FDR - And The Raw Deal


"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element
in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S.
since the days of Andrew Jackson."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
in a letter written Nov. 21, 1933 to Colonel E. Mandell House

On Friday, May 2, 1997 the United States paid tribute to a president that left his indelible stamp on
the nation. A granite and bronze memorial was dedicated to Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the
shores of the Potomac River, and, during the ceremony, his grandson said, "We gather to pay
tribute not to a man, but to an era." In this article we will attempt to examine the elements at work
behind the president who ushered in the New Deal and those hidden powers who still work their
will today.

During the dedication ceremony President Clinton called FDR "the greatest American president of
this great American century." He also said Roosevelt was "a master politician and a magnificent
commander in chief." The Clinton administration is finishing the work begun by Roosevelt, and the
opportunity is ripe for showcasing the policies and objectives of the "New Deal" and for praising
the man who exemplifies them.

Of FDR, Rexford Tugwell wrote: "He had a good Harvard education when Fabianism was
developing, and he probably knew quite well the works of H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw
(Fabian Socialists)." Well-connected socialists early this century were familiar with the political
winds and helped influence the direction they were beginning to blow. John Dewey, the father of
humanism, wrote in Individualism, Old and New (1929): "We are in for some kind of socialism,
call it by whatever name we please, and no matter what it will be called when it is realized....There
is still enough vitality in the older individualism to offer a very serious handicap to any party or
program which calls itself by the name Socialism....The older individualism is still sufficiently
ingrained to obtain allegiance in confused sentiment and in vocal utterance." It was clear to Mr.
Dewey that if socialism was to come about, it would have to bear a different title. Later, in 1929,
came the stock market crash which brought about the intended condition of despair in this country
and the subsequent election of Roosevelt and the "New Deal".

"New Deal" was the new title chosen for the socialist agenda. Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law,
doubted that FDR was the originator of this vast "recovery" effort. In his book, FDR: My Exploited
Father-in-Law (1967) he stated, "For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and
ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the USA. But he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his
political 'ammunition,' as it were, was carefully manufactured for him in advance by the CFR-One
World Money Group."

The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) One-World Money Group was the "power behind the
throne", so to speak, and Fabianism was the religion or social doctrine of that inner circle of power
with world domination and control its consummate objective. FDR was not only acquainted with the
works of Fabian socialist, H.G. Wells, as Rexford Tugwell wrote, but he was on friendly terms with

Wells, himself, spoke somewhat of the conspiracy taking place to rule the world. In his book,
Experiment in Autobiography (1934) he commented, "The organization of this that I call the Open
Conspiracy, the evocation of a greater sounder fellow to the Communist essay, an adequately
implemented Liberal Socialism, which will ultimately supply teaching, coercive and directive public
services to the whole world, is the immediate task." He went on to say when the consummate
objective would be reached. "It's coming is likely to happen very quickly....Sometimes I feel that
generations of propaganda and education may have to precede it....Plans for political synthesis seem
to grow bolder and more extensive."

After reading Wells' Experiment in Autobiography, FDR wrote to him and said, "How do you
manage to retain such extraordinarily clear judgments? ...I believe our (FDR's administration)
biggest success is making people think during these past two years. They may not be thinking
straight but they are thinking in the right direction---and your direction and mine are not so far

About fourteen months earlier, FDR had written to Wells and said, "I have read, with pleasure and
profit, almost everything that you have written....You are doing much to educate people
everywhere, and for that I am grateful."

Wells has also been quoted as describing FDR as "the most effective transmitting instrument
possible for the coming of the new world order....He is continuously revolutionary in the new way
without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis"...by using words like "socialism" and such.

When reelection time for FDR rolled around in 1936, it was determined by the One-World Money
Group that FDR should continue in office. Joseph Kennedy, JFK's father and former chairman of
the Securities and Exchange Commission was quoted in the New York Times as saying, "Fifty men
have run America, and that's a high figure....I don't see how anybody giving any thought to the
trends all over the world can help but feel there is something in the air in the advancement of some
new social order....That is why I feel it is of the greatest importance to reelect Mr. Roosevelt."

By this time some members of FDR's own party were becoming quite uncomfortable with the
direction he was taking the nation. Alfred Smith, former presidential candidate and mayor of New
York City, delivered a speech in Washington, D.C.,entitled, "Betrayal of the Democratic Party." He
had supported FDR in 1932, but in this speech of January 25, 1936, he stated:

"Just get the platform of the Democratic Party, and get the platform of the Socialist Party, and lay
them down on your dining room table, side by side, and get a heavy lead pencil and scratch out the
word 'Democrat', and scratch out the word 'Socialist,' and let the two platforms lay there. Then
study the record of the present administration up to date. After you have done that, make your mind
up to pick up the platform that more nearly squares with the record, and you will put your hand on
the Socialist platform."

As he was using a compliant Congress to pass radical "New Deal" legislation, the threat of war
began to loom again in Europe. Although the majority of Americans were against involvement in
another European war, Roosevelt campaigned hard against what his party termed "isolationism". A
world war was essential for the building of the New World Order and once Japan had been lured
into attacking Pearl Harbor, Americans gullibly supported their country's entry into the war. (see
Pearl Harbor: The Mother of All Conspiracies ).

As World War II was winding down, the CFR-One-World Money Group was moving forward on
its plans for the United Nations, the successor to the failed League of Nations. Encountering the
same opposition Woodrow Wilson did to the sell-out of American sovereignty to a global
super-government, FDR picked up his pen and began working on a speech designed to assuage
American misgivings. He wrote, "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts
of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith." He wrote this on April 12, 1945, in
Warm Springs, Georgia. This was also the day he died.

Over fifty years later, at the Roosevelt memorial dedication, President Clinton said, "At this time,
where the pinnacle that Roosevelt hoped America would achieve in our influence and power has
come to pass, we still strangely fight battles with doubts, doubts that he would treat with great
impatience and disdain, doubts that lead some to urge us to pull back from the world at the very
first time since Roosevelt's time when we actually can realize his vision of world peace and world
prosperity and the dominance of the ideals for which he gave his life....Let us honor his vision."

Then, still cleverly seeking to confuse the "older individualism" with doubt and unbelief, Clinton
said, "Every time you think of Franklin Roosevelt, put aside your doubts. Become more American.
Become more like him. Be infused with his strong and active faith."

This "strong and active faith" President Clinton and his sponsors would have us infused with is the
faith of quiet compliance with the schemes of wicked men. They would have us mindlessly swallow
the propaganda of peace, even while they practice terror and extortion around the globe. They
would have us sleep on while they quietly remove our few remaining freedoms and safely imprison
the world in the satanic citadel of world socialism. Their plans are doomed to failure. The present
"doubts" that "lead some to urge us to pull back" are growing cracks in the foundation of this false
system. Any system such as this one, that is built on force and fraud, will certainly come to its end.

"Behold, I am against you, O destroying mountain, says the LORD, which destroys all the earth; I
will stretch out my hand against you and remove your foundation from the rock, and will make you
a burnt mountain...you shall be desolate forever." Jeremiah 51:25,26.

Source: http://www.hotyellow98.com/maui/FDR.html

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