Eric Schaub Quotes


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Eric Schaub Quotes 21-31 out of 31
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Among the mighty are those who recognize beauty as power, and power as beautiful.
It's worth what it's worth when it's worth it.
Life is but a blink, and it matters.
Remember, the sky starts at your feet.
Some mistakes cannot be redeemed but by forgiveness.
Some truths need to be learned from the inside.
The more I truly learn, I realize the less I truly know.
The truth is more important than its teller.
The Truth is not a thing. It is alive. It cannot be grasped. It is spoken.
Truth need only be spoken.
We are the living. There are those that have preceded us, and there are those that will follow us, but we are here now.. The river flows, we are but a drop, and it matters...
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Eric Schaub Quotes 21-31 out of 31
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