"If you don't know where you're going, when you get there you'll be lost."
Yogi Berra
[Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra] (1925-2015) American Major League Baseball catcher, outfielder, and manager
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Reader comments about this quote:
 -- E Archer, NYC     
     -- Anonymous      
    Meaningless babble...
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US     
  • 5
    Reston, a typical liberal with no sense of humor. Yogi Berra is national treasure. More Yogis and fewer Libs would improve things greatly.
     -- jimk, Austin     
  • 5
     -- Mike, Norwalk      
    A wonderful Yogism. It perfectly describes all Progressives and our government.
     -- Samuel Adams, Nashville, TN     
  • 2
    Not a comment on the political scene, but rather a comment on how mentally prepared you are when you land the big one.
     -- Jim, Portland     
  • 1
    I am understanding, in general, that you should be clear about, as well as focused on your your goal, in order to achieve same. Aim for what you want, &, like Yogi, - keep your eye on the ball. I think that this idea, is the basic meaning, behind his quote
     -- Val, Richmond     
     -- Rusty Corneliusen, Frostbite Falls, MN      
    Yogi Berra asked Thomas Sowell, where are We going, Thomas said, to see Patrick Henry, he Knows where he is going, and what to expect when we get there. Applicable Common Sense, whether fiscal or spiritual, or just down right boots on the ground.
    Semper FI
     -- Ronw13, Oregon     
     -- Rita J, Richland      
    Nat'l Treasure is correct!! There is more intellect in Yogi's utterances, than in entire Main Stream Media combined!

    This perfectly describes mindset of aimless anti-American lefties -- wandering lost, destination unknown. When the feel the flames, they'll know where they wound-up.
     -- Mark, Aurora, CO     
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