"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled."
(c.45-125 A.D.) Greek Priest of the Delphic Oracle
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He was also an historian and like so many other historians of his time they recorded the lives of famous persons and not so famous leaders, but there is one person that most did not chronicle...
 -- RobertSRQ     
     -- Anonymous      
     -- E Archer, NYC      
     -- Rock Ape, Pensacola      
    Right! a person comes into this world and starts gathering kindling (ideas, observations, learning etc). So the mind is filled and replunished daily. Don't kid yourself, you can't start a fire without kindling, in the forest or in the mind. A person must "think" upon a subject first. Then a spark sets a fire of action in his mind. Sparks can come from many sources. All of us have had a special teacher spark our mental kindling. Some won't admit it however.
     -- w dornth, Arizona     
    Too much knowledge fill in our mind just make us tired. Thinking and creating are the things that I need.
     -- Dorothy, Xi'an     
    I like it a lot
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 2
    Sex and drugs dilute the fire, while abstinence keeps the flames fueled.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create abstinence to destruction. 
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Socialism is an extreme challenge to human / noble abilities (individually and socially). The history of socialism for centuries has been that of destruction (abstaining from peace, prosperity and recognition of individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law). Socialism not only drains the vessel, it extinguishes all positive mental fires.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Mike, Norwalk, you clearly live in the world of make believe and making it up as you go along. "I made it up I went along, all I need is a miracle."   Socialism is a new ideological alternative eliminating recreational sex and drugs, and incorporating the Fredrick William Sillik principle of the Maximum Wage. 
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Hardly a new principle from socialists to restrict the rights of others.  Hitler was a vegetarian, didn't smoke, and didn't drink alcohol  and he prohibited such being consumed around him.  What you fail to address is the "how" to eliminate recreational sex and drugs.  ;-)  Lofty is the ideal, it's the enforcement that is socialism. 

    Fred, your version of socialism is nothing but a petty dictatorship  nothing new about it.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    No, Mr Archer, I'm not dictating anything. Nature maintains morals and manners must be implemented. You are more the intolerant type, as is associated with Mr Hitler, rejected your obligations for a ordered societal arrangement. Mr Archer, the present conventional populous arrangement can't even hold a simple positive conversation, proof of their negligent practices. Implement the Maximum Wage. 

     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    So is this your new tag line, "Implement the Maximum Wage"?  If you are not dictating, to whom exactly are you telling to implement it?  Your rhetoric is filled with dictates.  My "obligations for an ordered societal arrangement"?  Says who?!  (You, obviously.)  If you proscribe living in harmony with the Laws of Nature, I am with you.  But if I am obligated to live according to an ordered arrangement — i.e. not by consent — then once again you claim power and authority that is not yours, which is classic dictatorial socialism.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Sillik, okay, once again lolololol, hahahaha. WHAT ? ? ? I know, you being the socialist messiah, you have psychic and other powers we mere sentient chattel do not have  SO PLEASE!, enlighten me as to what I'm making up as I go along. I'd like to fix it. By the way  FYI, socialism is NOT a new ideology, no matter how many times you try and pass that lie but rather, a centuries old perversion. Socialism promotes illicit and recreational sex and drugs.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Mr, Archer, I am not dictating. I am giving you accurate and evidential reports on how the populous arrangement can be best served for the fair and productive benefit of all. 
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mike, Norwalk, please refrain from calling me the Messiah, we are dealing with a very primitive mentality. I am social scientist and would not care to much to be crucified. You repeatedly report that Socialism is quite old and widespread, yet I observe no other contributors anywhere on this site or much anywhere else for that matter on the subject, other than me of course. Socialist do not practice recreational sex or drugs, despite some drug dealers and sex traffickers claims.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     

    Sillik, once again your ignorance astounds me. ONCE MORE, you have attempted to redefine another word "Messiah" without even knowing what it means (your bigoted ignorance is showing). You err once more, "we" are NOT dealing with a very primitive mentality — you are. LOLOLOL — the vast majority of messiahs were not crucified. It was you that referenced your uniqueness and others wondering if you are the socialist messiah.

    You are not a scientist of/by any means ! ! ! For all the times I've ask you to provide a scientific methodology that you used to come up with your conclusions, you've never once been able to / or even attempted to enlighten us with your scientific actions. Your lack of memory concerning this site's contributors on the subject of socialism doesn't even scratch history's reporting on socialism. By your statement(s) here, are you parroting the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party public stance on sex and drugs while Hitler with his many (like Eva Braun) really didn't practice recreationally? (by practice, did you mean until they get it perfect)?

     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Mike, Norwalk, you are just making-up BS about the Nazis and trying to associate me with them. You are the intolerant, exploitive Nazis type, not to mention "brutal, perverted."  When a Nazi organization is defeated, there's only way to beat them, and that's become more intolerant, exploitive, "brutal, perverted," then they were.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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    PS: My scientific credentials are based on  basic reasoning abilities. Your populous arrangement has no science because "hustle is the name of the game." Science has no need or time for games.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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    Okay, now, because your basic reasoning abilities are nil to extremely flawed and, in a socialist arrangement (an "arrangement" requires a third Party to facilitate the ordering), a psychotic multi-personality has to certify your credentials, how certifiable are you? Because you do not accept individual sovereignty, you can NOT credibly self proclaim your credentials (an oxymoron). From a social scientist's established methodology, please demonstrate how anything you are claiming is even anywhere near accurate. 

    What BS am I making up? Please be detailed and use some established scientific methodology.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
    Mike, Norwalk, you don't make any sense as usual. The biggest gripe and bi*ch in the world about me is: Mr Fredrick William Sillik is always for good, why can't he ever be for me?
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Mike, Norwalk, much of what you say is just plain nonsensical, but a good mental health provider cannot just write you off.  I would have abandon everyone else on the entire planet. Trying to salvage what you express he must guide you through to a new advanced mental refinement .

     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Sillik, through scientific method, please define advanced mental refinement and how it correlates to nature's law. I may be just plain nonsensical at times (thank you for noticing); WHILE, your continuing circular word salad makes NO sense in any dimension you may claim to be currently inhabiting.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Mike, Norwalk, an advanced refinement would be a general respect for life itself, granting life, me, a national acknowledgement of who I am and what I represent.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Sillik, thank you for proving my point. Your messiah complex rationalizes your extremely superficial emotionality, non-existent status and your inability to think critically, attempt scientific methodology and/or definitively explain anything without a circular word salad. "general respect"?; "granting life"? "national acknowledgement of who I am and what I represent."?; "Maximum Wage."?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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