"Once 'our people' get themselves
into a position to make policy,
they cease being 'our people'."
M. Stanton Evans
(1934- ) American journalist, author, educator and political activist
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Been there, done that! Sometimes, I expect, folks lie to get elected. No one comes to mind except every politician I'm aware of. There is another view that one discovers as well. Things are not always as they seem. There ARE reasons for a lot of things being the way they are. There are good people that you can work with whether your party is the same or not. You can be fooled and The Who had that right. The change from doctrinaire to realist has to be experienced to be understood. There was a time in my life, a tender age to say the least, when I firmly believed that only German Lutheran Republicans had a chance of going to heaven. I've come to understand that may not be completely accurate. Others will be considered. I do hope you can laugh with me on that one! It is the crux of the quote.
 -- J B Wulff, Bristol, CT     
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     -- Joe, Murphy, NC      
    An inappropriate generalization which is often incorrect in specific cases and indeed may never be correct even as those who turn were likely never "our people" in the first place.
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US     
    Many times I've seen someone run on reducing spending and smaller government only to get elected and breathe the rarified Washigton air and vote right along with the insane libs. To understand why liberals are nuts, read "The Liberal Mind,The Psychological Causes of Political Madness".
     -- jim k, Austin     
    They sure exempt themselves from many of the laws they force on us. How glad they are to no longer be ONE OF US.
     -- cal reeves, lewisville, tx     
    The term policymaking is a euphemism for designing infringements on one person's liberty for the benefit of another person. It is in practice representing individuals instead of the people, eventually resulting in less liberty for all.
     -- Justin, Elkland     
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    Some folk are grumbling that Obama spends too much time playing golf. I think that he should play more golf since he isn't "governing" when he's on the golf course. He should take Harry, Nancy , and Barney with him and can you imagine a more gruesome foursome.
     -- jim k, Austin     
    Yes, Jim, just like Bush did on the Ranch. Satire, but worth three stars.
     -- RBESRQ     
    I rate this quote 5 stars. It certainly reflects the thinking of the majority of our present elected Senators and Congressmen, and particularly our President who has turned 180 degrees left from his campaign speeches -- except for his promise of "change," which is definitely not the "change" most of his voters imagined it to be. No one I know voted for Socialism!
     -- Anonymous, Anonymous     
    Long before anybody is actually elected into office they are bought and paid for by the banking elite and if any politician today fails to make mention of this, the main controlling power behind the power, then he is already lost to us and belongs to the elite. It is up to us to ask the critical questions about the banking elite to any and all of any politician running for office in America. The real enemy are the bankers who pocket the coin with the democrats on one side and republicans on the other. Unless our politicians break out of this 2 party war and come together as Americans to take out the real power in Washington, the same ole same ole will continue in America and the further we will sink into the abyss called American politics and the closer we come to losing our country and it will no longer belong to the American freeman (woman). Wake up people, we must break out of this 2 party way of dealing with our politics.-------"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." Lord Acton
     -- Anon     
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    Little difference between the two parties, both seem conflicted in their allegiance to money and power, and the people. The same of attempts at splitting folks into factions, the ole "liberals" blame game going on here which is so non-productive. Bush lied to get us into a war which has tripled and more our national debt, so blame that on the liberals too. And as far as policy making restricting our rights (allegedly under liberalism) just doesn't explain the Patriot Act designed by Bush Administration even prior to 9-11. Are these slugs against someone else who thinks differently than you intended to stop the dialogue sidetracking it into a hate game. This gets so old or maybe it is the old who cannot look at the world in any other terms. Off the blame game, it has been evident to me working for government that it often is kingdom building. Once someone gets into a nice job they want security and create a kingdom and new policies around them to assure their job security.
     -- Judith, Corrales     
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    I think we must decide right now where we want to go. We the people deserve better. The future will bring serfdom or freedom, but it is up to you. We cannot change what has happened past, but we can do something about moving toward the United States Constitution, freedom from the UN and NWO, and liberty in our own right. Do you know that in 2009, 2 Congressmen and one Senator voted in a manner that supported the Constitution and your liberty 100% of the time? They were: Representatives Flake (AZ) and Paul (TX) and Senator Coburn (OK). Don't you find that rather telling when there are 535 people you have given the power to represent you, yet only 3 did? You would vomit to learn the number of people who voted under 90%of the time for your freedom...look it up...before you vote again. As it turns out we don't have people, they have us.
     -- Abigail     
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    Unfortunately, most people never realize that "their" men never were theirs. They are like fans of professional sports who who live a fantasy and believe their favorite players is just one of the boys, just like them. Politics, just like sports, is just so much bread a circuses. Actually politics is most like professional wrestling come to think of it.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    Way too true. Obama may be bad, but we still have to pick from the New World Order's list next time around. If everything swings from extreme left to extreme right, Fascism will continue to progress unabated. Do NOT elect any more Democrats or Republicans!! Elect representatives of the Common Man with honor and integrity who will not allow hypocrisy and deceipt to eat away at the foundations of the republic! The enemy is within and seated on the throne. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely -- so why centralize so much power tobe abused by the next guy? That is not how our government was to be structured -- the LIMITING of power was to be exercised, not the granting of unlimited power. Wake up!!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    As example; my/our people usually go to the body politic with good intentions of representing 'We The People" Once in government office, they support the 2nd plank of the communist manifesto (enslaving larceny). The newly elected once in office then acts to represent the gods/masters in charge (not "We The People").
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    He don't very much like "policy," do he ?
     -- Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT     
     -- Ronw13, Yachats OR      
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