"The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level."
Norman Mailer
(1923-2007) American novelist, journalist, essayist, poet, playwright, screenwriter, and film director
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Reader comments about this quote:
 -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US      
I agree
 -- Leo, Miami     
    Anonymous, if you disagree, please tell us just exactly what is the function of socialism. Maybe it's to make everyone equally miserable, except the 3% who run the show. And don't miss the party meeting tonight.
     -- jim k, Austin     
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    Socialism also stifles innovation, retards social mobility (both upward and downward) and throws open the doors of government for a totalitarian dictatorship to walk in; what a deal!
     -- Justin, Elkland     
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    If socialism is what the Norwegians (rated best place in the world to live) or other Scandinavian countries are doing then it certainly has some good points. If its opposite is rampant capitalism with industry having its sway and way over the lives of everyone else without them having any control such as with oil spills, pollution and rape of the environment for profit then I am for socialism or at least for a free people to control their own lives individually and collectively or is that socially.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Yes, I must give it to NM, he is perfectly correct if he added at the end of this quote "...for the rich." Jim, I'm not going to pull the appropriate references - there are thousands some are extreme right wing and most are compassionate and have good reason. You make me laugh - you don't say a thing about socializing the wealthy families, the banks, AIG and so on and so on. But, you dare give the poor or those who cannot afford medical insurance Universal health care and all your guns come out blazing - what hypocrisy - its show us you are on the side of the LOOTER class.
     -- RBESRQ     
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    Socialism legalized is nothing more than legalized plunder and it makes a good stepping stone to total government control over free enterprise that incorporates for government protection from the irresponsibilities of CEO's. These bailouts give government the means to socialize industry to further its power and control over the entire country. A greedier lot there's never been that's ruining our republic today.
     -- Anon     
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    Mailers comment is just little (eek! little?) too close to the truth to be truly funny, but it is concise, incisive and even captivating although fear inspiring.
     -- John, Washington UT     
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    I bet he borrowed it from his friend W.F.Buckley
     -- Al May, Dover,DE     
    The function of socialism is to make elitist intellectuals our masters, running their little social experiments on us. They could care less whether they are masters of the poor or the rich, just as long as they are the masters.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    Socialism is usually measured by piles of skulls.
     -- henry, everytown     
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    Henry, everytown, yes, please keep it that way. Most on this blog have no idea what they are talking about which is usual for right-wing fascists (and why you call yourself Libertarians is beyond me as Libertarians and Liberals use to be bedfellows until capitalism divided them). Ken, please learn your history Socialism and elitist intellectuals is an oxymoron. Obviously you watch to much Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.
     -- RBESRQ     
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    Good call Ken.
     -- Anon     
    I AM FOR A FREE PEOPLE TO CONTROL THEIR LIVES BOTH INDIVUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY. I am for us to come together and stop pollution, environmental degradation, over poplulation etcetera. If that is Socialism I am all for it. If the opposite way of thinking is to have free enterprise without any controls or oversite from the masses, and thus be left along to do anything to the environment and thus to us and you call that Capitalism then I am against Capitalism. Now is there a middle ground, let us hop so and let us find it. We will not find it by the dealogue and knee jerk mentalities so often expressed on this blog. Chck yourself if you knee jerk to these things you are not free at all. You are not at LIBERTY to even have free and open (minded) discussion.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Waffler, your definition of socialism only hit on one socialistic tenant, that was the elimination of individuals. It is socialism that has promoted true wealth destruction, immorality, done away with law that would define capitalism and, promoted corporatism.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Waffler, would you consider forced abortions to control population? How about forced birth control after one pregnancy? How about forced birth control period? You know, you could even set up a lotto to see who gets to have a baby? Maybe you could start at the other end and set up a mandatory death age because the individual is past his usefulness to "society". Whatever your definition of socialism, it makes me sick to listen to egotiscal prattle that spumes from the so-called philanthropists mouths of our so-called intellectual superiors because I know it's 90% lie, 10% truth. Will there ever be a day when the majority will fall for all these lies? May our Creator help us then.
     -- Anon     
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     -- Anonymous      
    Family size Anon has flucuated with the ages. Farming families use to be big because they felt they needed the hands to till the fields and carry on the dynasty. The human species will not survive if it becomes as it has, the only successful species. We need to take care of our world, which has a limited ability to nurture us. I am not for forced abortion or for any law mandating family size. I am for enlightened policy emanating from all sectors that instills a social norm or mores for an understanding and respect for the interconnectedness of the planet, its resources and its population. The Chineese or more correctly Mao wrongly, in most opinions, encouraged and promoted the over population of China. Now a draconian law was instituted to correct his and China's stupidity. All I am asking Anon is for human intelligence to prevail, and that we live in accordance with our Creatores command to be good stewards of the earth he has created and given to us. If that is socialism so be it. I just think that it is good policy. For more about demographics sign on to or google NPG-Negative Poplulation Growth or ZPG-Zero Population Growth. These tow educational organizations teach that the optimal population of America is 180 million. That is what it was in 1950. In just over 50 years it has nearly doubled. If it doubles in the next 50 we will have 600 million. This is the most significant fact and public policy issue of our time. Only one man has mentioned it within the politcal arena. That man is the most courageous politco extant and it is none other than Al Gore.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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     -- Ron, Salem      
    As no less a "luminary" of the left than Mao Tse Tung expressed it:

    "Communism has nothing to do with love-
    it is an excellent hammer with which we destroy our enemies."

    The megadeath inflicted by statists, last century, attests to the salience of his observation.
     -- Patrick Henry, Red Hill     
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    Depopulation is the stated goal of socialists worldwide. This is WAR!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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