old. The difference is ignored -- they are free to move off the plantation! Instead they are demanding more -- which is understandable because what the government provides is basically the 1st circle of hell for living quarters. The problem is that they get used to it as a way of life, and hell has another foothold. And hellish conditions promote a hellish existence.

    AS always, taking responsibility is the way out. There is no other.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Dear Mr A, you paint a very bleak, paranoid, loveless and untrusting picture of society. Do you not see that we need more peace, love and understanding in the world today - not more guns and bullets? Guns are unique in that their purpose is death, usually of fellow humans. I own many knives and some hammers - even some cricket bats but they are potential not actual weapons and their impact (excuse the pun) is very limited. Again, open your eyes to the fact that death by gunshot has been monetized in America.
    Seriously, racism crap is propaganda!!? You personally may not judge people by the colour of their skin but for you to deny that racism is woven deeply into the pattern of the American tapestry is beyond naïve; as is your belief that poverty is a result of personal failing rather than accident of birth and structural disadvantage.
    Personal responsibility is encouraged, not replaced by policies that create greater fairness in society - which is truly the only way out.
     -- Mick, Manchester     
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    No, Mick "racism is" NOT "woven deeply into the pattern of the American tapestry." You are confusing race with culture, of which America is the 'melting pot.' The foundation of American culture is Liberty. The process, which continues today, has freed MILLIONS from slavery, but also returns the freeman's responsibility for himself back to himself.

    I do not understand "accident of birth and structural disadvantage" -- according to whose structure? I agree that I should help those I can who are in need -- but I do not agree that someone else gets to tell me WHO to choose to help or to be compelled to help or to pay for help.

    I think it is you, Mick, that paints a very bleak, paranoid, loveless and untrusting picture of those who are free from your control. You do not trust them to be compassionate or safe or respectful of other people's cultures.

    Let me tell you something: I have never called anyone a racist -- you know why? because it IS racist to do so. Do I have preferences in music, food, entertainment, and friends -- of course! Who doesn't -- and who shouldn't?! What gives you the moral high ground to impose your will on others?

    The whole point of a republic that does not dictate to the citizen what he MUST do (because we will never all agree) is to protect the rights of people to do most anything as long as they take responsibility for it and to make amends if they violate anothers' rights or property. There's also the possibility of being forgiven for transgressions.

    That's why there are hundreds of thousands of associations, groups, clubs, churches, bands out there serving their fellow man as they see fit. Do you think that compassion is legislatable? Do you think people are generous because of your preaching or because they are compelled to by law? The denial of good in people seems to be your failing.

    I am neither paranoid, loveless or untrusting in the laws of nature -- I have complete trust in the process of life, I have love for my fellow man/woman, and consider life to be a tremendous gift and blessing (most of the time ;-). However the most distressing part about this life is when somebody has 'done me wrong' intentionally or maliciously. Call them bullies or thieves or gangsters or liars, whatever, getting attacked, tricked, robbed, beaten, assaulted in any way physically or emotionally is the worst. It makes you question the 'gift' and struggle with "why?"

    So what to do? Turn the other cheek? Lock the doors? Seek restitution? Seek punishment?

    Tough questions, but you know what, they are MINE TO ANSWER, not you, not anyone. I will have to bear the consequences, I have to take responsibility for the situations I'm in.

    The American Way is a liberating way, an independent self-empowering way, that we share with others along the way. I hope that one day you'll understand. Cheers.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Dear Mr A, " you do not understand accident of birth or structural disadvantage"?!! That's because your reductive, parochial, and limited philosophy blinds you to broader societal 'facts' such as racism and probably discrimination of other types. I suppose you would also deny that sexism exists which would allow you to justify the outrageous behaviour of your current president Mr Trump. It's the old 'nature V nurture' debate Mr A and your DENIAL that nurture plays any role in shaping behaviour and life chances both undermines any arguments you put forward and detracts from political movements and arguments designed to address unfairness and discrimination in society.
     -- Mick, Manchester     
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    Is it too much to ask to make an argument for your ideals rather than simply regurgitating euphemistic jargon and insults, Mick? What is "accidental birth" and "structural disadvantage"? Fair questions. And may I ask you, who is responsible for your well being? Who is responsible for your birth?

    I am in total agreement that 'nurture' is integral to personal development. I want to work with Nature, not against it. The Earth by itself IS nurturing; Nature, by its nature, is bountiful -- we are a part of that bounty. Perhaps I wish to nurture in others something you don't? Like self-reliance or the study of Nature and the deep philosophical reasons for being? Must I accept YOUR view that I am to obey the dictates of some authority other than my own conscience? It may be more than a subject of the Crown and a ward of the State can fathom.

    Have you ever actually been to an American slum like those in Chicago, NYC, Detroit? There's your 'nurturing' for you. These are hellholes, and I believe kept that way just for the purpose of keeping the racket going -- and public services are unionized rackets through and through. We should be closing these places down, not propping them up. These places will never nurture anything but victimhood -- and that is what you are promoting, victimhood. "Accidental birth" - a victim. "Structurally disadvantaged" - a victim. 'Victims' of racism, 'discrimination' (a term with no limit), 'sexism' - all victims with apparently no responsibility for being in the situations in which they become 'offended.' Hair-trigger tempers whenever someone feels a 'slight' against them, calling every white person a racist while it's impossible for a black person to be racist. ;-) Victims, all, and what are they begging for? Will/Can it ever be satisfied? What exactly are they responsible for?
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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     -- Mary, MI      
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