"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;
the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei
(1564-1642) Italian astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician
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Here's a better one by a famous composer...
"Composing is easy, just write down a familiar tune, no one has heard before."
 -- Walter Clark, Fullerton CA     
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    One man's truth is another man's fiction.
     -- jim k, austin tx     
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    Way back in the day, it was termed an "Angel Dream" Walter.
    I like your humor. Truths are hidden treasure, Once you find the streams of color, the treasure is not far away.
     -- Ron w13, Or     
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    Who is defining truth ? Who understands the truth that is natural law ?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Truth of "Natural Law " is more defined through music, or better the , Laws of mathematics, and harmony of doctrines. Key numbers, 3,4 and 9. Each a Cardinal number, denoting communication in distinction. 8 of course, the new beginning. There are 7 notes in the scale. Within these notes expand to 265 notes. Encompassing all leading tones. Between each note are termed simi tones. which are in multiples of 11 the number of change. 22,33,44 and 55. These are natural laws of the nature of music. Each note has a specific number of vibrations. Experiments were completed long ago on these studies and observations of the laws of nature. A study on Bullinger's work is very helpful. It is an " Exhaustive Study" on many fronts of true science. More important to me, are the numerical harmonies of note and combined doctrines and their affiliation with Truths within the source text of our Constitution. True notes are not noise. Gravity can be heard as well as felt.
     -- Ron w13, Or     
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    Numbers are words, and words are numbered in the old 66 for a purpose.
     -- Ron w13, Or     
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    Just a note, The hyper extending of grace, that Bullinger stands upon, does err. Missing two key points of Cardinal code. He separates Grace from Liberty, splitting the united body. Never the less his and others works are highly valued for their accuracy.
     -- Ron w13, Or     
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    He discovered a truth and the pope placed him under house arrest until his death.
     -- cal, Lewisville, tx     
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    My , My, we are in the Land of Liberty. Speak on ! Speak on ! If one can speak on behalf of the truth, say on. ! Gods finger print is all over, Please ! There are seven days in the week !
     -- Ron w13, Or     
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    For the Pythagoreans, mathematics revealed God's mysteries.  The punishment for revealing these secrets to the uninitiated was death.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Greek letters are also numbers.  The Greek word for 'excess' is also the word for the number 666, the mark of the Beast.  Since God provides, seeking 'excess' is evil.  The Beast is insatiable.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    The Galileo's of today are treated similarly. Alternate cures that bypass the medical guild's monopoly are against the law  especially when they are profiting from the TREATMENTS for a pandemic.  5 billion doses and a tidal wave of adverse effects to treat in the coming years.  Anyone who points this out is black-bagged.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Trying to reveal the truth to a moral bankrupt arrangement is challenging for the moral individual. The moral bankrupt have the advanced surveillance equipment, the police force, the abundant resources. All the moral individual has is right.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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